Search results for “clark fork river”

Hiking the CDT: Road-walking to Canada with grizzly bears

Published in Community, Featured, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Youth

Our best grizzly sighting happened on the last day just 8 miles from the border. We were excited and walking fast. My cousin Ethan was walking ahead and staring at his phone. He apperantly did not notice the bear walking up the road. After we caught his attention, his first thought, he later told us, was “Oh cool, a bear.” Followed shortly by, “Oh crap, a bear!”

Oregon sportsmen oppose reopening old mining track

2/1/2006 Oregon sportsmen oppose reopening old mining track February 1, 2006 Contact: Mike Beagle, Oregon Field Coordinator, Trout Unlimited, (541) 772-7720 Michelle Halle, Oregon Chapter, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, (503) 226-8455 Tony Brauner, Oregon Council, Federation of Fly Fishers, (541) 479-0009 Tom Wolf, Oregon Council, Trout Unlimited (541) 640-2123 Norm Ritchie, Association of Northwest Steelheaders,

Surviving runoff means expanding our angling horizons

Published in Trout Talk
Sunset over the Idaho desert

Surviving runoff sometimes means heading to the desert to chase bass or carp. Chris Hunt photo. I live in trout country. Scratch that. I live in the heart of trout country. In fact, Trout Country deserves proper noun status around these parts. But this is the time of year when living in Trout Country is

Tribasin Fish Passage and Watershed Restoration Project Begins in Upper Greys River Watershed

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 Contacts: Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Patrick Barry, Forest Fisheries Biologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-886-5330,  Kelly Owens, Forest Hydrologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-739-5598, Tribasin Fish Passage and Watershed Restoration Project Begins in Upper Greys River Watershed. Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF) announced today

Voices from the River: Conflict to Collaboration in Idaho

Published in Voices from the river

Snake River steelhead, an Endangered Species Act listed species, will benefit from a collaboration of groups in Idaho that once worked against each other. Trout Unlimited photo. By Kira Finkler Looking around the West, it is easy to find watersheds where people are fighting over too little water. In Idaho, a group of partners decided

Video spotlight: Life of a Guide

Published in Video spotlight

There was a time when I thought being a fishing guide would be about the coolest existence a guy could experience. That all changed one rainy Father’s Day weekend some 15 years ago when renowned guide Rod Patch floated me and my wife down the Cardiac Canyon reach of the Henry’s Fork. From bouncing the

Trout Tips: Winter can offer hot fishing

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

One of the best days I ever experienced on Idaho’s fabled Henry’s Fork was also one of the coldest days I’ve every experienced on the water. It was one of those bitterly cold January days, but thanks to consistent water temperatures from an inflowing spring creek, the river was open and the fish were on

The tipping point for salmon and steelhead

Published in From the President, Dam Removal

These remarks were delivered yesterday at the 2021 Environmental Conference at the Andrus Center for Public Policy at Boise State University. I want to begin my remarks today by talking about SARs—not the viral respiratory disease, but the percentage of juvenile salmon or smolts that survive the ocean, and their trek through the dams, and return to spawn. Experts call this the “smolt to adult

Faces of Restoration: Capitan Forestry in Oregon

Published in Conservation, Featured, Featured, From the field, Science

TU works with some extremely talented characters while developing and completing projects in the field that help make fishing better. We are excited to bring you a series highlighting these Contractors. We hire equipment operators, truck drivers, laborers, material suppliers, engineers, technicians, and water testing labs. They are unique, talented, humble and some are downright wild, but TU’s Contractors are a

Are there other benefits to restoring a free-flowing river?

Adding a large amount of spawning habitat would be a major benefit to breaching the four lower Snake River dams, primarily for fall Chinook salmon. Historically, fall Chinook spawned extensively in the mainstem Snake River above Hells Canyon. That spawning habitat was lost when the three-dam Hells Canyon Complex was built by Idaho Power in

Icy Hot Jig

Published in Fly tying

Winter flies that work dependably often don’t look like anything found naturally in the water. For instance, I do really well using a size 12 Prince Nymph here in eastern Idaho, where winter fishing is doable on a few local rivers, like the Bear and the Henry’s Fork. I suppose the Prince might be a

TU and partners improve fish passage for spawning cutthroat on Bar BC Spring Creek

December 23, 2019 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, JACKSON, Wyoming –Trout Unlimited (TU) announced today that on-the-ground implementation for the Bar BC Spring Creek Fish Passage & Channel Restoration Project is currently underway. The project is a collaboration between agency partners and private landowners to improve fish migration into

TU praises EPA?s efforts on abandoned mines

5/10/2006 TU praises EPA?s efforts on abandoned mines May 10, 2006 Contact: Contact: Chris Wood,, (571) 274-0601 Rob Roberts,, (406) 543-1192 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU praises EPAs efforts on abandoned mines Agencys policies could lead to more on-the-ground restoration projects WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited (TU) today praised the Environmental Protection Agency for its

Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmon

02/11/2008 Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmon FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmonScientific review needed to ensure conservation objectives are met February 11, 2008 VANCOUVER A coalition of conservation groups is calling for a scientific review of the Pacific Salmon Treaty to ensure that it is

Tying the Ruptured Egg Cluster for the spawn

Published in Fly tying

In just a few weeks, spring spawning trout, whitefish and suckers will migrate and begin clearing redds in rivers and streams all over America. Between late February and even into June or July at higher elevations, there will be eggs in the water, and that means predatory trout and char will be on the prowl.   Fly fishers