Search results for “colorado river basin”

Fish need water — people need jobs

Published in Community

This spring and summer, as legislators in Washington D.C. consider infrastructure investments to stimulate the economy amid the coronavirus pandemic, Congress can look to partnerships like that of the Kittitas Reclamation District and Trout Unlimited as evidence of the significant value conservation work brings to communities.

New Oil and Gas Protections for Thompson Divide

April 3, 2024 Contacts: WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced today that nearly 225,000 acres of public land in the Thompson Divide has been withdrawn from all forms of mineral entry, appropriation, and disposal for the next twenty years. “The Thompson Divide is home

National Park Service targets brown trout at Lees Ferry

Published in Fishing, Advocacy, Conservation

by Jim Strogen The Colorado River below Lake Powell is a blue-ribbon rainbow trout fishery loved by anglers across the country. While this reach is among the prettiest places that I have fished, and one that I try to return to as often as possible, there are issues on the river that are important to

Sportsmen continue to urge caution on development of oil shale, tar sands

Contact:Judith Kohler, National Wildlife Federation, (303) 441-5163, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen continue to urge caution on development of oil shale, tar stands DENVER A sportsmen’s coalition applauds the Bureau of Land of Management’s balanced decision on the protection of many vital fish and wildlife habitats, but has concerns about the increased risk to the

US Senate: TU Letter to Senate Energy Committee re Multiple Public Lands Bills

Published in Uncategorized

title=”application/pdf” />170330_SENR-Hrg-TU-letter-multi-bills-FINAL.pdf On Thursday, March 30th, the US Senate Committee on Environment and Natural considered and advanced several bills of interest to Trout Unlimited and our members. TU submitted the attached comments outlining our comments on the following bills: TU Supports: S.513, a bill to designate the Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management

Protecting a unique native in Colorado

Published in Voices from the river, Community, Conservation

A project to protect a genetically unique population of Colorado River cutthroat trout in Colorado is nearing completion. Abrams Creek, near the town of Gypsum, is the only native trout population in the Eagle River watershed. The cutthroat in Abrams Creek have been given a “highest priority” for conservation by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The

TU’s science programs in Great Lakes keep growing

Published in Science, Community, Featured

By Jake Lemon  Trout Unlimited’s team in the Great Lakes region continues to expand on its ambitious science-related initiatives, which are critical in informing protection and restoration projects in the region.  TU continues to support our chapters and partners in enhancing their water monitoring activities with the Mayfly sensor station, a low-cost real-time stream monitoring technology. Developed by Stroud Water

What role does climate change play in the debate over removing the four Lower Snake dams?

The data show conclusively that the Pacific Northwest’s climate is warming. The Snake River basin will experience hotter temperatures in the summer, which will make water conditions in the lower Snake River more problematic than they are at present.  High water temperatures in the Snake under current conditions can take a devastating toll. In 2015,

Dolores River Anglers

We are conserving, protecting and restoring Montelores’ coldwater fisheries and its watersheds in Colorado.

Colorado Supreme Court rules in Favor of TU in Dry Gulch case

10/22/07 Colorado Supreme Court rules in favor of TU in Dry Gulch case FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information contact: Drew Peternell 303-440-2937 COLORADO SUPREME COURT RULES IN FAVOR OF TU IN DRY GULCH CASEDecision sets precedent for municipal water systems throughout Colorado Boulder, CO The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Trout

TU applauds Klamath River legislation

May 21, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, (571) 274-0593Sam Davidson, Communications Director, California/Nevada, (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Applauds New Klamath River Legislation Senators Wyden, Merkley, Feinstein and Boxer show leadership, act to resolve long-standing water issues in the third most productive salmon river on the West Coast BERKELEY,

Trout Unlimited praises river benefits, cooperation on Moffat Project

July 6, 2016 For Immediate Release Contact: David Nickum,, (720) 581-8589 Mely Whiting,, (720) 470-4758 Trout Unlimited praises river benefits, cooperation on Moffat Project As Denver Waters proposed project gains Gov. Hickenlooper endorsement DENVER Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper today officially endorsed Denver Waters proposed Gross Reservoir Expansion Project, also called the Moffat Collection

Great Basin Chapter

The Great Basin Chapter is part of the Utah TU Council. The chapter is based out of Elko, NV. We are lucky to have five native salmonids in Elko County. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout (LCT), Bull Trout, Interior Redband Trout, Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout, and Mountain Whitefish. Our favorite waters, including conservation and restoration projects, are the