Search results for “clark fork river”

It’s time for the lower Snake River dams to go

Published in From the President

“It is our collective opinion, based on overwhelming scientific evidence, that restoration of a free-flowing lower Snake River is essential to recovering wild Pacific salmon and steelhead in the basin.”  So reads a remarkable letter recently sent to the governors of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana by 10 of the finest and most-respected salmon and steelhead scientists in

Fly tying: Ken’s Crystal Worm

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

I have the same discussion with a lot of different folks about this time every year. Are flies that imitate worms … ethical? My take? Absolutely. They mimic a naturally occuring prey base in rivers, lakes and streams all over America, and, with high flows approaching in some of our snow-locked rivers, worm patterns are

Fly tying: The Wood Special

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

In the Northeast, where fly fishing got it’s American start on the brook trout waters of the Adirondacks, the Catskills and in the north woods of Maine, older, more traditional flies still find their way into fly boxes. And why not? They’re beautiful creations that were meant to attract native brook trout in tumbling mountain

Trout Unlimited Takes Legal Action To Protect California's State Fish

11/29/2001 Trout Unlimited Takes Legal Action To Protect California’s State Fish Trout Unlimited Takes Legal Action To Protect Californias State Fish California golden trouts predicament worsens due to the stocking of non-native fish Contact: Steve Trafton , California Policy Coordinator, TU (510) 528-4772 California Policy Coordinator TU (510) 528-4772 11/29/2001 — Albany, Calif. — The

New TU Report Demonstrates Vital Link between Oregon's Roadless Lands and Native Fish, Wildlife

6/22/2004 New TU Report Demonstrates Vital Link between Oregon’s Roadless Lands and Native Fish, Wildlife New TU Report Demonstrates Vital Link between Oregon’s Roadless Lands and Native Fish, Wildlife Bulk of states remaining healthy salmon, steelhead & trout depend on headwaters and tributaries found within federal roadless lands, which also support its longstanding fishing, hunting

Long effort leads to mine protections in Maine

Published in Uncategorized

By Jeff Reardon Last week, Maine’s Legislature overrode a veto by Governor Paul Lepage with an overwhelming bipartisan vote—35-0 in the Republican-controlled Senate; 122-21 in the Democratically-controlled House—to finally pass a bill that gives Maine protective rules for metallic mineral mining. That decision ended more than five years of work by Trout Unlimited and other

TU lauds new Forest Service guidelines for groundwater

May 2, 2014 Contact: Laura Ziemer, (406) 522-7291 x 103, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited praises Forest Service for tackling groundwater rules to protect headwaters and fishing New groundwater policy a needed step to steward water resources and prized fisheriesin the face of climate change, drought (Washington, D.C.) Trout Unlimited today praised the Forest

TU Sues To Protect Fish In Colorado's Eagle, Fraser Basins

5/5/1999 TU Sues To Protect Fish In Colorado’s Eagle, Fraser Basins TU Sues To Protect Fish In Colorado’s Eagle, Fraser Basins Western Water Project files on St. Louis Creek and Eagle River cases Contact: 5/5/1999 — — Boulder, CO – May 5, 1999 – Trout Unlimited (TU) announced today that it has gone to court

Honoring a legacy through wild and scenic designation

Published in Featured

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Conservationists Challenge Huge New Columbia River Water Withdrawl In Court

6/17/1999 Conservationists Challenge Huge New Columbia River Water Withdrawl In Court Conservationists Challenge Huge New Columbia River Water Withdrawal In Court Suit challenges Corps of Engineers’ failure to regulate the irrigation project, which harms salmon and steelhead Contact: 6/17/1999 — — Three conservation groups today sued the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in federal district

Trout art and paraphernalia

Published in Voices from the river

When I was young, our family had a condo in a nearby ski town that was affectionately known as the ‘hatchery’ due to the copious amounts of trout art and decorations adorning the walls and tables. I recall attempting to count them at one point, but I couldn’t keep up, especially since I knew of hidden pieces I drew on the studs

NFWF grants to bolster TU’s brook trout work in Appalachia

Published in Conservation

Brook trout will get a boost from newly funded projects in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.  Trout Unlimited was among several organizations to earn grant awards from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation through the organization’s Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program.  A $140,000 grant will be used toward a restoration and monitoring project in the Cross

New hope for Yuba River salmon and steelhead

Published in Uncategorized

By Chandra Ferrari Theodore Roosevelt once said, “[d]o what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Many colorful quotes have been attributed to him but this is one of my favorites. It cautions against waiting for the perfect situation and moment to arise before moving forward. You could be waiting a long time.