Search results for “battenkill river”

Voices from the River: An autumn break

Published in Voices from the river

By Mark Taylor As the sun dipped toward the western horizon on a relatively mild early January evening, I sat in what had become a pretty familiar position over the previous few weeks. In a tree. These were the waning days of deer season and I was doing my best to tag a whitetail. Here

Gunnison River: Concrete Levy Restoration

Gunnison River: Concrete Levy Restoration

Goals In 2013 TU partnered with a landowner to remove a 500-foot section of concrete rip-rap on a popular recreational stretch of the Gunnison River. The armored bank was causing channel incision, and depositing sediment in undesirable locations downstream. Lack of vegetative cover and in-channel refuge increased trout susceptibility to low flows and increased water

Voices from the River: Keeping the Faith

Published in Voices from the river

Nick Halle, TU’s volunteer operations coordinator, kept at it even after falling in over his head and was rewarded with this nice buck steelhead from Ohio’s Conneaut Creek during a recent TU staff steelhead outing. By Mark Taylor “I’ve lost all faith.” The admission came from Keith Curley as we stood in the snow on

Voices from the River: Bug life

Published in Voices from the river

By Toner Mitchell Your best arguments are the simplest ones. Water, including anything you dump into it, flows downhill. Katrina, Sandy, Harvey and Maria comprise a trend. California and the burning mountain west comprise a trend. God didn’t create all these species so we could destroy his good work. You are sincere, yet careful about

Voices from the River: Joy in snow

Published in Voices from the river

By Scott Willoughby An enlightened sage once suggested that those who choose not to find joy in snow will have much less joy in life. But still the same amount of snow. Said savant was undoubtedly a skier. And a trout fisher. I honestly don’t recall which I learned to do first, ski or fish.

Voices from the River: In the company of ghosts

Published in Voices from the river

By Toner Mitchell I spent Halloween this year in the company of ghosts. They weren’t the bed-sheet kind, but the long-gone n ative residents of Frijoles Canyon, in the Bandelier National Monument on New Mexico’s Pajarito Plateau. Established around 1150 AD by ancestral Puebloans fleeing drought and social strife in the Four Corners region, Bandelier

Voices from the River: Pondering gratitude

Published in Voices from the river

We’ll always have to fight for our public lands, but we should be grateful we have them in the first place. Photo by Chris Hunt. By Scott Willoughby It has been said that the hardest math to master is the ability to count our blessings. Funny enough, I’ve never been particularly good at math. That’s

Voices from the River: Wader season

Published in Voices from the river

By Toner Mitchell The boy is back in school, the trees around his soccer field the same blazing gold as the cottonwoods alon g the Rio Grande and the flanks of the brown trout bucks I’m hoping to catch there. The aspens, now bare, were equally stunning a month ago when I hiked up in

Voices from the River: A trip west

Published in Travel, Voices from the river

By Ben Tayloe A spoiled, seven year-old yellow lab named Chester and a six-week stay in Germany for my wife’s job made the drive across the country a necessity. The only family member who volunteered to watch our dog happened to live on the central coast of California, a great place to visit but nearly

Voices from the River: Many hats

Published in Voices from the river

Jessica Strickland and her daughter Vida, project managing in the Sequoia National Forest backcountry. By Jessica Strickland Working with Trout Unlimited really is just NOT boring. What we do as field staff is so diverse that I have become a woman of many hats. A recent weekend was a great example of how what we

Voices from the River: Common water

Published in Voices from the river

The author’s son getting a rowing lesson on Alaska’s Skilak Lake. Photo by Nelli Williams. By Nelli Williams Rivers bring people together. Some of my fondest friend-filled memories are on the river. Where we’ve laughed til our cheeks hurt—even years later— over the chaos in the boat when that first fish hit; or enjoyed a

Voices from the River: Deadbeat dams

Published in Voices from the river

Photo by Eric Booton By Eric Booton In the summer of 2015, I spent a week with my family on the Olympic Peninsula. We hiked in Olympic National Park, fished for humpies in the salt, and took a field trip to check out the recently liberated Elwha River whose dam had been re moved and

Voices from the River: Precious time

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt I’ve never been much of a public speaker. It’s just not my thing. But when my sister-in-law asked me to speak at my brother’s funeral … well, you don’t say ‘no’ to that. In truth, I sobbed my way through the eulogy—Brice was my little brother, and while I could handle the

Voices from the River: A reincarnated trout?

Published in Voices from the river

Photo courtesy Colorado Parks and Wildlife. By Garrett Hanks Extinction, as the saying goes, is forever. Reincarnation? Let’s just say the jury is still out. But the case for rebirth grew significantly stronger over the summer when Colorado Parks and Wildlife confirmed the rediscovery of a native trout species long considered extinct. Thanks to a

Voices from the River: Grazing reality

Published in Voices from the river

By Toner Mitchell Livestock grazing has always played a leading role in shaping the image, if not the substance, of America. Evidence is everywhere from the burger in your hand, the jeans covering your butt, possibly your favorite pro football team (“America’s Team”), to the truck you drive “til the cows come home,” even if

Voices from the River: Potomac treasures

Published in Voices from the river

By Mark Taylor “Birds!” We were drifting near the Bloody Point Bar Light in the Chesapeake Bay near Kent Island when Joe McGurrin made the observation. “How did I miss those?” he wondered while firing up the outboard on his vintage Grady White cuddy cabin. A few minutes later we were easing into the fray,

Voices from the River: Cruising upriver

Published in Voices from the river

By Jenny Weis Rounding the corner from the dock, I turn my baseball hat backwards so it doesn’t blow off my head, and zip my down vest up all the way so it covers my neck. Standing behind me at the motor, Connor turns the throttle and I fold my arms across my chest and

Voices from the River: Stand at the summit

Published in Voices from the river

By Scott Willoughby In a landlocked rise of rock and ice, Thompson Divide flows like a vein of Colorado gold. Within its bounds lies a vast sweep of lustrous aspen groves and lush conifer forests surrounded by the iconic sentinel of Mount Sopris to the east, the towering Ragged Wilderness to the south and the

Voices from the River: Keeping secrets

Published in Voices from the river

By Toner Mitchell I once wrote an article for a fly fishing mag about a stream that at least one person thought should be kept a secret. This man (in my experience, women generally wait until they know someone better before labeling them a term that rhymes with “mooshrag”) claimed that my article would attract

Voices from the River: How it starts

Published in Voices from the river

By Sam Davidson A few years back I saw a post on one of my social media feeds from a guy I know named Gabe. It was an image of a letter he had written to his mother from Salmon, Idaho, when he was a kid. This short note to a distant mom—with affection appended