Search results for “coaster brook trout waters”

The Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited is now accepting applications for funding conservation projects

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mike Caltagirone, President Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited (775) 232-9697 The Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited is Now Accepting Applications for Funding of Northern Nevada/California Focused Coldwater Fisheries and Watershed Conservation Projects (August 17, 2009 Reno, NV) The Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited has announced it is now accepting applications

Trout Unlimited Praises Target for Replacing Farmed Salmon with Wild Alaska Salmon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tim Bristol Alaska Program Director, Trout Unlimited / 907.321.3291 Elizabeth Dubovsky WhyWild Director, Trout Unlimited/907.321.7221 Trout Unlimited Praises Target for Replacing Farmed Salmon with Wild Alaska Salmon Juneau, AK Today, Trout Unlimited, the nation’s largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization with over 140,000 members around the country, praised the prominent national retailer

Trout Unlimited Alaska Sponsors Fly Fishing Academy for Bristol Bay Youth

Contact: Paula Dobbyn, Director of Communications, Trout Unlimited Alaska, or 907-230-1513 NEWS RELEASE Trout Unlimited Alaska Sponsors Fly Fishing Academy for Bristol Bay Youth Fly Fishing and Guiding Program Encourages Local Kids to Enter Sport Fishing Industry For Immediate Release (May 18, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska) Trout Unlimited Alaska, together with partner organizations, is sponsoring

June 26 Marks Trout Unlimited's National Stream Clean-Up Day

For Immediate Release: Contact:Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary 571-331-7970 June 26 Marks Trout Unlimited’s National Stream Clean-Up Day TU chapters around the country work to clean rivers and streams. Arlington, Va.America’s rivers and streams will be cleaner and healthier this weekend, thanks to the efforts of Trout Unlimited (TU) volunteers. On Saturday, June 26, TU

Trout Magazine Story: Biotech Salmon Would Endanger Wild Salmon and Ecosystems

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney TU National Press Secretary (703) 284-9408 Trout Magazine Story: Biotech Salmon Would Endanger Wild Salmon and Ecosystems TU is weighing possible litigation if the FDA approves the genetically modified salmon. Arlington, Va.- A Trout magazine story on the threats posed by genetically modified salmon – often called Frankenfish, shows

Trout Unlimited Applauds House Amendment to Block Approval of Genetically Modified Salmon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary, 703-284-9408 Keith Curley, Director of Government Affairs, 703-284-9428 Trout Unlimited Applauds House Amendment to Block Approval of Genetically Modified Salmon Arlington, Va. Trout Unlimited (TU) welcomed the passage of an amendment to the House Agriculture Appropriations bill that would bar the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Trout Unlimited Receives Prestigious American Fisheries Society Award for Work in PA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary: (571) Trout Unlimited Receives Prestigious American Fisheries Society AwardEastern Abandoned Mine Program receives distinction for work in Pennsylvania Arlington, Va. Trout Unlimited’s Eastern Abandoned Mine Program (EAMP) was recently honored with one of the American Fisheries Society’s (AFS) highest awards, the Presidents Fishery Conservation Award.

Trout Unlimited applauds Pennsylvania for not leasing state forest lands for Marcellus drilling

Contact:Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited – (215) 557-2845, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited applauds Pennsylvania for not leasing state forest lands for Marcellus drilling State officials say there are no plans to lease more state forest lands. Harrisburg, P.A. Trout Unlimited applauds Gov. Corbett and Pennsylvania officials for deciding not to keep additional state forest

Trout Unlimited Applauds SRBC Decision to Temporarily Suspend Marcellus Water Withdrawals

Contact:Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited, (215) 557-2845, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Applauds SRBC Decision to Temporarily Suspend Marcellus Water Withdrawals Decision will help protect streams throughout Pennsylvania’s Marcellus region. Harrisburg, Pa. Trout Unlimited commends today’s decision by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission to suspend water withdrawals in five Pennsylvania counties for Marcellus drilling because

Fishermen and Tour Operators Press Congress to Protect Tongass Salmon and Trout Watersheds

Contact:Paula Dobbyn, Trout Unlimited, Alaska Program, Director of Communications,, or (907) 230-1513Austin Williams, Trout Unlimited, Alaska Forest Program Manager,, or (907) 227-1590 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Fishermen and Tour Operators Press Congress to Protect Tongass Salmon and Trout Watersheds The Tongass 77 Proposal Would Help Guarantee a Self-Sustaining, Economic Engine Juneau, Alaska A delegation

California legislators cast in support of trout and salmon at 5th annual Casting Call

State Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff practices his casting for the friendly legislators’ competition on the North Lawn of the State Capitol. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 5, 2014 Contact: Sam Davidson, (831) 235-2542, Contact: Curtis Knight, (530) 859-1872, Legislators Compete in Friendly Fly Casting Competition to Show Value of Californias Recreational Fishing Economy

TU launches TroutBlitz, a citizen-science effort to catalog wild and native trout

June 27, 2014 Contact: Jack Williams, TU Senior Scientist, (541) 261-3960 Chris Hunt, TU National Communications Director, (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU launches TroutBlitz, a citizen-science effort to catalog wild and native trout across North America Organization invites all anglers to photograph and map their catches in the name of science WASHINGTON, D.C.With the

Sportsmen invited to write about Special Places for Trout Unlimited essay contest

Jan. 22, 2015   Contact: Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited, 540-353-3556,   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   Sportsmen invited to write about Special Places for Trout Unlimited essay contest   Winner will net a Scott Radian fly rod package and publication in TROUT Magazine   WASHINGTON, D.C.–Trout Unlimited today launched an essay contest open to the

Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited Pocono Creek Project Phase 1 Update

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On Thursday June 16, 2016 and Saturday June 18, 2016, members of the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited contracted All Construction and Repair ( to place rocks that had been previously donated by Northampton Community College ( in a section of the Pocono Creek owned by the Pocono Heritage Land Trust ( A portion of

Trout Unlimited launches new film, video channel for California Streamflow program

tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mary Ann King, Stewardship Manager, California Water Project, 510-507-0097 20 September 2016 Trout Unlimited releases new film on steelhead restoration in Pescadero Creek, California Also launches new channel for California Streamflow video series Trout Unlimited (TU) today released the latest film in a series of short video documentaries about

Trout Unlimited welcomes Interior recommendations for public lands oil and gas reform

TU asks on bonding, speculative leasing are among administration recommendations Contact: Corey Fisher, Public Lands Policy Director, Trout Unlimited,, 406-546-2979 ARLINGTON, Va.—Momentum is building in Washington to modernize oil and gas leasing policies on public lands following the release of a new report from the Department of the Interior, which recommends increasing minimum bond

Spread Creek Fish Passage Project protects native cutthroat trout populations

New short film features local community members, agencies, and small businesses partnering together to restore stream connectivity through collaborative project. CONTACT Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director – Trout Unlimited,, 307-699-1022 Valerie Gohlke, Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Grand Teton National Park,, 307-739-3393 Mary Cernicek, Bridger-Teton National Forest Public Affairs Officer-