Search results for “bear river watershed”

Video spotlight: Refuge

Published in Video spotlight

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is in the news again, as the oil and gas industry—sensing more friendly political winds— takes another shot at the effort to sink oil wells into the permafrost north of the Brooks Range. A couple of summer ago, I topped the Brooks Range on the Dalton Highway and got my

New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation's Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers

New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation’s Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation’s Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers Bill would prevent bad actors, like those behind Rock Creek Mine proposal underneath Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, from sticking taxpayers with billions of dollars in cleanup costs Contact: Chris Wood

Trout Unlimited, TNC, CalTrout urge California Governor Gavin Newsom to sign drought resilience bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 10, 2024 Contact: Sam Davidson Trout Unlimited –, (831) 235-2542Heather Gately, The Nature Conservancy –, (916) 449-2850Redgie Collins, California Trout –, (415) 748-8755 Healthy River Advocates Urge Support for Bill to Improve Climate Resilience in Coastal WatershedsAB 1272 would advance the Governor’s Salmon Strategy Sacramento—The California Salmon and

The ultimate list for permit seekers

Published in Boats, Uncategorized

Our friends over at Down River Equipment have you covered. They’ve compiled a comprehensive list of western rivers with links to not only the permitting websites but also with an associated application success graph.

Congressman unveils bold plan to recover Snake River salmon and steelhead

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  February 7, 2021  Contacts:   Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited,  Rob Masonis, VP for Western Conservation, Trout Unlimited,  Greg McReynolds, Snake River campaign director, Trout Unlimited,  Comprehensive proposal would remove four lower Snake River dams and invest in the Northwest region’s energy, transportation, and agricultural infrastructure BOISE, Idaho.—U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson

TU President Chris Wood thanks LaHood for Good Sam legislation

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Pennyslvania’s South Branch Bear Run before and after abandoned mine cleanup efforts. Trout Unlimited has long worked where possible to clean up damage from abandoned coal mines, and has been an active proponent of federal legislation to help facilitate such “good Samaritan” efforts. Recently, TU President and CEO Chris Wood testified on Capitol Hill in

Trout Unlimited welcomes the nominations of three top natural resource officials

A trio of consensus-minded conservationists are under consideration for key posts in the Department of the Interior and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Contacts: Chris Wood, president and CEO, Trout Unlimited, Steve Moyer, VP for Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—The Biden administration has nominated three outstanding conservationists for key posts in

Wild Steelheaders United reaches the one-year mark, reports significant progress in advocating for wild steelhead

In first year, angler-driven initiative generates more than 4,000 supporters, makes gains in protecting and restoring the iconic sport fish in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California CONTACT: Rob Masonis / VP Western Conservation, Trout Unlimited / (206) 491-9016 Shauna Sherard/ Communications Director, Northwest Region, Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861 (Nov. 20, 2015) Seattle, WASH.

Trout Unlimited Asks Court To Expedite Decision In The Case Involving California's State Fish

Trout Unlimited Asks Court To Expedite Decision In The Case Involving California’s State Fish Trout Unlimited Asks Court To Expedite Decision In The Case Involving Californias State Fish Contact: Steve Trafton California Policy Coordinator (510) 528-4772 1/17/2002 — Albany, CA — The national conservation organization Trout Unlimited has asked a federal judge to grant their

The Penobscot is open!

Published in Uncategorized

By Steve Moyer River restoration proponents are celebrating the completion of the construction phase of the Penobscot River Restoration Project, one of the largest, most innovative river restoration projects in history. In an unprecedented collaboration, the Penobscot Indian Nation, seven conservation groups including Trout Unlimited, hydropower companies PPL Corporation and Black Bear Hydro, LLC, and

Voices from the River: The voice in your head

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt The late August rain provided the symphony, a tinny drum beat on the camper’s roof and walls, while I sat at my “kitchen” table tying up a gawdy pink streamer. Parked beneath the bows of towering yellow cedar and Sitka spruce in a lonely Forest Servi ce campground on Prince of Wales

State of the Trout: Native fish on the Colorado Plateau and in the Southern Rockies in peril

June 23, 2015 Contacts: Jack Williams, Trout Unlimited senior scientist,, (541) 261-3960 Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited national communications director,, (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Trout Unlimited report highlights challenges facing native trout in the U.S. Climate change, non-native species among biggest threats on the Colorado Plateau and in the southern Rockies WASHINGTON,

State of Alaska files lawsuit to stop protections for Bristol Bay 

The lawsuit defies a strong science record and overwhelming support for Clean Water Act 404(c) protections by Bristol Bay residents, Alaskans and anglers  Contacts:   ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Today, the State of Alaska filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in U.S. Supreme Court, attempting to block Clean Water Act safeguards for the headwaters

Small stream Clean Water Act protections upheld 

In good news for healthy fish, streams and communities, administration vetoes congressional effort to weaken landmark water law Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.—President Biden today vetoed a Congressional resolution to block a revised, clearer definition of the “Waters of the United States” that would restore federal Clean Water Act protections for millions of miles of small streams

State of the Trout: Native fish in Utah and Wyoming in peril

June 23, 2015 Contacts: Jack Williams, Trout Unlimited senior scientist,, (541) 261-3960 Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited national communications director,, (208) 406-9106 Brett Prettyman, Intermountain communications director,, (801-209-5320) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Trout Unlimited report highlights challenges facing native trout in the U.S. Irrigation infrastructure, wildfire and non-native fish among the biggest threats

Conservation Funding: TU Letter to US House re: Agriculture Appropriations

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Conservation Funding: Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Agricultue and related – urging strong support for Farm Bill programs in FY18 Appropriations process. 170627_TU_FY18_Ag_Approps_House_FNL.docx.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Trout Unlimited strongly supports Farm Bill conservation program funding in your FY18 Appropriations bill. Dear Chairman Aderholt, Ranking Member Bishop, and Members of the