Search results for “coaster brook trout waters”

Video spotlight: Carter Andrews

Published in Video spotlight

Carter Andrews is rabid. You can see it in his eyes. He fishes. That’s what he does. There’s no mistaking him for anything but a fisherman. This is a man who likely never thinks of anything else. Ever. Video of YETI Presents: Carter Andrews “I still get as excited today as I got when I

Cross Current Insurance Group

Cross Current Insurance Group is an insurance broker born out of the concept of helping businesses and professionals in the fishing industry while also giving back to the causes we all like. As avid anglers ourselves, we understand the unique challenges you face, both on the water and in your business. With over five decades

Video spotlight: Fighting Big Fish with a Fly Rod

Published in Video spotlight

Now, most of us will never stand on the bow of a boat in the waters off of San Diego and battle a 200-pound mako shark. But, if you fish long enough, you will get the opportunity to battle big fish, whether it’s a big smallmouth bass, a fat rainbow in a spring creek, a

Fly Fishing Outpost

The Fly Fishing Outpost is a “sister” company of Land of Enchantment Guides, a guiding company fishing the waters of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. We use all the products that we sell and have tested them extensively on thousands of hours of guided fishing trips and throughout years of personal experience on the

Fishing with Jedis

The thing about fishing with true Jedi Masters is that, (a) you never know when they’re watching, and, (b) because of (a), you can get tight and make the kind of technical errors that will elicit commentary, even from the most laconic of partners who would otherwise prefer to spare you the humiliation. So it

What Trump’s budget means for anglers

Published in Uncategorized

“The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.”— President Teddy Roosevelt [STAND UP FOR CONSE RVATION FUNDING HERE] Land and water conservation are taking a direct hit in President Trumps proposed budget. In his message to

Permanent protection for Sáttítla

Permanent protection for Sáttítla/Medicine Lake Highlands  California’s Medicine Lake Highlands are a unique area of public lands that serves as a vast natural water reservoir and the sole source of the Fall River and its famous trout fishery. Photo: Pit River Tribe Tell President Biden and Congress to designate the Sáttítla/Medicine Lake Highlands National Monument

Trout Unlimited Calls on Gov. Corbett to Tighten Marcellus Shale Environmental Standards and Dedicate Portion of Fee Revenue to Conservation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary: (571) Trout Unlimited Calls on Gov. corbett to Tighten Marcellus Shale Environmental Standards and Dedicate Portion of Fee Revenue to Conservation “Gov. Corbett’s Marcellus Shale plan announced yesterday is a step in the right direction towards improving existing environmental standards related to Marcellus Shale development,

Take action

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Last week, I published an opinion piece printed in the New York Times asking President Trump to stand up for clean water, and veto Congress’ bill to overturn restrictions on mountaintop removal mining. Unfortunately, that plea failed, as the President signed the misguided law today. Trout Unlimited, our members, and all hunters

On second glance

Published in Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Trout Tips
A scenic shot of a trout stream.

A fairly average-looking run on a stream. Or is it? I’d been fishing a small native cutthroat trout stream in eastern Idaho, and came upon what, at first blush, looked to be a fairly featureless stretch of stream. But, as I got closer, I noticed a few things. The long “slick,” as I’ve taken to

Voices from the River: Black water

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt The first time I visited a blackwater swamp, I was probably about 12. My dad rented a little jon boat from the marina near Uncertain, Texas, and he manned the tiller as we glided over the glassy waters of Caddo Lake. I was instantly enchanted. At the time, 35 years ago, East

TU VSP and Student Veterans of America

Published in Uncategorized

With support from TU VSP Advisory Council member Joe Butler, I had the amazing opportunity to exhibit and talk about the TU VSP program at the 2017 Student Veterans of America National Conference. I spent 3 days talking with student veterans from across the country. It was energizing to spend time with an extraordinary group

TU Goes to Spain

Published in Science
A group of around two dozen people stand on a shady sidewalk

Stream Salmonids Symposium offers a venue to highlight TU’s science work and learn from scientists around the globe.


Bristol Bay river

For generations, Alaska has been known as “the last frontier.” For anglers, it might be better known as the Salmon Frontier. Alaska is, simply put, the best of what’s left. It’s home to the largest salmon runs left in America and, in some cases, the world. Here, anglers share the rivers and streams with mighty

The Prince Nymph

Published in Fishing, Fly tying, Travel, TROUT Magazine

Cave Falls, Yellowstone National Park. I stood up to the bottom of my shorts in the gloriously cool waters of the Fall River, just as it prepares to leave the environs of Yellowstone National Park and wind through a short stretch of Wyoming and into Idaho, where it’s tumultuous currents finally meet the Henry’s Fork