Search results for “arizona”

Introduction to Western Water

Welcome to the first installment in a month-long focus on water in the West. Join us on a tour through the history of the West’s water systems and major rivers, as we navigate the challenges of drought and water-scarcity facing the region. We’ll also explore Trout Unlimited’s leadership in finding innovative solutions to long-standing problems.

Administration Proposes Slashing Critical Federal Funding for Whirling Disease Research

2/8/2000 Administration Proposes Slashing Critical Federal Funding for Whirling Disease Research Administration Proposes Slashing Critical Federal Funding for Whirling Disease Research Decision Pulls Rug Out from National Efforts to Combat Disease & Ignores Recent Spread to New Mexico, Yellowstone National Park Contact: 2/8/2000 — — Reports of the Administration’s decision to propose slashing $1 million

Voices from the River: The ROI of poppies

Published in Voices from the river

By Dave Ammons For about two weeks in late June, the garden off the cabin deck explodes in the brilliant red-orange shades of the Papaver rhoeas, common poppies whose seeds were first sown in that spot by my grandfather years ago. I imagine him scratching the soil, strewing a few handfuls of seed indiscriminately, perhaps

Little water and big hopes

Published in Fishing, Conservation, Featured

Shortly before departing for the nearly 20-hour drive south from my home in Idaho my contact in New Mexico casually mentioned on a call how the snowpack was only 16 percent compared to the average and to keep my fishing expectations low

Voices from the River: Public access

Published in Voices from the river

By Dave Ammons I’m pretty sure that woven into most rivers in North America are intervals of private and public water, and the river I fish is no different. I am privileged to have access to nearly a mile of private water, a beautiful mix of long runs, boulder-strewn pocke ts, and stretches of riffles

Public lands, past and future

Published in From the President

September is Public Lands Month, and few places are more important to trout and salmon than our public lands. Half of all the blue-ribbon trout streams in the West, for example, flow across public lands. Our public lands are often the last and best strongholds for many species of native trout and char. My exposure

Renewable energy, climate change, public lands and bipartisanship … Oh my!

Published in Fishing, From the President, TROUT Magazine

Photo: USFWS/Joshua Winchell In this age of boundless partisanship, something remarkable happened this summer. A smart, forward-thinking piece of legislation addressing climate change was introduced that is sponsored by two Arizona congressmen from opposite ends of the political spectrum: Republican Paul Gosar, who rode the Tea Party wave into Congress in 2010, and Democrat Raul

EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers aim to cut protections for thousands of streams 

For immediate release  Dec. 11, 2018  Contact:  Steve Moyer,, (571) 274-0593Vice President of Government Affairs Shauna Stephenson, (307) 757-7861National Communications Director   EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers aim to cut protections for thousands of streams  Proposal leaves important drinking water sources and habitat unprotected from pollution    (Dec. 11, 2018) WASHINGTON D.C. — Trout Unlimited announced its strong

Voices from the River: The leviathan

Published in Voices from the river

Photo by Chris Hunt by Dave Ammons There exist a number of memorable fish in my experience. The little brook trout caught in a narrow, tumbling stream whose encounter caused us both to blush. A cutthroat from the depths of a mountain tarn so clear it reflected a Colorado sky all the way through to

Voices from the River: A good spot

Published in Voices from the river

By Dave Ammons On her 60th birthday my mother led me to the summit of Mt. Elbert, the highest among Colorado’s fourteeners. She was a mountain goat, small and sinewy, always seeking challenges in the wilderness. She was also determined, reticent to concede to limitations, and stubborn to the core. Not long after that climb

Voices from the River: A boy and his dog

Published in Voices from the river

By Dave Ammons Keith was my favorite and most loyal fishing buddy, mostly because he never judged. He paid no mind to a bad mend, a snag on the back cast, or a unnatural drift. He just loved observing quietly from the water’s edge. Keith recently drove with me to Colorado, riding in the back

Changes to the Clean Water Rule have big impacts on the ground

Published in Advocacy, Conservation, Science

High in the headwaters of Back Creek in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia are several small streams that only run after it rains. Those “ephemeral” tributaries to Back Creek, a wild brook trout stream that also holds browns and rainbows, intersect with the proposed 600-mile route of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, a project that

When I go gear

Published in Voices from the river, Fishing, TROUT Magazine

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] TU’s Corey Fisher with a beast from one of Oregon’s fabled steelhead waters, the Umpqua. His casting rod sat in its holder mounted to the side of the boat. At the end of 35 feet of 12-pound monofilament, his metallic pink Mag-Lip plug wiggled back and forth near

Voices from the River: The BFW pattern

Published in Voices from the river

“The friends I can count on, I can count on one hand”. — Anonymous I have a fishing buddy who’s fond of sayings and that particular one has resonated with me. He’s always been one of the guys I have counted on. Not sure he can say the same thing about m e. We are

NRCS awards $1.4 million Conservation Innovation Grant to Trout Unlimited and Encourage Capital

June 8, 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Laura Ziemer,, 406-599-2606 Ricardo Bayon,, 415-373-6363 Pioneering program attracts private investment in agriculture upgrades and river habitat improvements (Washington, D.C.) The Natural Resources Conservation Service today announced a $1.4 million Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) to Trout Unlimited and Encourage Capital, a New York-based investment group, for

Poll shows voters want renewable energy and healthy habitat

Contact:Keith Curley, (703) 284-9428Brian Zupancic, (202) 997-4966 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Poll shows voters want renewable energy and healthy habitat Results support balancing wind and solar energy with hunting and fishing Westerners strongly endorse the idea of wind and solar energy companies doing their part in maintaining our hunting and fishing heritage according to a poll