Search results for “battenkill river”

South Coast TU awarded 2018 Vamos a Pescar Grant

Published in Uncategorized

The LA River is the setting for South Coast TU’s community outreach and instruction under a new grant from the Vamos a Pescar Education Fund. TU’s South Coast Chapter, based in Orange County, California, has been awarded a $20,000 grant from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to provide instruction, equipment, and support for

Upper Delaware Flows to Plummet to Ecological Disaster Levels

12/5/2001 Upper Delaware Flows to Plummet to Ecological Disaster Levels Upper Delaware Flows to Plummet to Ecological Disaster Levels Low Flows Threaten Fish Kills Contact: Nat Gillespie (607) 498-5960 12/5/2001 — HANCOCK, N.Y.– — A drought emergency has been declared for the New York City reservoirs in the Upper Delaware basin. The drought emergency threatens

Pioneer Valley

Located in western Massachusetts covering the counties of Hampshire and Hamden. Local rivers and steams are in the lower Connecticut River Watershed, including the Westfield, Swift, and Ware Rivers.

Honoring a legacy through wild and scenic designation

Published in Featured

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One fish

Published in Fishing, Science, Voices from the river

A single fish made me really happy recently, and I wasn’t even fishing. To be sure, this was no ordinary fish. It was a brute of a steelhead, as long as my arm and 12 pounds in heft, easy. So perhaps anyone seeing it languidly finning just upstream of the bridge footing nine miles from

Senate reviews TU-supported public lands bills

Published in Government Affairs

Public lands are vital for trout fishing in America. Any decent map proves this. A hearing in the U.S. Senate on Oct. 19 provided a major opportunity to highlight the importance of public lands for coldwater conservation and to advance legislation that will better protect and restore some of the most famous trout, salmon and

TU and partners improve fish passage for spawning cutthroat on Bar BC Spring Creek

December 23, 2019 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, JACKSON, Wyoming –Trout Unlimited (TU) announced today that on-the-ground implementation for the Bar BC Spring Creek Fish Passage & Channel Restoration Project is currently underway. The project is a collaboration between agency partners and private landowners to improve fish migration into

Conservation and Fishing Groups Ask Energy Bill Conferees to Reject Hydro Measures

Conservation and Fishing Groups Ask Energy Bill Conferees to Reject Hydro Measures Conservation and Fishing Groups Ask Energy Bill Conferees to Reject Hydro Measures Contact: Steve Malloch Counsel TU (703) 284-9415 7/15/2002 — Arlington, VA — The nations leading conservation and fishing organizations have asked Congressional conference committee members working on the federal energy bill

TU lauds WaterSMART program

Oct. 31, 2016 Contact: Laura Ziemer,, (406) 599-2606 Trout Unlimited, Senior Counsel and Water Policy Advisor Steve Moyer,, (571) 274-0593 Trout Unlimited, Vice-President for Governmental Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited lauds WaterSMART program New criteria prioritizes both water savings and river health WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited today praised the Bureau of Reclamations

Major win for one of America's best coldwater fisheries

Published in Uncategorized

Five hundred miles. That’s a pretty significant distance, right? Now, imagine swimming that far. That’s how many river miles will re-opened to native steelhead in the Klamath River under the terms of a revised agreement between the federal government, the states of California and Oregon, and the utility company PacifiCorp. The amended Klamath Hydropower Settlement