Search results for “bristol bay”

With major permit decision imminent, sporting businesses request Pebble mine permit denial

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited Alaska, (907) 230-7121 or Proposed Pebble mine Environmental Impact Statement shows clear impact to American jobs, fisheries, recreation; Orvis, local lodges among groups requesting President to uphold jobs, businesses, sporting paradise. ANCHORAGE, AK — A final environmental analysis for the proposed Pebble mine released today shows

Staying mad

Published in Conservation

A good friend of mine worked with a women’s group at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in downtown Chicago one summer during college. The federal prison famously has these tall, 5-inch wide windows, originally made to be narrow enough that they didn’t require bars. My friend told me that when new women moved in, they complained

How I’ll be celebrating Alaska Wild Salmon Day

Published in Uncategorized

Heidi and a Bear Trail Lodge client with a nice Bristol Bay rainbow. Photo courtesy of Heidi Wild Re-posted from the Peninsula Clarion. By: Heidi Wild In 2018, Bristol Bay broke the record of returning wild sockeye salmon. As the rest of the state closes to salmon fishing, Bristol Bay is breaking records. I’m stunned

Trout Week

Take Action STAND UP FOR THE SNAKE The Snake River Basin provides more than 50 percent of salmon and steelhead habitat in the lower 48. But its fisheries are in rapid decline, and unless the lower river dams are removed, they face extinction. Act now to help free the Snake. Take Action Tell Congress… Time

Instagram Live with Grizzly Skins of Alaska

Published in Community

If you’re ever going to join us for an Instagram Live session – please join us for this one. I’ll be talking with Phil, Rocky and Tia @grizzlyskinsofalaska on Instagram Live @troutunlimited this Friday October 30 at noon AKDT. I promise you’ll love it!

The Gibralter is special

Published in Advocacy, Fishing

The place you catch a rainbow trout as big as a silver salmon is a place you hold with reverence. A place you plan to someday return.

Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska;

05/20/2009 Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska; May 20, 2009 Contact: Nelli Williams Program Director Trout Unlimited Alaska Program 907-770-1776 Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska; Celebrity Crab Fishermen ask Gov. Sarah Palin to Halt Project (ANCHORAGE, May

American Military Women to Enjoy Once-in-a-Lifetime Fishing Trip to Bristol Bay, Alaska

Contact: Nelli Williams, Deputy Director, Trout Unlimited, Alaska Program, at or (907) 230-7121 For immediate release American Military Women to Enjoy Once-in-a-Lifetime Fishing Trip to Bristol Bay, Alaska Excursion Designed to Honor Their Service to the Nation ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Four U.S. military service members all women will spend time in Bristol Bay, Alaska, next

Sportsmen Pleased with Decision to put Clean Water Act into Action in Bristol Bay

Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited, (703) 284-9403 Tim Bristol, Director, TU Alaska Program (907) 321-3291 Rob Masonis, Vice president for Western Conservation, TU, (206) 491-9016 Steve Moyer, Vice president for Government Affairs, TU (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen Pleased with Decision to put Clean Water Act into Action in Bristol Bay

Sportsmen urge Congress to listen to facts, not PLP-funded propaganda

Nov. 4, 2015 Contact: Nelli Williams, Director of Trout Unlimiteds Alaska Program, (907) 230-7121 or FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen urge Congress to listen to facts, not Pebble Limited Partnership-funded propaganda campaign The House Science, Space and Technology committee hearing’s review of the EPA process distracts from the mining companys failure to file for permits

Yes for salmon

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Some bad ideas rise above others: New Coke, Diet Water, the Red Sox trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees. One of the worst ideas of all time? The proposal to build a mine in the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Scientists during the during the Obama Administration said the mine was too

Alaska Wild Caught Seafood is a labor of love

Published in Community, TU Business

Like many other small business owners in the region, Matt and Meghan are stewards of the most prolific sockeye salmon fishery on the planet. They’re part of a community that supports 20,000 American jobs, a $1.5 billion economy, a world-class hunting and fishing destination, and the subsistence and cultural traditions of the native people of the Bristol Bay region.

Statement by Trout Unlimited on the Obama Administrations Announcement of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Development Strategy

For Immediate Release: Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary (703) 284-9408, Statement by Trout Unlimited on the Obama Administration’s Announcement of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Development Strategy President Obama and Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar announced a strategy today for balancing the development and protection of the country’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The plan

Pursuing Native Connections 

Published in TROUT Magazine

Photo by Colin Arisman By Daniel Ritz How Bristol Bay Fly Fishing & Guide Academy graduates are redefining fly-fishing travel culture in Alaska. Rounding a blind bend in the Brooks River, the nearly 900-pound brown bear surprises us as it sits haunches deep, ripping into the belly of a bright red 8-to-10 pound Sockeye salmon

Video spotlight: Small Creeks Flyout

Published in Video spotlight

Brian Kraft is an important parter in Trout Unlimited’s work to protect Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed from the proposed Pebble Mine and what would be the largest open-pit mining operation on the planet. He’s the proprietor at Alaska’s Sportsman’s Lodge, and if you think the mine isn’t personal to him, or the staff of guides