Search results for “battenkill river”

Voices from the River: Conversations on ice

Published in Voices from the river

The end of great day of ice fishing on the St. Louis River in Duluth, Minnesota. Brett Prettyman photo. By Brett Prettyman DULUTH, Minnesota — You learn a lot about someone while sharing a space the size of a row of three airplane seats for eight hours. A dd fishing chatter to the mix, particularly

Voices from the River: A winter respite

Published in Voices from the river

By Randy Scholfield Here on the Front Range, where plains meet mountains, winter weather is always unpredictable, a hit-and-run affair. We might get a foot of snow—and three days later, it’s 70 degrees and you get a hatch of Boulder dudes in shorts and flip-flops. For the past week, we’ve been having one of those

Voices from the River: Mutual Respect

Published in Voices from the river

Who taught you a respect for the river? As an interviewer it’s a simple question, right? Ten years ago, I would never have imagined paying attention as I do today when a father and daughter speak about a family tradition of loving and respecting the river. Things change, people grow and we develop a game

Voices from the River: Family tradition

Published in Voices from the river

By Josh Duplechian This is hands down the coldest my feet have ever been. Honestly. Remind me, why am I here again? Yes, that’s right for the annual sufferfest tradition we call fishing for steelhead off of Lake Erie. Sliding out of the warmth of the local breakfast joint and into our snow-filled parking spot,

Voices from the River: Old Blue

Published in Voices from the river

by Chris Hunt It was bright blue when I first crawled into it as a 12-year-old kid. Its paper-thin nylon hardly seemed sturdy enough to stop a breath of wind, let alone protect its occupants from whatever it was that wandered the woods at night. That wispy little barrier, though, provided real emotional security for

Voices from the River: An Idaho solution

Published in Voices from the river

Redfish Lake, Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho. Photo by Chris Hunt by Chris Hunt I admit it. I’m biased. I love my home state of Idaho. Home to sprawling sage-brush seas, sky-piercing mountains, old-growth cedar and spruce forests and some of the best trout water on the planet, it’s no accident that I arrived here some

TU applauds Klamath River legislation

May 21, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, (571) 274-0593Sam Davidson, Communications Director, California/Nevada, (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Applauds New Klamath River Legislation Senators Wyden, Merkley, Feinstein and Boxer show leadership, act to resolve long-standing water issues in the third most productive salmon river on the West Coast BERKELEY,

Delaware River Trout Dodge Bullet

Delaware River Trout Dodge Bullet Delaware River Trout Dodge Bullet High rain totals save rivers for time being. Long-term flow problems remain with NYC reservoirs. Contact: Nat Gillespie Catskills Coordinator Trout Unlimited (607) 498-5960, 6/12/2002 — Hancock, New York — Today storage levels in New York Citys three reservoirs on upper Delaware River tributaries

Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem

2/11/2000 Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem Background and Prospects for Recovery Contact: 2/11/2000 — — A Brief History In 1910, the free-flowing, fisheries-rich, 45-mile-long Elwha River, located in Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula, was blocked by the construction of the Elwha Dam creating the Lake

Background and Summary: Snake River Chinook

7/9/1999 Background and Summary: Snake River Chinook Background and Summary: Snake River Chinook Status and Expected Time to Extinction for Snake River Spring and Summer Chinook Stocks Contact: 7/9/1999 — — Download the full report in .pdf format July 1999 — Snake River spring and summer chinook salmon once returned in great enough numbers to

Merrimack River Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Merrimack River Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant to Study Dam Removal on the Souhegan River

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jeff Lindberg, Merrimack River Valley TU President (603)-305-0029Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408 Merrimack River Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Merrimack River Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant to Study Dam Removal on the Souhegan River Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited, (TU) the nations oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization,

Voices from the River: Where gratitude flows

Published in Voices from the river

Chulitna River. Photo by Laura Bartholomae By Jenny Weis For those of us in this community who fly fish with any regularity, it’s safe to say we’re pretty lucky. To go fishing is to set aside a few hours just for fun. It’s for breathing fresh air. For taking advantage of clean rivers, access to

Voices from the River: Tell me a story

Published in Voices from the river

Hillary and youngest daughter, Susie, fishing on the Green River. Photo courtesy of Hillary Walrath. By Hillary Walrath “Mommy, tell me a real story from when you were a kid.” Recently, my oldest daughter became obsessed with me telling stories before bed. I started with fairy tales of make-believe but one night I was tired

Voices from the River: Luck versus Skill

Published in Voices from the river

Luck, or skill? In the case of exceptional anglers like the Steelhead Whisperer, it’s mostly the latter. By Jim Burns Consider how much of your fly fishing is skill, how much is luck. This summer I excitedly boarded a plane with my fly tube and sat down, expecting nothing more than a peaceful flight, but

Voices from the River: Community Fishing Day

Published in Voices from the river

Russian River Falls. Photo from Flickr Creative Commons By Jenny Weis I was momentarily upset when a member/supporter event for work, “Community Fishing Day,” got scheduled the same Saturday as Ladies Backpacking Weekend. Summer goes by so fast, and with visitors, salmon fishing, travel and jam-packed calendars, it’s not uncommon to seldom see your Alaska

Video spotlight: Amazon River Fly Fishing

Published in Video spotlight

My friend Mark Melnyk travels the world hosting episodes of The New Fly Fisher, an old-school fly-fishing program that’s adapting to its web-only format quite nicely. Every time I watch an episode, I’m transported back to those lazy Saturday mornings in the 1990s and early 2000s, when hosts like Jose Wejebe and Flip Pallot would

Voices from the River: The spiritual value of steelhead

Published in Voices from the river

Jerry Myers gives his grandchild Elkan a perfect perch to enjoy fishing with his grandpa. Courtesy Jerry Myers. By Jerry Myers I am an Idaho salmon and steelhead angler edging into my 6th decade. What I am witnessing this year feels uncomfortably similar to the despair of the mid 1970s and early 1990s. Wild steelhead

Voices from the River: Fly fishing as therapy

Published in Voices from the river

Dan Nelson took some time away from his worries about having Stage 4 brain cancer and ended up catching this beautiful brown trout during a Reel Recovery fly fishing retreat. Photo courtesy of Reel Recovery. By Brett Prettyman Like many anglers, Dan Nelson took his time on the water for granted. He appreciated being on