Search results for “bear river watershed”

The value of new technology: eDNA and O. mykiss

Published in Science, Conservation

By Natalie Stauffer-Olsen, PhD. It is always exciting when new technology becomes available that can help us understand, manage and protect wild steelhead, the mavericks of the Pacific salmonids. Steelhead and rainbow trout populations can be difficult to predict, model and understand because of their very plastic (scientific term for highly variable) life histories, from juveniles to

Fixing what ails our western forests and communities

Published in From the President, Conservation

The light smoke in Washington, D.C., signaled devastation in the West. In California, for example, at least 26 people have perished from wildfire, and more than 7,000 structures were destroyed. In Oregon, the Almeda fire, alone, destroyed nearly 2,400 homes and killed at least three people, with more missing

Get your boots wet for conservation

Published in Conservation, Science, TROUT Magazine

By Paul Burnett Trout Unlimited members often ask about opportunities to engage with active and ongoing conservation projects. Grassroots-based programs like willow planting and Trout in the Classroom are great ways to contribute, but are also seasonal in nature and volunteering to help with fish sampling efforts can be hit or miss. Many of our

Sweetwater Brewing Co. to give $100k for clean water initiatives

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tucker Berta Sarkisian SweetWater Brewing Co. ATLANTA (6.1.16) SweetWater Brewing Company is broadening its annual Save Our Water campaign to protect our right to clean water and tasty brews to include five partner organizations: Waterkeeper Alliance, Trout Unlimited, Ducks Unlimited, Surfrider, and Coastal Conservation Associations National Habitat Program, Building Conservation

Oft-divided groups tour ranch along the Wyoming-Colorado border

FFA president joins Trout Unlimited and other partners to urge passage of infrastructure funding to ensure water security in the West By Laura Ziemer and Pat O’Toole It’s not every day that you see municipal, agricultural, and conservation interests coming together around big, substantive issues. Last month, these diverse interests jointly urged Congress to include resources for water, forestry and ecosystem

A case of mistaken identity

Published in Travel

It was the stuff of angling dreams yet, until a few short days prior, I wouldn’t have even confidently been able to identify a native interior redband in an underwater lineup. As I reached the highest point on the stream that I was comfortable climbing, my sandaled feet bloodied and blistered, I pondered what a shame that was. 

Trout Unlimited’s Climate Change Roadmap

Published in Climate Change

Last year the workgroup developed a new volunteer council role, Council Climate Change Coordinator. Communicating a consistent TU science-based message on climate change, whether it’s raising awareness or advocating a Trout Unlimited position, is the primary responsibility of this role.

Precedent Setting Agreement Between Environmentalists and Maine Salmon Farmers

5/31/2001 Precedent Setting Agreement Between Environmentalists and Maine Salmon Farmers Precedent Setting Agreement Between Environmentalists and Maine Salmon Farmers Contact: 5/31/2001 — — Contact: Jeff Reardon, New England Conservation Director, Trout Unlimited, (207) 373-0700 May 31, 2001…Hallowell, ME…Three of Maines principal salmon conservation groups and Maines salmon farmers have signed a precedent-setting agreement putting in

Campaign to Save Alaskas Bristol Bay Wild Salmon Comes to the Nations Capital October 19-23

Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary 703-284-9408, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Campaign to Save Alaskas Bristol Bay Wild Salmon Comes to the Nations Capital October 19-23 Trout Unlimited and Washington, D.C. Chefs and Restaurants Band Together to Promote and Protect Alaskas Bristol Bay, the Countrys Most Prolific but Threatened Fishery (Washington, DC) Together with a

The wild Tongass and common-sense policies

Published in Advocacy, Featured

If you’re an angler, throughout the year you can search out the elusive steelhead in small creeks, swing flies for all five species of wild Pacific salmon, catch sea-run cutthroat, Dolly Varden and rainbow trout.

Hunt Fish Owyhee

The Owyhee is an integral part of the sagebrush steppe landscape that supports more than 350 species of fish and wildlife, including California bighorn sheep, pronghorn, elk, mule deer, sage grouse, brown trout, and native interior redband trout. But it’s not immune to our ever-changing world.  Tell President Biden and Congress to designate the Owyhee

Red is the new golden

Published in Travel, Voices from the river

The bends and pools with undercut banks were clearly defined. Walking up carefully to the first of likely spots I saw maybe 40 to 50 very clearly defined California goldens. Their hallmark par-marks and crisp lines were clear as day.

Great Lakes community meets the moment to advance coaster restoration

Published in Priority Waters

On the Lake Superior coast, a coalition of partners facilitated by Trout Unlimited are coming together to breathe new life into the study and recovery of native coaster brook trout – a life history variation of brook trout that spend part of their lives in Lake Superior. Scientists do not consider them to be genetically

Politics and the fishing media

A Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat trout. Cutthroat trout today occupy less than 10 percent of their native habitat, and the waters where they do persist are largely headwater streams that could impacted by the EPA’s decision to gut the Clean Water Rule. If the fly fishing media didn’t cover the issue, many anglers wouldn’t know