Search results for “colorado river basin”

Lining the way to fish recovery

Published in Uncategorized

Photo: Yakima River/Guenther Media How do you find extra water for farmers and fish? In Washington, it requires lots of heavy equiment.Historically, Kittitas Reclamation District (KRD) in Ellensburg, Washington has needed the full capacity of its canals to deliver irrigation water to its Kittitas County farmers. As water moved through KRD’s system a portion was

TU hails OWRD grants for projects in Crooked and Sprague Rivers

Crooked River, Oregon. Photo: Brian O’Keefe FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Chrysten Lambert,, (541) 973-4431 December 18, 2017 Trout Unlimited: OWRD grants for Crooked, Sprague River projects vital and multi-benefit $4.2 million awarded to high priority fish passage, streamflow restoration projects in key salmon, steelhead and native trout waters KLAMATH FALLS, OreTrout Unlimited hailed recent

Hermosa is a backyard treasure

Published in Featured

By Ty Churchwell Just eight miles from Durango’s city limits is the 107,000-acre Hermosa Creek Special Management Area and Wilderness. Enacted in 2014, the Hermosa Creek Watershed Protection Act is the result of a community coming together for a favorite backyard playground for locals and a destination for America’s public land visitors who flock to the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado each year.    Prior to the passage of the

The ‘lame duck’ session is here

Published in Advocacy, Conservation
A windmill in Idaho.

Elected officials know they have one last shot to hammer out deals before the Congressional landscape changes permanently in January. The result? The lame-duck session … a sprint-to-the-finish flurry of legislative action defined by compromise we don’t see too often on the Hill

Naxiyam Wana and the Uniter

Published in Snake River dams

Shannon Wheeler, Vice-Chairman of the Nez Perce Tribe envisions this not as past tense, but future. He, as with other leaders of tribal nations in the region, see the return of the Snake River system to a semblance of its former self as essential to the health of the entire Pacific Northwest and its residents. Wheeler wants

Watershed Multi-species Assessment

Trout Unlimited works with our conservation partners to identify areas where protection and restoration can benefit not only trout and salmon, but also other fish, aquatic species and human communities. TU scientists were instrumental in developing the Native Fish Conservation Area concept, where watershed management is focused on the long-term persistence of native fish communities

Voices from the River: The icon of ‘Septemberfest’

Published in Voices from the river

The icon of “Septemberfest,” the brown trout. Photo by Chris Hunt By Scott Willoughby Summer’s unofficial ending began the way it always should. With a truckload of kids, dog and angling accoutrements, Labor Day weekend started in reverse, backing down the busy boat ramp below Flaming Gorge Reservoir to roll an amply-provisioned raft off the

Conservation Funding: Interior and Related Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Interior, Environment and Related Agencies

Published in Uncategorized

170711_TU_FY18_IER_Approps_House_FNL.pdf July 11, 2017 RE: Interior, Environment, and Related: Proposed FY18 Budget Cuts. Dear Chairman Calvert, Ranking Member McCollum, and members of the Subcommittee: I am writing on behalf of Trout Unlimited (TU), regarding Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations for programs within your jurisdiction. These programs are of great interest to TU, and critical to the

TU, CPW, Buckhorn Valley Metro announce plan to protect Abrams Creek trout

July 14, 2016 For Immediate Release Contact: Mely Whiting,, (720) 470-4758 Kendall Bakich,, (970) 355-4771 Preserving rare cutthroat population a high priority for state conservation efforts (Eagle)Trout Unlimited, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Buckhorn Valley Metropolitan District No. 1 (District) today announced plans for an ambitious restoration project on Abrams Creek to

Wild Rivers Coffee Company stands with TU on the Lower Snake

Published in TU Business

For a young family like theirs, the notion of losing salmon and steelhead runs in this iconic American river is simply unacceptable. These fish are too special, this place is too special for us to sit by and watch as these fish simply disappear. “Wild Rivers Coffee is with Trout Unlimited all the way on this proposal,” Marshall says. “We believe these fish are a legacy for our children and future generations of Americans to enjoy and pass on. That’s what conservation is all about.”

Everything you wanted to know: Rio Grande cutthroat trout

Published in Travel

Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis) Species status and summary: Rio Grande cutthroat trout (RGCT) were first discovered in 1541 by Francisco Coronado’s expedition in the upper Pecos River, although they were not formally described until 1856. They represent the southern extent of the cutthroat trout species, historically ranging from the mountainous headwaters of

Trout Week

Take Action STAND UP FOR THE SNAKE The Snake River Basin provides more than 50 percent of salmon and steelhead habitat in the lower 48. But its fisheries are in rapid decline, and unless the lower river dams are removed, they face extinction. Act now to help free the Snake. Take Action Tell Congress… Time

Senator Bennet to Protect Sportsmen's Haven

Contact:Aaron Kindle, (303) 868-2859 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Senator Bennet to Protect Sportsmen’s Haven Bill would withdraw unleased portions of the Thompson Divide Washington, D.C. A bill introduced today would provide protection to an area critical to sportsmen and to the recreation-based rural economies of Colorado. Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) introduced the Thompson Divide Withdrawal and

Sen. Udall, TU praise LWCF flood recovery help

LWCFEvent1.JPG Sen. Mark Udall speaks at TU’s Sept. 12 flood recovery event in Lyons, CO. From left: Boulder County Commissioner Cindy Domenico, Colorado TU’s David Nickum and Stephanie Scott. For Immediate Release Sept. 12, 2014 Contact: David Nickum for Trout Unlimited, 720-581-8589 Mike Saccone for Sen. Udall, 202-224-4334 Sen. Udall, Trout Unlimited, Lyons officials praise

Meetings on Lower Snake Dams available via teleconference

Published in Uncategorized

If you are interested in weighing in on the recently released draft environmental impact statement regarding the Lower Snake and Columbia River dams, you can do so via telephone: –Days: March 18, 19, 25, 26, 31–Times: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. PT–Toll-free: 844-721-7241–International: 409-207-6955–Access Code: 5998146# You may also provide comments online by April 13.

A case of mistaken identity

Published in Travel

It was the stuff of angling dreams yet, until a few short days prior, I wouldn’t have even confidently been able to identify a native interior redband in an underwater lineup. As I reached the highest point on the stream that I was comfortable climbing, my sandaled feet bloodied and blistered, I pondered what a shame that was. 

WorldCast Anglers stands with TU on Lower Snake proposal

Published in TU Business

“The headwaters of the Snake are our home waters,” said Dawkins. “We care passionately about this river from its high country beginnings all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The loss of salmon and steelhead runs in this iconic American river would be a tragedy for us all.”

Broad coalition urges Northwest governors to action on salmon, steelhead

Published in Conservation, Fishing, steelhead, TROUT Magazine

Editor’s note: The following was delivered today to Govs. Kate Brown (Ore.), Steve Bullock (Mont.), Jay Inslee (Wash.) and Brad Little (Idaho) from a coalition power companies, conservation groups, the transportation sector and community utility coops. Feb. 24, 2020 Dear Governors Brown, Bullock, Inslee and Little: The debate over the management and impacts of the