Search results for “bear river watershed”

Learning From the Stream by Laurie Wilhite

Published in Community, Youth

The brilliant autumn colors along the riparian area at Brooks Memorial State Park provided the perfect backdrop for time in the stream. The East Prong of the Little Klickitat River flows over a mile right through this Washington State Park and travels 13 miles south through the town of Goldendale. It was a beautiful fall

Climate Change

Climate change is not waiting for us in some distant day. It’s here, now. For trout and salmon, the problem is clear enough at the most basic level. Trout and salmon rely on cold, clean water in a world that is rapidly warming. Persistent drought, massive wildfires, catastrophic flooding—our newsfeeds are filled with threats to

Omnibus public lands bill clears final hurdle

03/25/2009 Omnibus public lands bill clears final hurdle March 25, 2009 Contact: Chris Wood, (571) 274-0601Tom Reed, (307) 349-8266 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Omnibus public lands bill clears final hurdleSportsmen celebrate protection of millions of acres of fish, wildlife habitat WASHINGTON, D.C.The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act

Everything you wanted to know: bull trout

Published in Fishing

Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Species summary and status: The bull trout was once found throughout the Columbia River Basin, east to western Montana, south to northern Nevada, west to California and possibly as far north as southeastern Alaska. The main populations remaining in the lower 48 states are in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, with

TU Guidelines for Volunteers Working with Youth

Trout Unlimited’s (TU’s) mission is to conserve, protect and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. For our mission to succeed beyond our current generation, we must reach out now to children and youth to teach them to fish, to teach them about conservation, and to encourage them to become future leaders in our

20 Questions: Mark Melnyk

Published in 20 Questions

Editor’s note: Every so often, we’ll put movers and shakers in the fly-fishing world on the spot with our version of the Proust profile questionnaire. We’ve asked our subjects to be brutally honest and as forthright as they choose as they answer questions that might make them think, reminisce and look forward in their lives. And, honestly, some of these

Point No Point

Published in Voices from the river, Conservation, Fishing

The deviation from the plan started when the app we were using to navigate across downtown Seattle in morning traffic guided us down appallingly skinny, twisted streets and a scenic tour of old neighborhoods that did not, in the end, deliver us to the ferry any more rapidly than if we had simply followed the

Long effort leads to mine protections in Maine

Published in Uncategorized

By Jeff Reardon Last week, Maine’s Legislature overrode a veto by Governor Paul Lepage with an overwhelming bipartisan vote—35-0 in the Republican-controlled Senate; 122-21 in the Democratically-controlled House—to finally pass a bill that gives Maine protective rules for metallic mineral mining. That decision ended more than five years of work by Trout Unlimited and other

TU's Statement on the Nomination of Gale Norton for Interior Secretary

1/18/2001 TU’s Statement on the Nomination of Gale Norton for Interior Secretary TU’s Statement on the Nomination of Gale Norton for Interior Secretary Contact: 1/18/2001 — — Contact: Steve Malloch, Counsel: (703) 284-9415 Steve Moyer, Vice President for Conservation Programs: (703) 284-9406 On January 18, 2001, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will begin

Eat Wild Salmon and Savor Bristol Bay

Media Contact: Paula Dobbyn, Director of Communications, Trout Unlimited Alaska, 907-230-1513, Chef Contacts: Bryan Szeliga Chef de Cuisine, Lucy’s Table 303-910-2999bryanjohnszeliga@gmail.comKevin Davis Chef/Owner, Steelhead Diner and Blueacre Seafood FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Eat Wild Salmon and Savor Bristol Bay Northwest Restaurants and Markets Help Trout Unlimited Alaska to Protect Bristol Bay Salmon from Mine

On a Maine trout pond, things aren’t like they used to be

Published in Conservation

By Paul A. Doscher Every late May or early June, it’s time to find the packing list, figure out which flies in the box are running low, get the groceries and head for fish camp. My friends Jack, Bobby, Tom and an assorted list of other friends who can occasionally make it, all engage in

Time in the field brings balance into focus

Published in Angler Conservation Program, Conservation

by Tasha Sorensen We must give due consideration to the tenuous balance between fish and wildlife conservation and energy development and update our antiquated public land energy policy before it’s too late.  Our public lands help sustain America’s energy needs, host a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities and provide healthy habitats to support some of the last strongholds of native fish and wildlife. As a mom, aunt


Published in Travel, Youth

Cameron donned the headphones in the co-pilot’s seat, the splendor of McGavock Lake spread out before him through the windows of the DeHavilland Beaver.  He had a little spring in his step that morning as he jog-walked his way down to the dock where the Beaver floated on the calm boreal lake that, for most

The science is clear on suction dredge mining

Published in Conservation, Science, steelhead

Two bills will move through the Washington legislature this session with the goal of updating the state’s laws protecting its fish and waterways from impacts of suction dredge mining. Though you may see comments from a select few upholding the activity, the science is incredibly clear on negative impacts it causes to our already-stressed fish populations.

Legislation for Good Samaritan liability protections

Overview Abandoned mine remediation experts at state agencies and conservation groups like Trout Unlimited know how to leverage public and private dollars to clean up abandoned mines, creating jobs and clean water along the way. However, federal laws treat non-liable third parties who want to voluntarily clean up abandoned mines – Good Samaritans – as

TU advocacy is grounded in science

Published in Science, Featured, Government Affairs

“In lobbying advocacy, you have just a minute or two to make a point. If you can’t do it effectively in that time you are done and out,” said Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs for Trout Unlimited. “The TU Science team gives us the opportunity to make that first meeting count by providing credible, accurate and effective messaging. I’ve seen it over and over, particularly with Waters of the United States.”