Search results for “clark fork river”

South Fork Lodge

We are a premier fly fishing lodge on the banks of the South Fork of the Snake River. Our guides are the best in the business with countless hours spent on the water each and every year. The dining and accommodations are top notch, with an unprecedented view from your room or as you enjoy

TU praises BLM for protecting Thompson Divide

July 29, 2016 For Immediate Release Contact: Tyler Baskfield,, 720 530-9896 TU praises BLM for protecting Thompson Divide Cancellation of oil and gas leases a victory for sportsmen and CO wildlife (Carbondale, CO)Trout Unlimited today praised a Bureau of Land Management decision to cancel 25 oil and gas leases in the Thompson Divide, a

Where there’s smoke, there’s dinner

Published in Cooking from the Water's Edge, Featured

Blue Smoke that is… There was a time where finding a good meal in a small river town was a challenge. While not a fishing town by trade, Three Forks, Mont., is finding itself in the middle of a recreation boom and among the throngs frequenting the local rivers and trails. This small town, where

30 Great Places: Black River, Arizona

Published in Uncategorized

Region: Southwest/Southern RockiesActivity: FishingSpecies: Apache, rainbow and brown trout Where: The Black River courses through the two million-acre Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests and the San Carlos and Fort Apache reservations in the White Mountains of east-central Arizona. This is not the desert country that Arizona conjures up, but forested terrain criss-crossed with cold, clear-running streams and

TU honors Denver Water with River Stewardship Award

Trout Unlimited Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 11, 2016 Contact: David Nickum,, 720-581-8589 Randy Scholfield, TU communications,, 720-375-3961 Stacy Chesney, Denver Water,, 303-628-6700 Trout Unlimited honors Denver Water with River Stewardship Award In recognition of utilitys collaborative water conservation, river habitat projects DenverColorado Trout Unlimited has awarded Denver Water, the Denver

The long game: TU and the Yuba River

Published in Uncategorized

Getting bent on the lower Yuba River. The Yuba River is one of California’s many coldwater fishery jewels. In its upper forks the Yuba is a fine freestone trout stream; in the reach between Englebright Dam, where the river flows into the Central Valley, and its confluence with the Feather River near Marysville, the Yuba

Trout Tips: Arrow tube? Or rod tube?

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

Years ago, I was fishing the Cardiac Canyon stretch of the Henry’s Fork over Father’s Day weekend, thanks to the able boatmanship of well-known guide Rod Patch. I’d never fished this stretch before, but rod put me and my fishing partner on fat and happy Henry’s Fork rainbows all day. It was epic. Rod set

Fly tying: The Puff Daddy Blue-winged Olive

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

The warmer weather this February here in the West has a lot of us thinking about rising trout. What started as a brutal winter with record snowfall is kind of going out with a wimper—I can see the grass on the front lawn here in Idaho Falls for the first time since mid-December, and we’re

Mourning loss and ascending the Lochsa

Published in Fishing, Featured

As I brought the fish to the net, I was overwhelmed with its weight, length and textbook coloring.
As I resuscitated this fish in the slow but moving waters along the side of the Lochsa, I thought of Mark, and I wished that he could have seen this. 
Summiting Lolo Pass, I stopped along the side of the road, taking in the wilderness below me, now to the east and south, and thought about all that I was leaving behind.

Bristol Bay Ambassadors: Martin Kviteng

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited’s Bristol Bay Ambassadors program highlights the people who help in the fight to save Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine. As we said at the launch, “For every person we highlight, we know there are hundreds more, doing their part because they care about Bristol Bay.” If you know someone who should be featured,

Idaho’s bull trout persevere as search for other precious resources continues

Published in Fishing

Unable to see my fly, I was worried I wouldn’t pick up on a take. I shouldn’t have been concerned. My line ripped taut as something far under the surface inhaled my imitation and began to run with it like it had stolen something. I watched my line travel back and forth in the deep pool. Overwhelmed with emotion, I literally slid down the awkward rock outcropping of the outlet channel and brought a 16- to 18-inch brightly spotted and beautiful olive bull trout to the net.”

New route proposed for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Published in Uncategorized

Confluence of Red Run and Dry Fork in the Cheat River drainage By Katy Dunlap Last fall, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) filed a formal application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission seeking approval to construct and operate a 564-mile interstate natural gas pipeline across some of the best trout habitat in West Virginia and

California public lands bills pass out of key House committee

Published in Conservation, Government Affairs, TROUT Magazine

Today, the House Natural Resources Committee passed three bills that would better conserve habitat and sporting opportunities in some of California’s most productive coldwater fisheries and upland hunting zones. Trout Unlimited has worked for the past five years to help develop these measures and provided written testimony to the committee in support of today’s markup.

Voices from the River: Boxes to fill

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt It’s December. How did that happen? Why, just last week, it seemed, I was casting fat Chernobyls to willing cutthroats on Bear Creek under the warmest of summer suns. But today, as I step outside to grab the mail, my nostrils freeze tight and the vapor from my breath circles my face,

Second Phase of River Bend Ranch Project Nears Completion

The innovative project will reestablish a thriving riparian zone and install bioengineered bank stabilization treatments throughout the floodplain to improve habitat and connectivity for all life stages of Snake River Cutthroat Trout, promote bank and channel stability, and reduce erosion and land loss. Contacts: SUBLETTE COUNTY, DATE – A collaborative effort to improve fish habitat,

Set your fantasy fly lineup

Published in Fishing, Fly tying, TROUT Magazine, Trout Tips

‘Tis the season. Over the weekend, my buddy and fellow TU-er Kirk Deeter and I faced off in fantasy football. We’re both underachieving this year–it seems we both have the bad fortune to play the highest-scoring opponents in the league every week this season, so we both find ourselves in the middle of the standings,

House passes public lands bill, conserves key habitat and famous fisheries in California

The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act promotes protection and restoration of public lands and waters, wildfire risk reduction, and fishing and hunting opportunities in five national forests in California. This week, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act. This legislation includes three bills that Trout Unlimited has worked for years with our local

Public lands package passes House

Published in Conservation, From the field

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act (H.R. 803). Trout Unlimited strongly supports this legislation, as it will better conserve and restore public lands, watersheds and coldwater fisheries in four Western states and support the country’s commitment to countering the impacts of climate change by protecting at least 30 percent of

TU Begins Work on Landmark Salmon Conservation Partnership with Big Timber

8/29/2000 TU Begins Work on Landmark Salmon Conservation Partnership with Big Timber TU Begins Work on Landmark Salmon Conservation Partnership with Big Timber Contact: 8/29/2000 — — Contact: Steve Trafton, TU California Policy Coordinator: 510-528-4772 Craig Bell, TU Point Arena Project Coordinator: 707-884-3012 Alan Moore, TU Western Communications Coordinator: 503-827-5700 August 21, 2000. Mendocino County,