Search results for “bear river watershed”

Honoring a legacy through wild and scenic designation

Published in Featured

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Sportsmen groups praise Roan Plateau settlement

Nov. 21, 2014 Contact: David Nickum, Trout Unlimited, 720-581-8589, John Gale, National Wildlife Federation, 303-746-3570, Suzanne ONeill, Colorado Wildlife Federation, 303-919-3949, SILT, Colo. Sportsmens groups today praised an announced settlement with the Bureau of Land Management and energy lease holders that includes several measures to help protect the Roan Plateau, a backcountry

Maine's Cold Stream Forest transfers to state ownership

For Immediate Release March 25, 2015 Contact: Wolfe Tone, The Trust for Public Land, 207-772-7424, Jeff Reardon, Trout Unlimited, 207-615-9200, COLD STREAM CONSERVED The Forks, MAINE The Trust for Public Land and Trout Unlimited today announced the purchase of the Cold Stream forest, a 8,159-acre property near the The Forks which will provide

Upper Delaware Flows to Plummet to Ecological Disaster Levels

12/5/2001 Upper Delaware Flows to Plummet to Ecological Disaster Levels Upper Delaware Flows to Plummet to Ecological Disaster Levels Low Flows Threaten Fish Kills Contact: Nat Gillespie (607) 498-5960 12/5/2001 — HANCOCK, N.Y.– — A drought emergency has been declared for the New York City reservoirs in the Upper Delaware basin. The drought emergency threatens

Voices from the river: Chiaroscuro

Published in Voices from the river

Nature’s chiaroscuro. Carmel River, June 2018 By Sam Davidson One of the required courses at the high school I attended was a class called Western Civilization. It was basically a survey course of ancient Greek and Roman art and architecture, and Western European art, architecture, and music since the Renaissance. In those days I was

Voices from the River: Browned out

Published in Voices from the river

By Mark Taylor The river was brown. Coffee-with-heavy-cream brown. It’s-been-raining-for-days brown. You-don’t-have-a-chance-in-hell brown. “Top off the raft and get the stuff down to the shore while I go drop off the truck,” I told my fishing partner for the day, Brett Prettyman. “I’ll probably be back before you’re done.” So, if conditions were more appropriate

Colorado River restoration project awarded $8 million grant

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dec. 21, 2016 Contact: Drew Peternell, (303) 204-3057, Matt Rice, (803) 422-5244, Paul Bruchez, (907) 531-2008, Colorado River restoration project secures $8 million grant NRCS award a huge boost for ambitious project to restore threatened river (Kremmling)The U.S. Department of Agricultures Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) today announced $7.75

TU Fears Babbitt's Atlantic Salmon Listing Efforts Won't Survive the Politics of a New Administration

11/17/1999 TU Fears Babbitt’s Atlantic Salmon Listing Efforts Won’t Survive the Politics of a New Administration TU Fears Babbitt’s Atlantic Salmon Listing Efforts Won’t Survive the Politics of a New Administration Federal Register Outlines Potential Aquaculture Regulations Contact: 11/17/1999 — — While the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service formalized

Conservation-Sporting Groups Ask President to Support Full Implementation of Roadless Initiative

3/13/2001 Conservation-Sporting Groups Ask President to Support Full Implementation of Roadless Initiative Conservation-Sporting Groups Ask President to Support Full Implementation of Roadless Initiative Contact: 3/13/2001 — — President’s review of roadless policy prevented implementation on Tuesday, March 13 ARLINGTON, VA – Two of the nation’s leading conservation and sporting organizations are calling on President Bush

Remote sensing will revolutionize trout conservation

Published in Science, Conservation

Remote sensing is being used to measure improvement in Lahontan cutthroat trout habitat in Nevada. By Dan Dauwalter, Kurt Fesenmyer and Helen Neville Have you ever assisted your local DNR biologist with a painstaking habitat survey on your favorite trout stream where you tediously measured the stream channel, substrates, wood, undercut banks, and so on?

New hope for coho in San Geronimo Creek

Published in Conservation, TROUT Magazine

San Geronimo Creek, which provides important spawning and rearing habitat for endangered coho salmon in Marin County, Calif., flows parallel to the road in the center of this photo on the far side of the former golf course, up against the forested hillside. Imperiled coho salmon benefit from major land acquisition and open space conservation

Smith River: What’s next?

Published in Uncategorized

Tintina stumbles over first regulatory hurdle: Much more to come. While the DEQ has approved Tintina’s application for a permit, the process is only beginning. Make your voice heard today. < span>What can you do? 1. Write the Governor by clicking the take action button below 2. Post your support for the Smith on your

TU in Race to Protect Idaho's Teton River

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kim G. Trotter, (208) 552-0891 x 712Randy Scholfield, (720) 375-3961 TU in Race to Protect Idaho’s Teton River Conservation group participates in Teton Dam marathon to raise awareness of dam threat (Rexburg) Trout Unlimited is joining the Teton Dam marathon, one of Eastern Idaho’s premier events, to raise awareness about the

2013 Utah Single-Fly winner: the Green River

Press release For Immediate Release Sept. 9, 2013 Contact: Dave Kumlien, 406.570.0023 2013 Utah Single-Fly winner: the Green River Trout Unlimited fishing tournament benefits conservation projects (Dutch John, UT) Its a trout anglers dream challenge: One fly. One legendary river. One full day of fishing. Trout Unlimited held its fifth annual Utah Single Fly

Suction Dredge Mining Reform in Washington State

TU is working hard to address a serious problem impacting Washington’s watersheds and threatening the health of our native fish populations: unregulated suction dredge mining and other forms of motorized mineral prospecting. Most recently, TU helped to introduce HB 1261and SB 6149 which would bring Washington in compliance with Clean Water Act rules and would ban suction dredge

Alaska’s Eklutna River, just add water

Published in Conservation

As an angler, this is where the problem sinks in. It’s a visible focal point for the issue at hand. On one side, a massive freshwater lake, on the other, a salmon stream that once supported all 5 species of Pacific Salmon sits bone dry.