Search results for “battenkill river”

Tip – fishing big rivers

Published in Fishing, Trout Talk

Big rivers equal big fish, right? That is certainly true in Chile, where this video is shot, but that is also true in many rivers across the U.S.

Innovative solutions solve low water issue on popular Western fishery

Published in Conservation, Community, Featured, Science

“The Provo River stakeholders mimicked a model of collaboration seen often but not enough in other parts of the West. We found a win-win scenario that worked within the existing system. We’ve worked with a water supplier whose primary goal is to use all their water allocation in the best use possible and a corporation striving to make rivers and streams around where they use water and do business healthier. That’s a formidable partnership moving forward to keep people, businesses, and our fish happy.”

Judge Upholds Klamath Restoration Requirements

9/27/2006 Judge Upholds Klamath Restoration Requirements September 27, 2006 Contact: Brian Johnson, Trout Unlimited, 510-528-4772 Steve Rothert, American Rivers, 530-277-0448 Curtis Knight, California Trout, 530-859-1872 Kelly Catlett, Friends of the River, 916-442-3155, ext 223 Glen Spain, PCFFA, 541-689-2000 Judge Upholds Klamath Restoration Requirements Sacramento, CA Conservation groups working to restore the Klamath River hailed the

Small streams make a big difference

Published in Uncategorized

By Jack Williams We love our big iconic rivers: the Snake, the Rogue, the Umpqua, the Klamath, the Gunnison, the Madison, the Salmon, and the Henry’s Fork to name but a few. These waters invoke passion among anglers, river runners, and all those who appreciate the beauty of wild, clean rivers. But just like anything

Learning to row

Published in Uncategorized, Boats

There’s no better time to start

Growing up as a midwestern kid from the suburbs I didn’t know much about the outdoors. Being from Ohio we didn’t camp a lot. Rivers were a bit foreign to our family of six. Don’t get me wrong, we fished, swam and rode bikes until the streetlights came on but there’s nothing in that equation that prepared me for navigating moving water.

Oregon sportsmen travel to D.C. in support of Copper-Salmon Wilderness proposal

4/24/2007 Oregon sportsmen travel to D.C. in support of Copper-Salmon Wilderness proposal April 24, 2007 Contact: Mike Beagle, (541) 538-9167 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oregon sportsmen travel to D.C. in support of Copper-Salmon Wilderness designation WASHINGTON, D.C.Three southwest Oregon anglers and a Trout Unlimited field coordinator are in the nations capitol this week to lobby the

Penobscot Dam Removal Marks Major Step in Recovery of Atlantic Salmon

Contact:Erin Mooney, (215) 557-2845, emooney@tu.orgJeff Reardon, (207) 615-9200, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Penobscot Dam Removal Marks Major Step in Recovery of Atlantic Salmon Penobscot River restoration project to open 1,000 miles of habitat to salmon Arlington, VA Today’ marks the beginning of the removal of the 200-year old Great Works Dam on Maine’s Penobscot River

Not mine, ours.

Published in Uncategorized

By Tom Reed It doesn’t take long after the bar is open before the first drink order comes in. Hey Tom, can you make me a Smith River Special? You bet buddy. A Smith River Special is cranberry juice with a splash of club soda and a slice of lime and Gordon, 7, loves them.

Living Waters Fly Fishing

About us Living Waters Fly Fishing is a Texas-based fly shop dedicated to conservation and education. The business started in 2006 solely as a fly fishing guide service, but in June of 2008, Living Waters Fly Fishing opened the doors of Round Rock’s first and only fly shop. The business is operated by guide and

Endangered fish share water to help trout

Published in Uncategorized

A side-by-side before and after illustration shows how much water was added to help sportfish in the Provo River thanks to extra flow from an endangered fish program. Photos by Brian Wimmer/Alpine Anglers TU Chapter. By Brett Prettyman Anglers are almost always the first to notice issues in the environment. When anglers on the popular

Bringing back the Big Wood

Published in Conservation

Eroding banks along the Bridge to Bridge project area By Chris Wood The sign behind the two-person Trout Unlimited office in Hailey, Idaho, reads, “Parking for Trout Unlimited only. If towed, call Dick York Towing.” It is an inside-Hailey joke as Keri York’s Dad ran Dick York Towing—the only towing business in the Big Wood

Was 2020 a sign of things to come?

By Cary Denison As we welcome in the final act of this chain of Dumpster fires known as the year 2020, I thought I’d take a bit of time to reflect on what last year provided and what the future may hold. Aside from the obvious pandemic, wildfire, crippling drought, social and political unrest, I

2024 Western Regional Rendezvous DIY Fishing Guide

Fly-Fishing the Henry’s Fork While there are many spectacular trout fisheries within a short drive from Idaho Falls, it’s hard to argue that the Henry’s Fork isn’t the main attraction. Considered by some to be the best trout stream in the United States, the Henry’s Fork draws anglers from around the world year after year.

Barriers limit cutthroat trout migration

Published in Conservation, Barriers, From the field

We are broadly familiar with the plight of the salmon, hatching in freshwater, moving downstream as smolts and, entering the ocean. Their magnificent return to the rivers during spawning migrations, hundreds of miles up the Columbia and Salmon rivers, illustrates fish movements at a grand scale. Few people know the same phenomenon occurs with inland native trout such as the cutthroat


An angler fishing a favorite stretch of stream might not think of it as being part of a larger watershed or basin. But that broader, landscape-scale vision is key to Trout Unlimited’s conservation strategy and success. Simply put, a river is greater than the sum of its parts. A river ecosystem is healthiest when it is

TU awarded $750K for projects in Upper Delaware

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited has received three federal grant awards totaling nearly $750,000 from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for stream protection and restoration projects in the upper Delaware River watershed.   These grant awards support the conservation goals of the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act, administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in partnership with NFWF. Thanks to

Business Depends on It

Published in Fishing

We find ourselves advocating for what we love. It’s the unintentional experiences that cement our passion to conserve and protect.