Search results for “colorado river basin”

Federal budget includes boost for Delaware basin

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited’s efforts in the Delaware River Basin will get a boost as a result of the federal 2021 budget.  The Delaware River Basin Restoration Program (DRBRP) received $10 million in funding as part of the fiscal year 2021 Appropriations bill recently approved by Congress and signed by President Trump. The sum is a modest increase from the $9.7 million budgeted last fiscal year.  The

Bringing back the upper Animas

Published in From the field

Seven years after the Gold King spill, a $90 million settlement agreement sets the watershed on the course for recovery. Ty Churchwell explains why it matters.

Big day in Klamath Country

Published in Dam Removal, Featured

This Transfer Order is a critical step forward in the long slog to remove four old fish-blocking dams and re-open more than 400 miles of historic habitat for the Klamath’s struggling salmon and steelhead runs.

Deschutes Redbands

We are dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring the coldwater fisheries within the Deschutes River Basin. Our chapter is comprised of over 725 members who are passionate about working with local organizations to improve the Deschutes Basin.

Scientists detail agenda to save Southwest native trout

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 20, 2016 Contact: Randy Scholfield,, 720-375-3961 Jack Williams,, 541-261-3960 Mike Anderson,, 623-236-7653 Scientists detail agenda to preserve Southwest native trout Trout Unlimited says collaboration key to saving Americas most imperiled trout (Phoenix)Scientists, anglers and trout enthusiasts from conservation groups such as Trout Unlimited and federal and state wildlife

Trout Unlimited initiative tackling rising threats to key trout & salmon watersheds

Nation’s largest coldwater conservation nonprofit identifies 200+ “Priority Waters” where work is needed to reverse declines of wild and native fish Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.—Wild and native trout and salmon, as coldwater fish in a warming world, are facing enormous threats. More than 1.5 million miles of America’s trout and salmon waters are degraded, and populations

TU awarded four major NFWF grants for habitat restoration in upper Klamath River Basin

tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 6, 2018 Trout Unlimited awarded four new grants for habitat restoration work in upper Klamath River Basin Funding from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation will support restoration work in the Wood and Sprague Rivers and Threemile Creek KLAMATH FALLS, OreTrout Unlimited (TU) announced today the award of four major grants

River of No Return

Located in Salmon, Idaho on the famous Salmon River. RNRTU serves the upper Salmon basin, including the Challis and Stanley communities.

All you wanted to know: Redband trout

Published in Fishing, Travel

Redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss sub-species) Species summary and status: Redband trout are subspecies of rainbow trout and exist in two well-defined geographic regions. The Columbia River redband trout is found in Montana, Washington, and Idaho, and the Great Basin redband trout is found in southeastern Oregon and parts of California and Nevada. The redband is similar

TU praises new bill to implement key Klamath Basin agreement

Trout Unlimited praises new bill to implement key Klamath Basin agreement Walden legislation “important step” in implementing KPFA CONTACT: Sam Davidson/ Communications Director, California/Klamath / 831-235-2542 (November 10, 2017) KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. Trout Unlimited, Americas oldest and largest sportsmens organization dedicated to protecting and restoring trout and salmon and their habitats, applauded todays introduction

Conservation groups issue statement on Klamath Agreements, Congressional inaction, commitment to recovering salmon and steelhead

For Immediate Release December 21, 2015 Contact: Nina Erlich-Williams, 541-230-1971, 415-577-1151 (C), Conservation groups remain committed to recovering salmon and steelhead in Klamath Basin despite Congressional inaction Klamath Basin, Ore. With Congress adjourned for the year without passing legislation to enact the Klamath Basin Agreements, the fate of struggling salmon and steelhead populations in

Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust and Trout Unlimited merge, awarded NRCS grant for restoration work

TU Logo_2015.jpg February 18, 2016 Contact: Chrysten Lambert, Director, Oregon Water Project, (541) 973-4431 clambert@tu.orgBrian Johnson, California and Klamath Director, (415) 385-0796 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust and Trout Unlimited announce merger, award of $7.6M from NRCS to support partnerships with agriculture in upper Klamath Basin Klamath Falls, Ore.The Klamath Basin Rangeland

Comprehensive agreement for Klamath Basin restoration proposed, sets stage for hyrdropower agreement and dam removal

01/15/2008 Comprehensive agreement for Klamath Basin restoration proposed, sets stage for hyrdropower agreement and dam removal FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 15, 2008 CONTACT: Severn Williams California Trout 510-336-9566, C 415-336-9623 Chuck Bonham, Trout Unlimited 510-528-4164, C 510-917-8572 Steve Rothert, American Rivers 530-478-5672, C 530-277-0448 Brian Barr, National Center for Conservation Science & Policy 541-482-4459 x