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Meet the angler who is trying to complete the Western Native Trout Challenge this summer

Published in Fishing
Casting for trout in a mountain lake.

“I felt this was an important chapter of history to experience and record,” said Daniel Ritz. “When I personally started to learn more about the history and status of the West’s native species, I quickly realized how change in the West since the arrival of Europeans and the health of its trout species were intertwined. I also quickly realized I was not the only angler, let alone citizen, who wasn’t aware of the state of our native trout.”

Veteran congressional staffer Lindsay Slater to lead the Trout Unlimited policy team

Reorganized policy, communications teams promise to amplify TU’s impact Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.—Longtime congressional staffer Lindsay Slater—who was instrumental in protecting wilderness areas in the Northwest and building momentum for a comprehensive plan to remove the lower four Snake River dams, rebuild the region’s infrastructure, and recover imperiled Pacific salmon and steelhead—is joining Trout Unlimited as

The Stream That Shall Not Be Named

Published in Voices from the river, Fishing, TROUT Magazine

The author and Cassie after the chase on The Stream That Shall Not Be Named. You know how it is when you develop an intimate relationship with a place. Especially if that place has large, lovely wild trout. You start to feel a sense of ownership—and a distinct reluctance to share it with anyone beyond

Cherry Creek Restoration: TU Response to Outdoor Life article

6/30/1999 Cherry Creek Restoration: TU Response to Outdoor Life article Cherry Creek Restoration: TU Response to Outdoor Life article Contact: 6/30/1999 — — Montana TU and the George Grant Chapter support the project because it is a low-risk landscape level restoration project that can benefit westslope cutthroat trout in the Upper Missouri basin, where the

Wild Rivers Coffee Company stands with TU on the Lower Snake

Published in TU Business

For a young family like theirs, the notion of losing salmon and steelhead runs in this iconic American river is simply unacceptable. These fish are too special, this place is too special for us to sit by and watch as these fish simply disappear. “Wild Rivers Coffee is with Trout Unlimited all the way on this proposal,” Marshall says. “We believe these fish are a legacy for our children and future generations of Americans to enjoy and pass on. That’s what conservation is all about.”

Animas River catastrophe a call to action on mine pollution

Photo courtesy NBC News Aug. 7, 2015 Contact: Steve Kandell,, (970) 946-5801 Ty Churchwell,, Jason Willis,, (719) 221-0411 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited, stakeholders call for solution in wake of Animas River mine blowout (DURANGO)Trout Unlimited today called for urgent action to clean up the scourge of abandoned hardrock mines, in the

Soul of the Snake

Published in Advocacy, Featured

Congressman, Nez Perce Tribal leader, TU CEO say: Those who care about the imperiled Snake River salmon and steelhead need to speak up on their behalf—now

Eastern Shale Gas Development

Over the past decade, energy companies have descended on the Mid-Atlantic to drill for gas in the Marcellus and Utica shales, which underlie parts of New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Virginia, and Maryland. These shale deposits have made the region a hotbed for hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” which involves injecting water, sand and chemicals

Lakeview Outfitters

About us Lakeview Outfitters is a small Fly Shop, and Guide Service nestled in the Chugach mountains, at the headwaters of the Kenai River. Our passion for fly fishing and commitment to conservation run deep. We are proud to be the only fly shop in the country to run completely on solar power! What we

Park City Outfitters

About us We’ve been operating in Park City since 1989, and fly fishing the local waters since 1972. We have some of the most experienced guides on the water. Our staff includes a licensed river captain, lake captain, walk/wade guides, a certified casting instructor, competitive fly casters. We were the featured outfitter on LL Bean’s

TU cheers San Gabriel Mountains designation

October 10, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, VP for Government Affairs, (571) 274-0593Jessica Strickland, California Field Coordinator, (830) 515-9917 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited strongly endorses designation of new San Gabriel Mountains National MonumentApplauds Presidents action to permanently protect water supply, habitat, and sporting opportunities in southern California EMERYVILLE, Calif.Trout Unlimited (TU), the nations oldest and

30 Great Places: Lake Tahoe region

Published in Uncategorized

Region: WestActivities: FishingSpecies: Lahontan cutthroat, rainbow and brown trout Where: The crystalline jewel of the northern Sierra Nevadas, Lake Tahoe, is fed by 63 creeks, yet only one river flows out—the Truckee. Leaving the northwest corner of the lake at Tahoe City’s Fanny Bridge (so named for the posteriors of tourists gaping at the huge

Sunny Days

I always look forward to the transition to wet-wading season. Here in the mid-Atlantic that usually hits in mid-May, unless you’re fishing a tailwater just downstream from a dam, in which case waders are still a must. Even with neoprene wading socks, the first steps into a chilly (but not frigid) trout stream can be

Voices from the River: Equinox

Published in Voices from the river

A bigger-than-average trout from a nameless creek, Sierra National Forest. By Sam Davidson For no good reason one of my favorite words is equinox. It sounds like a cool drum set, or a fancy word for a horse’s muzzle. Of course, the term (which stems originally from the old Latin aequinoctium, or “equal night”) means