Search results for “bristol bay”
Native south-central California coastal steelhead. Photo: Capelli/NOAA Fisheries. Steelhead, the sea-run version of rainbow trout, have one of the most diverse life histories of any fish species. On the West Coast, this life history diversity has enabled steelhead to colonize and persist in coastal drainages in a region—the south-central coast of California—with highly variable precipitation,
Trout Unlimited is working along the south-central coast of California to recover native steelhead runs, largely by restoring habitat and enhancing fish passage and dry season streamflows through cooperative partnership projects with landowners and agricultural operators. Steelhead are listed as Threatened in this region. On Pennington Creek near San Luis Obispo, TU completed a major
By Nick Chambers The greater Juneau area is home to several rivers that host wild steelhead runs. From a science perspective, Auke Creek is perhaps the most important of these, as scientists at the Auke Bay Marine Station have been operating a weir here for many years, whi ch has allowed them to census returning
Dustin Wichterman lives trout. By day he manages Trout Unlimited’s restoration and protection work in the Potomac headwaters. Most of the rest of the time he’s either fishing for trout or dreaming about fishing for trout. And a big part of that dream is that one day the Potomac headwaters will again regularly churn out native brook trout pushing
As a business owner, Jeff Munn knows it makes sense to understand his customers. One word kept coming up when Munn started tracking the activities of guests at the bed and breakfast he and his wife operate near Franklin, W.Va. Trout. “When we started asking people why they were coming to Pendleton County, nearly 20
In an email to supporters over the weekend, Oregon Representative Peter DeFazio voiced outright opposition to the Jordan Cove Energy Project proposal in Southwest Oregon. The project would include an export facility in Coos Bay, along with a massive 229 mile long 36 inch wide underground pipeline that would cross beneath a number of legendary
“Clean water and healthy waterways are critical elements of the Nation’s infrastructure system,” said Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited. “They are rightly recognized as such by the ‘Moving Forward Act.’ Today, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we can see that more clearly than ever before. As individuals, we need clean water to wash our hands and to drink. As communities, we need healthy waterways to sustain our farms, fisheries, our recreation, and our economies
In addition to in-classroom training during a recent TU and U.S. Forest Service stream simulation training workshop, a day was spent in the field to reinforce classroom lessons and to help participants gain hands-on experience with field measurements. By Amy Wolfe In late October 2018, Trout Unlimited hosted a five-day training workshop put on by
By Joel DeStasio During the 2019 summer field season, Trout Unlimited field staff completed strategic wood addition habitat restoration work on Gunstock River and its unnamed tributary in Gilford, N.H. This project was initiated by the Belknap County Conservation District with the assistance of grants provided by The New Hampshire Association of Conservation Districts and the New Hampshire Conservation
Another award highlights TU’s good work on coho populations and steelhead benefit too.
The Delaware River is the longest undammed river east of the Mississippi. Beginning below the Pepacton and Cannonsville Reservoirs on the East and West Branches, it flows south unimpeded for more than 300 miles to the Delaware Bay. Along its route to the ocean it also provides drinking water for more than 15 million people and is home to migrating American
“From the candidate interview process to the last few weeks of getting to know Connor, I am confident that his background, experience, and passion provide the right combination to lead the charge for the TU/SIMMS Gallatin Home River Initiative,” said Diane Bristol, Senior Director, Employee and Community Engagement. “We are also looking forward to the collaboration that Connor will facilitate across the many fantastic organizations that have been working to protect and enhance the Gallatin River.”
Conservation Funding: Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Agricultue and related – urging strong support for Farm Bill programs in FY18 Appropriations process. 170627_TU_FY18_Ag_Approps_House_FNL.docx.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Trout Unlimited strongly supports Farm Bill conservation program funding in your FY18 Appropriations bill. Dear Chairman Aderholt, Ranking Member Bishop, and Members of the
San Geronimo Creek, which provides important spawning and rearing habitat for endangered coho salmon in Marin County, Calif., flows parallel to the road in the center of this photo on the far side of the former golf course, up against the forested hillside. Imperiled coho salmon benefit from major land acquisition and open space conservation
Mabel Creek is in the Upper Youngs River, above 90-foot-tall Young River Falls, so the native coastal cutthroat trout populations above the falls persist largely undisturbed by decades of hatchery production focused on targeted anadromous fisheries downstream in Youngs Bay near Astoria. While located on private timber land, the Upper Youngs River area is open
By Eric Booton I’m not a mechanic. In fact I’m pretty much the exact opposite. So when the check engine light on our beloved camper van named Ivy popped on and the performance of the engine took a turn for the worse, I wasn’t thrilled. As the vehicle that gets me to the river, launches
March 23, 2018 For immediate release Contact Shauna Stephenson / Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861, Trout Unlimited commends passage of spending bill Bill will fund important conservation priorities across the country WASHINGTON D.C. – A spending bill that will fund important conservation priorities such as the Land and Water Conservation Fund, funding for restoration of
Oct. 10, 2013 Contact: Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406 DSC_1241.JPG FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Importance of Waters and Wetlands Documented in New EPA Report Scientists from sportsmens organizations favorably review report that will guide development ofa new rule clarifying the Clean Water Acts role in safeguarding waters of the United States WASHINGTON A recently released report by
Go to the map Trout Unlimited released an interactive map today that illustrates the importance of intermittent and ephemeral streams – the small tributaries and headwaters that sometimes run dry throughout the year. The map is aimed at helping citizens understand the risk of repealing the 2015 Clean Water Rule which clarified protections for intermittent
Today President Trump signed an executive order that will being the process of unraveling the Clean Water Rule. The rule provides important protections for all who fish or simply enjoy clean water, protecting nearly 60 percent of the stream miles in the U.S. and ensuring the drinking water for nearly one in three Americans. Trout