Search results for “bristol bay”

Protecting Bristol Bay… This One is Personal

Published in Uncategorized, Conservation, Science, TROUT Magazine

By Chris Wood Last month’s release of the draft “environmental impact statement” to permit industrial-scale mining in Bristol Bay, Alaska, made me recall the first time I set eyes on that remarkable landscape nearly 12 years ago. Trout Unlimited was looking to expand our presence in Alaska, so I consulted Tim Bristol, a long-time Alaska

Bristol Bay’s EPIC fishing season

Published in Uncategorized

Bristol Bay, Alaska is in the middle of an EPIC fishing season. The kind of season where I really can’t keep on top of the amazing pictures coming in from our lodge partners. Photo courtesy of TU Gold Business Member, Bear Trail Lodge. King Salmon, Alaska The kind of season where news crews are lining

EPA Takes First Step Toward Protecting Bristol Bay, Announces Scientific Assessment of Watershed

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE EPA Takes First Step Toward Protecting Bristol Bay, Announces Scientific Assessment of Watershed Anchorage – Alaska Natives, the commercial fishing industry and sportsmen applauded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys announcement today to conduct a scientific assessment of the Bristol Bay watershed. Todays announcement from the EPA is a great first step toward

Eating well and doing good in Phoenix and beyond

Published in Conservation, TU Business

You know about the proposed Pebble Mine. Nothing could be more damaging to the productive Bristol Bay ecosystem than this mine. Not only will it destroy over 3,000 acres of wetlands and more than 21 miles of salmon streams at the mine site. Worse yet, it will include a massive tailings storage facility, treatment ponds,

Video spotlight: Save Bristol Bay

Published in Video spotlight

Orvis has teamed up the TU’s Alaska Program to craft a very simple, very powerful short film about the need to protect Bristol Bay and its headwater rivers and streams from the potentially disastrous Pebble Mine. Video of ORVIS Presents: Save Bristol Bay No matter how you feel about mining, there ought to be one

Hunters, Anglers, Sportsmen Call on Obama Administration and Federal Environmental Protection Agency to Protect Bristol Bay, Alaska

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hunters, Anglers, Sportsmen Call on Obama Administration and Federal Environmental Protection Agency to Protect Bristol Bay, Alaska More than 360 outdoor organizations join forces and ask the EPA and White House to stand up for sportsmen and protect Bristol Bay Washington, D.C. – A united coalition of fishing, hunting and sporting organizations

Bristol Bay Ambassadors: Dan Michels

Published in Uncategorized

All photos courtesy of Crystal Creek Lodge facebook page. You can’t miss the sign that says, “Do you love this place? We need your help. Ask us how,” when you walk up to Crystal Creek Lodge, in King Salmon. This is a model for how Dan Michels is as a businessman and a person. Dan

Bristol Bay Ambassadors: Martin Kviteng

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited’s Bristol Bay Ambassadors program highlights the people who help in the fight to save Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine. As we said at the launch, “For every person we highlight, we know there are hundreds more, doing their part because they care about Bristol Bay.” If you know someone who should be featured,

Save Bristol Bay with Nautilus Reels this month!

Published in Uncategorized

Pictured above: The custom Nautilus reel being offered as a prize for signing up to help protect Bristol Bay with Trout Unlimited By: The Alaska Program We are honored partner with our friends at Nautilus Reels to save a threatened world-class fishing destination in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Nautilus Reels will be giving away a custom

Eat Wild Salmon and Savor Bristol Bay

Media Contact: Paula Dobbyn, Director of Communications, Trout Unlimited Alaska, 907-230-1513, Chef Contacts: Bryan Szeliga Chef de Cuisine, Lucy’s Table 303-910-2999bryanjohnszeliga@gmail.comKevin Davis Chef/Owner, Steelhead Diner and Blueacre Seafood FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Eat Wild Salmon and Savor Bristol Bay Northwest Restaurants and Markets Help Trout Unlimited Alaska to Protect Bristol Bay Salmon from Mine

EPA Report: Mining Could Devastate Bristol Bay Salmon Fishery

Jan. 15, 2014 Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, (703) 284-9403 Tim Bristol, Director of TU Alaska, (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: EPA Report: Pebble Mine will Damage $1.5 Billion Bristol Bay Fishery in Spectacular Alaska Landscape Trout Unlimited and Sportsmen Across U.S. Call for Immediate Action ANCHORAGE, AlaskaThe Environmental Protection Agencys final Bristol Bay

Guide. Stop Pebble. Repeat.

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The 2020 Save Bristol Bay Guide Ambassador program connected local guides to resources to stand up against Pebble. This year, we are calling on guides to help us advance permanent protections for the fish, people, and communities of southwest Alaska.

Appeals court decision puts Bristol Bay back on track for Clean Water Act protections

Photo courtesy of Fly Out Media Trout Unlimited lawsuit can move forward in challenging 2019 EPA decision on Pebble mine  Contacts:   Nelli Williams, Alaska Program Director, Trout Unlimited, (907) 230-7121,  Austin Williams, Alaska Legal and Policy Director, Trout Unlimited, (907) 227-1590,  Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited,  ANCHORAGE, Alaska—In a ruling published

Bristol Bay Ambassadors — Pat Vermillion

Published in Uncategorized

A good day fishing in Bristol Bay. Photo submitted by Pat Vermillion By Jenny LynesForeword by Nelli Williams, Deputy Director, Trout Unlimited’s Alaska Program   I can think of no better person to kick-off the Bristol Bay Ambassadors series than Pat Vermillion. I first met Pat several years ago, upon being invited to his lodge to talk to

Time to weigh in on Pebble Mine – yes, again!

Published in Uncategorized

By: Jenny Weis, Alaska Program This month, we have the first formal chance to weigh in on Pebble’s latest mine plan. Our comments will help ensure the proposed Pebble mine doesn’t become a reality and irreparably harm the Bristol Bay region of Alaska. Photo: Ben Knight In December, the Pebble Partnership applied for the first

Circuit court ruling adds more fuel to TU’s case against Pebble Mine

Published in Featured

Photo courtesy of Fly Out Media TU this week won an important legal argument that helps the organization’s overall case against the backers of the proposed Pebble Mine, and even though the future of the mine is very much in doubt, this decision helps TU and those hoping to kill it altogether should it once

Sportsmen applaud EPA's assessment of Bristol Bay, Alaska

Contact:Shoren Brown, Bristol Bay campaign director,, (202) 674-2380Tim Bristol, TU Alaska Program Director,, (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen applaud EPAs assessment of Bristol Bay, Alaska; Call on President for swift action to protect fishery, jobs, and economy Washington, D.C. Hunting and fishing groups across the country voiced support for the Environmental Protection