Search results for “colorado river basin”
By Rob Shane For those in the Mid-Atlantic, or for anyone who’s been trout fishing long enough to have a bucket list of rivers, you’re certainly familiar with the Delaware River. Aside from being the source of drinking water for more than 15 million people in two of the largest cities in the United States (New York and Philadelphia), it
Salmon and steelhead are robust, adaptable creatures. They have survived across the eons, continuously adjusting to a changing ocean and landscape. Unfortunately, Idaho’s salmon and steelhead have not been able to adapt to the construction of the lower four Snake River dams.
Photo by Eric Crawford. TU has worked for years to restore salmon and steelhead, and a dam-removal proposal is in the works American Rivers today named the Snake River America’s No. 1 Most Endangered River of 2021, pointing to perilously low returns of Snake River salmon and steelhead, and the urgent need for lawmakers and
Education and restoration overlap in Darek Staub’s projects along a spring-fed watershed in Central Oregon
But future public access at risk with Alaska governor’s proposal to strip Susitna Basin waters of “Recreational River” status
title=”application/pdf” />170330_SENR-Hrg-TU-letter-multi-bills-FINAL.pdf On Thursday, March 30th, the US Senate Committee on Environment and Natural considered and advanced several bills of interest to Trout Unlimited and our members. TU submitted the attached comments outlining our comments on the following bills: TU Supports: S.513, a bill to designate the Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management
The data show conclusively that the Pacific Northwest’s climate is warming. The Snake River basin will experience hotter temperatures in the summer, which will make water conditions in the lower Snake River more problematic than they are at present. High water temperatures in the Snake under current conditions can take a devastating toll. In 2015,
As the largest river restoration effort in history moves forward, Oregon and California plan for fish reintroduction and monitoring
May 21, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, (571) 274-0593Sam Davidson, Communications Director, California/Nevada, (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Applauds New Klamath River Legislation Senators Wyden, Merkley, Feinstein and Boxer show leadership, act to resolve long-standing water issues in the third most productive salmon river on the West Coast BERKELEY,
TU’s Brian Johnson joins The River Rambler podcast for a conversation about dam removal, coalition building and what comes next on the Klamath Basin
A project to protect a genetically unique population of Colorado River cutthroat trout in Colorado is nearing completion. Abrams Creek, near the town of Gypsum, is the only native trout population in the Eagle River watershed. The cutthroat in Abrams Creek have been given a “highest priority” for conservation by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The
The current gauntlet that Snake salmon and steelhead run between their headwaters and the ocean—eight Snake and Columbia river dams and the slack-water, predator-filled reservoirs they create—are indiscriminate killers of both wild and hatchery fish
The Great Basin Chapter is part of the Utah TU Council. The chapter is based out of Elko, NV. We are lucky to have five native salmonids in Elko County. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout (LCT), Bull Trout, Interior Redband Trout, Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout, and Mountain Whitefish. Our favorite waters, including conservation and restoration projects, are the
These remarks were delivered yesterday at the 2021 Environmental Conference at the Andrus Center for Public Policy at Boise State University. I want to begin my remarks today by talking about SARs—not the viral respiratory disease, but the percentage of juvenile salmon or smolts that survive the ocean, and their trek through the dams, and return to spawn. Experts call this the “smolt to adult
10/22/07 Colorado Supreme Court rules in favor of TU in Dry Gulch case FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information contact: Drew Peternell 303-440-2937 COLORADO SUPREME COURT RULES IN FAVOR OF TU IN DRY GULCH CASEDecision sets precedent for municipal water systems throughout Colorado Boulder, CO The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Trout
The Snake River Basin should be the largest wild salmon and steelhead stronghold in the continental United States, with its cold, clean water fed by high-mountain snow and its thousands of miles of high-quality habitat—much of it in protected public lands.
The Goose Creek subbasin in the Upper Snake River Basin has a diverse native fish assemblage that reflects the presence of rare non-game species and peripheral populations of Yellowstone cutthroat trout. This assessment examines linkages between native fishes and their habitat in the Goose Creek subbasin with several key findings: 1) fish diversity is linked
We are broadly familiar with the plight of the salmon, hatching in freshwater, moving downstream as smolts and, entering the ocean. Their magnificent return to the rivers during spawning migrations, hundreds of miles up the Columbia and Salmon rivers, illustrates fish movements at a grand scale. Few people know the same phenomenon occurs with inland native trout such as the cutthroat
July 6, 2016 For Immediate Release Contact: David Nickum,, (720) 581-8589 Mely Whiting,, (720) 470-4758 Trout Unlimited praises river benefits, cooperation on Moffat Project As Denver Waters proposed project gains Gov. Hickenlooper endorsement DENVER Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper today officially endorsed Denver Waters proposed Gross Reservoir Expansion Project, also called the Moffat Collection
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 Contacts: Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Patrick Barry, Forest Fisheries Biologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-886-5330, Kelly Owens, Forest Hydrologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-739-5598, Tribasin Fish Passage and Watershed Restoration Project Begins in Upper Greys River Watershed. Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF) announced today