Search results for “battenkill river”

Fish movement and life history

Tracking how and when fish move to different habitats, and the different biological strategies they use, lets us learn about their basic ecology and understand how to sustain and restore what they need to thrive. It also helps verify the success of our restoration work when we confirm that fish are accessing and using restored

Is it possible to recover salmon and steelhead without removing the dams?

The short answer is no. Rebuilding salmon and steelhead populations will require increasing the number of adults that return to spawn relative to the number of juveniles that migrate to the ocean.  This is known as the smolt-to-adult ratio, or SAR. However, in the past 25 years, salmon and steelhead SARs have failed to reach 2

5 Rivers Costa Community

Published in Headwaters

College students have an endless number of options when it comes to how they should spend their time. In this vast network of options, there exists a certain group who have decided to spend their free time exploring the outdoors.

A River’s Reckoning in Wild and Scenic Film Festival

Published in Uncategorized

A River’s Reckoning in the Wild and Scenic Film Festival Today Trout Unlimited is proud to announce that our film A River’s Reckoning, in partnership with American Rivers, has been officially selected into the 16th annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival—one of the nation’s most popular and prestigious environmental film events. The film, which will

Costa, SweetWater and TU cleanups start this weekend

Published in Community

A slate of five river cleanups co-hosted by Trout Unlimited, Costa del Mar and SweetWater Brewing Company start this weekend. The first of the #KickPlastic cleanup events will take place in Roanoke, Virginia, on the Roanoke River. (See this post for more information and please fill out the simple volunteer form so we can get

Atlantic Salmon and The Endangered Species Act: Questions and Answers

8/12/1999 Atlantic Salmon and The Endangered Species Act: Questions and Answers Atlantic Salmon and The Endangered Species Act: Questions and Answers Contact: 8/12/1999 — — Why have you waited so long to sue for listing? For both Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF), the suit represents a last resort effort to protect

Into the desert

Editor’s note: The TU Costa 5 Rivers Program sent a handful of college students to the Columbia River basin to fish and study the challenges facing the drainage. Leaving the coniferous forests of Mt. Rainier, the Odyssey crew traveled to the semi-arid desert region of eastern Oregon where we set out to fish the Owyhee

Copper-Salmon Wilderness Act passes House

03/25/2009 Copper-Salmon Wilderness Act passes House March 25, 2009 Contact: Mike Beagle, (541) 538-8655 Jim Rogers, (541) 332-2555 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Copper-Salmon Wilderness Act passes HouseSportsmen celebrate as Elk River headwaters gain permanent protection WASHINGTON, D.C.The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, the bill that

Report on Dam Removal Charts Course for Future Removal Efforts

4/16/2003 Report on Dam Removal Charts Course for Future Removal Efforts Report on Dam Removal Charts Course for Future Removal Efforts Contact: Laura Hewitt Trout Unlimited (608) 250-3534 4/16/2003 — — River Alliance of Wisconsin and Trout Unlimited announce the release of the report Restoring the Flow: Improving Selective Small Dam Removal Understanding and Practice

Big things are happening for trout in New Jersey

Published in Uncategorized

By Cole Baldino To the average angler, New Jersey may not seem like a top fishing destination, but if you live in the Nor theast, it should be. A plethora of coldwater streams drain from the New Jersey Highlands and into the Delaware River, and Trout Unlimited is working to make the fishing even better

Anglers stop Alaska dam before it starts

Published in Uncategorized

Eric Booton with a nice early season rainbow trout from the Kenai River watershed. By Austin Williams I had barely stripped the line off my reel to make my first cast when I could feel my phone vibrating from the front pocket of my waders. Rats. Normally, I’d have let the call go, or not