Search results for “colorado river basin”

Time to go all in

Published in Snake River

Mankind’s efforts are no longer cutting it for salmon and steelhead survival on the lower Snake

Colorado River Basin and Greater Southwest

STATE OF THE BASIN For far too long, the Colorado River has been overused and overworked. Despite this year’s epic winter, the system’s largest reservoirs are still less than a third full, while the Basin faces threats to its environmental, economic, and cultural values. With so much at stake for the future of the Colorado

Infrastructure package could help the drought-stricken Colorado River Basin

Published in Advocacy, Conservation, Government Affairs

A massive package of legislation, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is currently working its way through Congress, having been passed by the Senate earlier this week. If enacted, this bill would make essential investments of remarkable size and scope to help the nation address the impacts of climate change, including some of the worst impacts of the

Wrap-up: The state of our hydrology today in the Colorado River Basin

In this final installment of the Western Water 101 series we’ll turn our attention to current events to draw together some of the topics and themes we’ve explored over the course of the series. With the extremely dry conditions throughout the West, TU’s work—from on-the-ground projects to legislative advocacy and agency collaboration—is more important than ever. The current drought crisis in the region draws together many of the themes discussed over the

Sportsmen, conservation groups applaud USDA-DOI move on water conservation in Colorado River Basin

For Immediate Release: Thursday, June 23, 2016 Contact: Margaret Delaney,, 202-800-8689 National Conservation, Sportsmen Groups Applaud USDA-DOI Announcement of New Coordination of Water Conservation Efforts in the Colorado River Basin Announcement Responds to Calls from Conservation Leaders, Gov. Hickenlooper, Sen. Bennet for Greater Coordination Between Federal Grant Programs to Protect Communities and Critical Water

Sportsmen Demand Stronger Protections for Dolores Canyons Amid County NCA Proposal

Contacts: Grand Junction, Colorado – Mesa and Montrose counties released a national conservation area (NCA) proposal that included 29,806 acres of public lands in the Dolores River watershed. “While the NCA proposal from Mesa and Montrose counties makes strides to conserve the Dolores, it doesn’t do enough to protect fish and wildlife habitat and sporting

Colorado River Cutthroat Trout

Trout Unlimited has a diverse research and monitoring program focused on understanding the basic ecology and habitat requirements of Colorado River cutthroat trout. This work, done with various state and federal partners, helps us identify key habitat needs throughout the year so we can restore and protect important aspects of trout environments, such as over-wintering,

TU’s Drew Peternell asks for Coloradans to speak up on Water Plan

Published in Conservation, Advocacy

Community Agriculture Alliance: Common ground on water As originally printed in the Steamboat Pilot & Today on November 3, 2021 Unless you’ve been avoiding the national news in recent months, you are well-aware of the ongoing drought gripping the Colorado River basin. In September, the United States Bureau of Reclamation declared a Stage 1 water

Pipeline Impacts in the Delaware River Basin

We are in the midst of a once-in-a-generation build-out of major interstate pipelines to move natural gas from the Marcellus shale region to markets, other transmission lines, and export terminals on the East Coast. If not properly managed, this construction boom could have major impacts on the streams and forests of the Delaware River Basin

Gambling on Gold

Published in Advocacy

The proposed Uinta Basin Railway poses a significant threat to Colorado River’s Gold Medal waters.