Search results for “colorado river basin”
Contact:David Nickum, Colorado Trout Unlimited, (303) 440-2937 x101 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Habitat protection vital to native trout Lone greenback cutthroat stronghold proves importance of intact watersheds DENVER News that lineages of Colorado’s native cutthroat trout historically occupied different waters than was previously thought, and that genetically pure native greenback cutthroat trout only persist in one
For several years now we’ve used permit season to plan and learn about which new river we would like to explore. Here are a few of our suggestions for trip permits for the whole family to enjoy.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 17, 2015 Contact: David Nickum, Trout Unlimited, 720-581-8589, Judith Kohler, National Wildlife Federation, 720-315-0855, Sportsmen welcome Roan Plateau progress Praise BLM draft plan as important next step in efforts to conserve prized backcountry hunting and fishing lands SILT, Colo. The Bureau of Land Management today released a draft Environmental
Photo by Breckenridge Outfitters For the first time in at least two decades, two high-country trout streams in Colorado are closed to fishing, albeit voluntarily. Stretches of the Fraser and upper Colorado Rivers are closed between 2 p.m. and midnight to give trout dealing with extremely warm water temperatures — tributary streams emptying into the
The first time I saw the Eel River flowing under the remote redwood forest along Humboldt County’s Avenue of the Giants, I saw a dirty, blown-out river that the locals swore to me was home to massive steelhead. I lived in the small city of Eureka for a couple of years in the late 90s,
Here are six frequently asked questions about taking down the dams and restoring critical populations of wild fish in the Basin.
Lower Snake Dam Removal campaign is seeking applicants for the new Snake River Ambassador Program
The fight to protect Bristol Bay, Alaska, from Pebble Mine is far from over. One of Trout Unlimited’s greatest strengths is the host of partnerships the organization has forged with businesses and industry whose leaders and employees value cold, clean water. In Colorado, one of those businesses is doing its best to help TU and
Jerrad Goodell, an aquatic biologist with the Bureau of Land Management’s Green River office, releases native Colorado River cutthroat trout into Range Creek with a formation known as Locomotive Rock in the background. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited By Brett Prettyman The ancient rock art, ruins and even corn cobs – with corn still on them –
Region: RockiesActivities: Fishing, huntingSpecies: Colorado River cutthroat; Mule deer; Elk Where: The Greater Little Mountain Area (GLMA) is a magical high desert region of over 500,000 acres in southwestern Wyoming’s Sweetwater County. This habitat of badlands, aspen groves and pine forests – simultaneously rugged and fragile – is one of Wyoming’s most sought after hunting
When I sheepishly asked the Colorado Wooden Boat float organizer, Mark Hilbert what was an appropriate vessel to bring to the 11th Annual Colorado Wooden Boat float this coming September, dory or drift boat? He replied, “I don’t care if you bring rubber. It’s all welcome!”
This fall, the film iteration of Norman Maclean’s “A River Runs Through It” turns 25. The film made fly fishing trendy (too trendy, some would say), and it helped put Montana on the fly fishing map. While the film and the book centered on the Blackfoot River near Missoula, the film’s fishing was actually shot
A volunteer chapter in Washington State is going the distance to collect trout and salmon eDNA samples in their home water
If we do our part to remove migration obstacles from rivers and streams, the fish will take care of the rest. The benefits could be immeasurable.
Today, Trout Unlimited launched Sportsmen for the San Juan Mountains Wilderness to underscore the importance of protecting public lands for hunting and fishing opportunities. Partnering with conservation groups, businesses, and individuals, Trout Unlimited used the San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act to foster supporters across multiple spectrums who understand the need to protect these special places.
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.3.4″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.3.4″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.3.4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.3.4″] Curecanti provision offers overdue access to top Colorado trout fishery [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ fullwidth=”on” _builder_version=”4.3.4″][et_pb_fullwidth_image src=”” _builder_version=”4.0.5″ hover_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_fullwidth_image][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.3.4″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.3.4″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.3.4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.0.5″ hover_enabled=”0″] Photos by Connie Rudd. How does 12 miles of new public fishing access on one of the West’s best trout fisheries sound to you?
By Shawn Rummel The West Branch Susquehanna drains an area of approximately 7,000 squares miles in north-central Pennsylvania, a watershed that’s double the size of Yellowstone National Park. Due to the large amount of public land in the basin —more than one-third is state forest, state park, or state game lands — it is a tremendous
By Shawn Rummel The West Branch Susquehanna drains an area of approximately 7,000 squares miles in north-central Pennsylvania, a watershed that’s double the size of Yellowstone National Park. Due to the large amount of public land in the basin —more than one-third is state forest, state park, or state game lands — it is a tremendous resource for outdoor recreation.
By Shawn Rummel The West Branch Susquehanna drains an area of approximately 7,000 squares miles in north-central Pennsylvania, a watershed that’s double the size of Yellowstone National Park. Due to the large amount of public land in the basin —more than one-third is state forest, state park, or state game lands — it is a tremendous
Conservation Funding: Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Agricultue and related – urging strong support for Farm Bill programs in FY18 Appropriations process. 170627_TU_FY18_Ag_Approps_House_FNL.docx.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Trout Unlimited strongly supports Farm Bill conservation program funding in your FY18 Appropriations bill. Dear Chairman Aderholt, Ranking Member Bishop, and Members of the