Search results for “bear river watershed”

30 Great Places: Lake Tahoe region

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Region: WestActivities: FishingSpecies: Lahontan cutthroat, rainbow and brown trout Where: The crystalline jewel of the northern Sierra Nevadas, Lake Tahoe, is fed by 63 creeks, yet only one river flows out—the Truckee. Leaving the northwest corner of the lake at Tahoe City’s Fanny Bridge (so named for the posteriors of tourists gaping at the huge

Perrier Backs Away From Mecan Spring Pumping Proposal

2/7/2000 Perrier Backs Away From Mecan Spring Pumping Proposal Perrier Backs Away From Mecan Spring Pumping Proposal Company’s Dealings in Other States Makes Trout Unlimited Wary of “Perrier’s Plan B” Contact: 2/7/2000 — — Resistance from Wisconsin’s anglers, homeowners and environmentalists caused Perrier to rethink its proposal to install a high-capacity pump in Wisconsin’s prized

Mine could pose threat to famed Smith River

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As the season kicks off for anglers and boaters on Montana’s famous Smith River, a proposal to place a copper mine next to one of the Smith’s most important tributaries continues to move forward. Tintina Resources, a small Canadian mining company without any history of operating mines, has proposed to place its large underground Black

Bristol Bay Ambassadors — Pat Vermillion

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A good day fishing in Bristol Bay. Photo submitted by Pat Vermillion By Jenny LynesForeword by Nelli Williams, Deputy Director, Trout Unlimited’s Alaska Program   I can think of no better person to kick-off the Bristol Bay Ambassadors series than Pat Vermillion. I first met Pat several years ago, upon being invited to his lodge to talk to

Media advisory: TU to discuss federal fundings role in Chesapeake Bay conservation success

March 11, 2016 Contact: Mark Taylor, Eastern Communications Director, Trout Unlimited,, (540) 353-3556 MEDIA ADVISORY: TU to discuss federal fundings role in Chesapeake Bay conservation success What: Media teleconference to discuss stream restoration success stories in the Chesapeake Bay watershed When: Monday, March 14, 11 a.m. ET. Representatives of the media can participate by

Bristol Bay Ambassadors: Martin Kviteng

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Trout Unlimited’s Bristol Bay Ambassadors program highlights the people who help in the fight to save Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine. As we said at the launch, “For every person we highlight, we know there are hundreds more, doing their part because they care about Bristol Bay.” If you know someone who should be featured,

Voices from the River: The Princess

Published in Voices from the river

Photo by Rachel Andona By Chris Hunt A year ago, I was well into the British Columbian interior, motoring north toward my eventual destination at Deadhorse on the Arctic Ocean, a new camper in tow, many miles to go and about six weeks to get there and back. It was a marathon pocked by dozens

Public lands package passes House

Published in Conservation, From the field

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act (H.R. 803). Trout Unlimited strongly supports this legislation, as it will better conserve and restore public lands, watersheds and coldwater fisheries in four Western states and support the country’s commitment to countering the impacts of climate change by protecting at least 30 percent of

How Utah’s Cuttslam changed a young angler’s life

Published in Travel, Uncategorized

Bonneville cutthroat trout, caught in Mill Creek. By Bobby Boone I learned to fly fish when I turned ten years old. I caught nothing. I wasn’t even sure if I really liked it. However, three years later, my first time casting a fly in Utah would ensure that I would fall in love with the

Big, wild, and coming back: California’s Eel River

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Soda Creek, tributary to the upper Eel River. Large wood structure project directed by TU’s North Coast Coho Project. The Eel River is the beating heart of California’s “Lost Coast,” a swath of rugged country famous for its steelhead a nd salmon streams. Historically, the Eel was the third largest producer of salmon and steelhead

Mountains to the sea and back again

Published in Conservation, steelhead

Sawmill Creek is a tributary to the Lemhi River. The Lemhi River watershed is one of the highest elevation and farthest inland reaches for fish migration in the world, as the new signs point out. The watershed is also one of the most important spawning and rearing habitat areas for salmon and steelhead in the Columbia Basin.

Congress Approves Funds for Restoration of American Fork Canyon Watershed

11/4/2005 November 4, 2005 Contact: Ted Fitzgerald, American Fork Home Rivers Initiative Coordinator, 801-465-9949, or Kira Finkler, TU Government Affairs Director, 703-284-9408, Congress Approves Funds for Restoration of American Fork Canyon Watershed Washington The United States Congress has approved $100,000 for the restoration of the American Fork Canyon Watershed. These funds were approved

TU testifies before Congress on Good Sam mining legislation

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Contaminated abandoned mine drainage polluting the Animas River near SIlverton, Colorado. Trout Unlimited photo. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Trout Unlimited President and CEO Chris Wood testified before Thursday the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources on the need for legislation and funding to facilitate the cleanup of abandoned hardrock mines. Click here for

Protecting a unique native in Colorado

Published in Voices from the river, Community, Conservation

A project to protect a genetically unique population of Colorado River cutthroat trout in Colorado is nearing completion. Abrams Creek, near the town of Gypsum, is the only native trout population in the Eagle River watershed. The cutthroat in Abrams Creek have been given a “highest priority” for conservation by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The