Search results for “colorado river basin”

Arizona sportsmen to Zinke: protect Grand Canyon from mining

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 18, 2018 Contact: Brad Powell, TU Southwest Director, 480-717-1705, Scott Garlid, AWF Conservation Director, 480-487-4663 , (Phoenix)A broad coalition of Arizona sportsmens groups today launched a new campaign to protect the Grand Canyon and its natural resources and wildlife from the impacts of proposed uranium mining. The Arizona Wildlife

Delaware River Workgroup

Delaware River NLC Workgroup Represents TU on efforts to develop fish-protective minimum flow agreements in the Delaware River Basin.    Committee Members Co-Chair: Donald Kieffer – New York Co-Chair: Peter Tovar – New Jersey TU Staff Contact: Emily Baldauff, Mid Atlantic Organizer Meets: The 4th Monday of each month at 7:00 PM ET. Delaware River

Is it possible to recover salmon and steelhead without removing the dams?

The short answer is no. Rebuilding salmon and steelhead populations will require increasing the number of adults that return to spawn relative to the number of juveniles that migrate to the ocean.  This is known as the smolt-to-adult ratio, or SAR. However, in the past 25 years, salmon and steelhead SARs have failed to reach 2

Trout streams to benefit from RCPP grants

TROUT UNLIMITED PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 12, 2016 Contact: Steve Moyer: (703) 284-9406,, (TU National) Randy Scholfield, (720) 375-3961, TU communications, Trout streams to benefit from RCPP grants WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout streams from Minnesota, Wisconsin and New Hampshire to Oregon and Idaho are about to get a big boost thanks to

Southern Oregon Flow Restoration

Oregon’s Rogue, Umpqua, and Klamath Rivers are iconic and prized by anglers from across the country for their native trout and salmon. In recent years TU and our partners have made dramatic progress removing fish passage barriers, including major dams, and restoring instream fish habitat. Unfortunately, poor water quality and lack of instream flow due

Report shows importance of roadless areas to Colorado?s hunting and fishing heritage

1/4/2006 Report shows importance of roadless areas to Colorado?s hunting and fishing heritage January 4, 2006 Contact: Tom Beck (970) 882-5435 or Brian ODonnell (970) 375-9022 Report shows importance of roadless areas to Colorados hunting and fishing heritage DENVERA new report produced by Trout Unlimited and released on Wednesday emphasizes the strong connection between successful

TU praises Ritter for clarifying roadless intent

4/16/2007 TU praises Ritter for clarifying roadless intent April 16, 2007 Sportsmen praise Ritter for clarifying roadless intent DENVERThousands of Colorado sportsmen likely breathed a sigh of relief over the weekend when Gov. Bill Ritter clarified his intentions regarding the future protection of the states 4.1 million acres of roadless backcountry, said Dave Petersen, Colorado

Colorado Supreme Court hands down anti-speculation water ruling

For immediate release Nov. 2, 2009 Contact: Melinda Kassen, (303) 440-2937, x 101 Drew Peternell, (303) 440-2937, x 102(note: Mr. Peternell is travelling and will be unavailable for comment until after Nov. 11) Colorado Supreme Court hands down anti-speculation water ruling Trout Unlimited hails decision as a victory for reality-based water planning (Denver)The Colorado Supreme

Congressman unveils bold plan to recover Snake River salmon and steelhead

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  February 7, 2021  Contacts:   Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited,  Rob Masonis, VP for Western Conservation, Trout Unlimited,  Greg McReynolds, Snake River campaign director, Trout Unlimited,  Comprehensive proposal would remove four lower Snake River dams and invest in the Northwest region’s energy, transportation, and agricultural infrastructure BOISE, Idaho.—U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson

TU applauds Regional Conservation Partnership Program improvement bill

Published in Uncategorized

Oct. 17, 2017) WASHINGTON, DC – Trout Unlimited, its 300,000 members and supporters nationwide, and its dozens of staff members who work with farmers and ranchers daily, applaud the introduction of the Regional Conservation Partnership Program Improvement Act bill today. The bill is designed to make the Farm Bill’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program, (RCPP), one

Next steps for restoration of the Eel and Klamath Rivers

Published in Conservation

The Klamath River is the third most productive watershed for salmon and steelhead on the West Coast. The Klamath and Eel Rivers are legendary for their salmon and steelhead runs. But these famous fisheries have been hard hit by dams, diversions, and in recent years extreme drought. TU is at the forefront of efforts to

Colorado small streams

Published in Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Video spotlight

As a son of Colorado, I can attest to the wonder and beauty found high in the small waters of the Centennial State’s mountains. Chasing trout in off-the-grid creeks is, to this day, my favorite fly-fishing pastime. Above, Todd Moen of Catch Magazine, teases us with a trailer on a yet-to-be-completed film that focuses on

Sportsmen Praise BLM Decision to Defer Oil and Gas Lease

For Immediate ReleaseNov. 5, 2009 Contacts: Corey Fisher, TU, 406-546-2979, John Gale, NWF, 303-441-5156, galej@nwf.orgKatie McKalip, TRCP 406-240-9262, Sportsmen Praise BLM Decision to Defer Oil and Gas Lease Decision signals change in federal leasing process CRAIG, Colo. By deferring an oil and gas lease in northwest Colorado that could have jeopardized native trout,

TU praises proposed BLM protections for Roan Plateau

RoanPlateau.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 28, 2016 Contact: David Nickum, executive director, Colorado Trout Unlimited, (720) 581-8589, Garrett Hanks, TU Southwest Colorado field coordinator, (970) 430-5540, Trout Unlimited praises proposed BLM protections for Roan Plateau Calls it big step forward in protecting pristine trout habitat RIFLE, Colo. Trout Unlimited today praised the Bureau

Roaring Creek Flow Restoration Project

Roaring Creek is a critical perennial tributary in the Lower Entiat River, Upper Columbia Sub-Basin, in Washington. Trout Unlimited aims to improve production of listed steelhead and bull trout in the Entiat basin, and the Roaring Creek Project has multiple objectives to further this goal. Roaring Creek is currently one of the few productive tributaries

Report shows importance of roadless areas to Colorado’s hunting and fishing heritage

01/04/2006 January 4, 2006 Contact: Tom Beck (970) 882-5435 or Brian ODonnell (970) 375-9022 Report shows importance of roadless areas to Colorados hunting and fishing heritage DENVERA new report produced by Trout Unlimited and released on Wednesday emphasizes the strong connection between successful hunting and fishing in Colorado and healthy roadless areas in the state.