Search results for “battenkill river”


The Mianus Chapter of Trout Unlimited is part of a national conservation organization dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring our coldwater fisheries. The Mianus Chapter has over 4,000 members and supporters – all passionate anglers and conservationists – in the Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, Norwalk, New Canaan, Ridgefield, Wilton and other nearby communities. As a conservation

Embrace A Stream 2024

Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and

2024 Embrace A Stream

Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and

Embrace A Stream 2024

Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and

Embrace A Stream 2024 em

Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and

2024 Embrace A Stream em-p

Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and

Questions and Answers About the Extinction Clock Study

7/9/1999 Questions and Answers About the Extinction Clock Study Questions and Answers About the Extinction Clock Study Contact: 7/9/1999 — — Why did Trout Unlimited sponsor this study? One of the recurring messages circulating in the region is that “more study is needed” before the big decisions on salmon restoration, such as the proposed partial

Short casts: New lake in Wyoming; shad in Oregon, clean water takes a hit

Published in Uncategorized

Big migratory Bonneville cutthroat trout are among the fishiest resources of the Wyoming Range. This spring, a landslide created a new lake in the Wyoming Range’s Willow Creek drainage. From the “How Cool is This?” department comes the news of a new lake in western Wyoming. This last winter’s record-setting snowfall caused an entire mountainside

Video spotlight: Detecting the grab

Published in Video spotlight

Steelhead season is well under way up and down the West Coast, but here in Idaho, on the Salmon River, the season is on a bit of an unofficial hiatus until March or April. The Salmon is a legitimate steelhead hotspot all throughout the fall, but by the time late December and January come around,

Watershed Multi-species Assessment

Trout Unlimited works with our conservation partners to identify areas where protection and restoration can benefit not only trout and salmon, but also other fish, aquatic species and human communities. TU scientists were instrumental in developing the Native Fish Conservation Area concept, where watershed management is focused on the long-term persistence of native fish communities

Skating big dries for big trout

Published in Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Trout Tips

Nicco stood next to me along the middle reaches of Patagonia’s Malleo River in the fading Argentine light. Willows shrouded the creek, and I could only see the silhouette of the big Fat Albert as it drifted in the heavy water just across river. Nicco, my guide for the day, chose the hefty, foam monstrosity

What to do if we can’t fish?

Published in Trout Talk

Native Colorado River cutthroat trout. Kara Armano photo. Luckily, I’ve still been able to fish. Thanks to living over 8,000 feet and having plenty of high mountain streams and lakes, I have lots of options. At least so far. I recently went to beat the heat that was nearing triple digits to a new-to-me high

TU and Kinross Fort Knox team up to take military personnel fishing

Published in Fishing

Chris Hunt photo. In fall of 2019, 13 veteran or active-duty members of the Armed Forces in Alaska congregated in the scenic and quiet community of Cantwell to explore and fish Denali State Park. The all-expense-paid trip was the second annual Armed Forces Appreciation Fishing Trip hosted in partnership with Kinross Fort Knox with the help of the guides at Denali Fly Fishing Guides, a TU-endorsed business.    Last year’s Armed

Wild or hatchery? Idaho fisheries managers want to know

Published in Trout Talk

A rainbow trout from the Snake River. Roger Phillips photo. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game wants to know if the rainbow trout that swim in the Snake River between two eastern Idaho impoundments are wild or if they’re hatchery fish that have migrated upstream. The rainbows between Gem Lake, just below Idaho Falls

Trout Unlimited Urges BPA to Share Energy Optimism with Struggling Salmon

6/29/2001 Trout Unlimited Urges BPA to Share Energy Optimism with Struggling Salmon Trout Unlimited Urges BPA to Share Energy Optimism with Struggling Salmon BPA celebrates ‘light at the end of the tunnel,’ but imperiled fall chinook migration still faces devastation due to lack of spill at dams this summer Contact: 6/29/2001 — — PORTLAND, ORE.