Search results for “battenkill river”

A river turned inside out

Published in Conservation, Community, TROUT Magazine, Youth

By Ivory Williams Have you ever seen a river turned inside out? I have and it is a pretty shocking sight. For the past six summers I worked as an intern for Nez Perce Fisheries. Trout Unlimited and the Nez Perce Tribe are partnering on some projects throughout Idaho and I was excited to get

Rainscaping to help the Rogue River

Published in Conservation

By Jamie Vaughan Michigan has no shortage of freshwater lakes, rivers and streams, and local environmental groups are always collaborating to come up with creative ways to protect the precious water resources.   In western Michigan, partners joined together to create the Grand River Rainscaping Program, which is helping homeowners, landscapers and contractors learn about and incorporate green infrastructure practices

Voices from the River: Nuts

Published in Voices from the river

/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/Screen-Shot-2019-03-26-at-1.11.06-PM.png A nice Dolly Varden caught thanks to energy provided by peanuts. Photo by Eric Booton. By Eric Booton For better or worse, my wife and I are trying a diet. We aren’t the “diet type,” in that we don’t jump around from diet to diet or generally adhere to a strict diet. Currently though,

Voices from the River: Resolved

Published in Voices from the river

Resolutions in January are dumb. I really can’t get into making any sort of rule for myself when there’s only seven hours of daylight and simply getting the newspaper feels like an expedition across the arctic tundra. Leniency. Naps. Snacks. S weat pants. These are things I can get on board with in January. But

Metolius River Stewardship Project

Goals TU is working to restore habitat and water quality for native redband, bull trout, salmon and steelhead habitat on central Oregon’s Metolius River, one of the state’s most popular fishing destinations. The Metolius supports one of the healthiest populations of bull trout in the lower 48 states. This popularity, unfortunately, has led to heavy trail and

Colorado River Cutthroat Trout

Trout Unlimited has a diverse research and monitoring program focused on understanding the basic ecology and habitat requirements of Colorado River cutthroat trout. This work, done with various state and federal partners, helps us identify key habitat needs throughout the year so we can restore and protect important aspects of trout environments, such as over-wintering,

Bear River Cutthroat Trout

Trout Unlimited has undertaken several movement studies to determine when and where Bear River cutthroat trout move. These studies have helped us identify conservation needs such as removal of barriers blocking spawning runs, and to determine if fish successfully access upstream habitat after barriers are removed. Following trout movement in the Bear River Cutthroat trout

Voices from the River: Gifts

Published in Uncategorized, Voices from the river

Fishing is, at its heart, a solitary exercise. Just you and a rod and your line a simple connection to a watery world. Don’t get me wrong. Fishing is a great activity to do with family and friends. Some of my best memories are of fishing for snook on the Gulf Coast of Florida with

Voices from the River: Solstice

Published in Voices from the river

By Scott Willoughby I’ve never really been what the gang over on Santa Claus Lane might describe as “Christmas-y.” But I’ve always thought I’d make a decent pagan. Never having formally studied paganism, I’m not entirely sure why, although I do enjoy hanging out in the woods quite a bit, especially over a good Yule

Voices from the River: Sanctuary

Published in Voices from the river

Beauty and fishing opportunities abound on Florida’s Captiva Island. By Sam Davidson My grandfather on my mother’s side—who introduced me to fishing— had plenty of reasons to be angry. He lost both his parents to the flu epidemic of 1918 when he was young and was raised by various relatives. He worked hard to become

Voices from the River: Whitefish

Published in Voices from the river

The underappreciated mountain whitefish. Photo by Chris Hunt. By Eric Booton With a trip to Montana on the books for a wedding, I immediately began penciling out how I could optimize my time with the groom, my family and seek out new finned friends in some remarkable rivers with my wife. The famed waters of

Lower Dean River Lodge

About us The Lower Dean River Lodge was originally built by Rob Stewart and Dick Blewett. In 2012, the lodge and outbuildings were literally wiped off the river by a 200 year flood. We are proud to finally announce that the new lodge and site is finished. As someone not involved with the actual building

Voices from the River: Redemption

Published in Voices from the river

By Jenny Weis This’ll be one of my shortest blog posts. For pertinent background information and full appreciation of what follows, first check out this post from earlier this season. (TL;DR: I came so close to catching a great rainbow trout on a beautiful river, on a perfect evening, but it eluded the net and