Search results for “colorado river basin”

Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust and Trout Unlimited merge, awarded NRCS grant for restoration work

TU Logo_2015.jpg February 18, 2016 Contact: Chrysten Lambert, Director, Oregon Water Project, (541) 973-4431 clambert@tu.orgBrian Johnson, California and Klamath Director, (415) 385-0796 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust and Trout Unlimited announce merger, award of $7.6M from NRCS to support partnerships with agriculture in upper Klamath Basin Klamath Falls, Ore.The Klamath Basin Rangeland

Comprehensive agreement for Klamath Basin restoration proposed, sets stage for hyrdropower agreement and dam removal

01/15/2008 Comprehensive agreement for Klamath Basin restoration proposed, sets stage for hyrdropower agreement and dam removal FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 15, 2008 CONTACT: Severn Williams California Trout 510-336-9566, C 415-336-9623 Chuck Bonham, Trout Unlimited 510-528-4164, C 510-917-8572 Steve Rothert, American Rivers 530-478-5672, C 530-277-0448 Brian Barr, National Center for Conservation Science & Policy 541-482-4459 x

Conservationists to Congress: Forest Service Must be Allowed to Leave Water in Forest Streams

5/22/2001 Conservationists to Congress: Forest Service Must be Allowed to Leave Water in Forest Streams Conservationists to Congress: Forest Service Must be Allowed to Leave Water in Forest Streams Subcommittee presented with photographic evidence of dry streambeds in Colorado Contact: 5/22/2001 — — May 22, 2001 Contact: Charles Gauvin, TU President (703) 284-9401 Steve Malloch,

Yakima Basin Integrated Plan legislation advances through U.S. Senate committee

Senator Cantwells precedent-setting water and fisheries legislation passes Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee CONTACT: Michael Garrity, American Rivers, 206-852-5583 Lisa Pelly, Trout Unlimited, 509-630-0467 Ben Greuel, The Wilderness Society, 360-670-2938 (Nov. 19, 2015) Seattle, Wash. Today federal legislation to protect and enhance the Yakima River basins fisheries, ecosystem and water supply was passed by

Maintaining a wild Susitna River system

Today the thousands of river miles continue to support healthy populations of wild Pacific salmon, rainbow trout, Arctic Grayling, Dolly Varden and more.  Just north of the state’s largest populations centers of Anchorage and Wasilla, the area draws attention of recreational users of all types – hunters, anglers, trappers, miners, off highway vehicle operators, pilots,

River of No Return

Located in Salmon, Idaho on the famous Salmon River. RNRTU serves the upper Salmon basin, including the Challis and Stanley communities.

The Yakima Basin Integrated Plan: A response to climate change

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited has joined NOAA and other groups to look at long-term water supply resiliency for irrigators, fisheries and local communities in the Yakima Basin. The Yakima Basin is projected to lose a significant portion of its snow pack as a result of changing climate conditions. The Yakima Basin Integrated Plan (YBIP) is a 30-year

Leading Scientists Agree on Path Forward to Save Snake River Salmon

American Fisheries Society doubles down on the need to remove the dams to save critical wild populations of salmon and steelhead. Contacts:  Greg McReynolds, Intermountain West ACP Director, Trout Unlimited  Helen Neville, Senior Scientist, Trout Unlimited,  Zoe Bommarito, Mountain West Communications Director,  The American Fisheries Society (AFS) adopted a resolution urging policymakers

Trout Unlimited applauds court’s decision on Windy Gap Firming Project

The ruling makes it possible to move forward with planning for the Colorado River Connectivity Channel, yet hurdles remain.  Denver, Colo. (December 14, 2020) – Recently, U.S. District Court Judge, Timothy M. Tymkovich, dismissed a 2017 lawsuit clearing the way for construction of a new reservoir and making it possible to move forward with the construction of the Colorado River Connectivity

Senate passes ‘transformational’ infrastructure bill for fish

Published in Government Affairs, Conservation, Featured

The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, just passed by the U.S. Senate, would deliver a major shot in the arm to trout and salmon conservation efforts across the country. This bill would rebuild, improve and restore America’s infrastructure through a variety of programs, many of which directly support TU’s water, restoration, forest health and mine remediation efforts.

Critical Minerals Report: Mapping

Below are some of the country’s most unique landscapes that encompass, or exist near, known critical mineral deposits. As you read, please consider our tenets to see how they can avoid and mitigate impacts to irreplaceable natural resources while supporting responsible critical minerals mining. Boundary Waters, Minnesota Straddling the border between northern Minnesota and Canada,

Critical Minerals Report: Special Places

Below are some of the country’s most unique landscapes that encompass, or exist near, known critical mineral deposits. As you read, please consider our tenets to see how they can avoid and mitigate impacts to irreplaceable natural resources while supporting responsible critical minerals mining. Boundary Waters, Minnesota Straddling the border between northern Minnesota and Canada,

New TU video highlights Upper Klamath River restoration

Published in Conservation

One of the most promising conservation campaigns of this era is making steady progress in a river system that, historically, has been the third most productive for salmon and steelhead on the West Coast. A new video from Trout Unlimited showcases some of this progress, and the people who are making it happen. The long