Search results for “colorado river basin”

More progress on Klamath River dam removal

Published in Conservation, Fishing, TROUT Magazine

The impacts of dams on anadromous (sea-run) fish are well documented. But today, many dams have outlived their usefulness, or become unprofitable or unsafe. Removing such dams is now a proven way to recover salmon and steelhead populations. Trout Unlimited has supported the removal or retrofitting of dams on a number of high-profile salmon and

Mountains to the sea and back again

Published in Conservation, steelhead

Sawmill Creek is a tributary to the Lemhi River. The Lemhi River watershed is one of the highest elevation and farthest inland reaches for fish migration in the world, as the new signs point out. The watershed is also one of the most important spawning and rearing habitat areas for salmon and steelhead in the Columbia Basin.

Business Depends on It

Published in Fishing

We find ourselves advocating for what we love. It’s the unintentional experiences that cement our passion to conserve and protect.

Native Trout Odyssey Team

Published in Travel, TU Costa 5 Rivers

Native Trout Odyssey team to make final stop in Washington D.C. Five college students; 10 weeks; 10 states; 18 native trout species. The Native Odyssey crew (left to right): Brett Winchel, Matt Crockett, Jacob Lacy, Heather Harkavy, Austin Burroughs. This Summer, TU, in partnership with U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, and Fishpond,

Was 2020 a sign of things to come?

By Cary Denison As we welcome in the final act of this chain of Dumpster fires known as the year 2020, I thought I’d take a bit of time to reflect on what last year provided and what the future may hold. Aside from the obvious pandemic, wildfire, crippling drought, social and political unrest, I

TU praises Reps. Salazar and Udall for efforts to protect Roan Plateau

5/15/2007 TU praises Reps. Salazar and Udall for efforts to protect Roan Plateau May 15, 2007 Contact: Brian ODonnell, Director, Public Lands Initiative (970) 903-0276 Chris Hunt, Communications Director (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited applauds congressional effort to prevent Roan Plateau drilling GRAND JUNCTIONTrout Unlimited representatives expressed their support for a congressional initiative

Decades-long effort to fully fund conservation priorities finally realized

With outdoor participation skyrocketing, dollars for access, habitat and maintenance crucial  For immediate release  July 22, 2020  Contact: Shauna Stephenson Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861,  (July 22, 2020) WASHINGTON D.C. — Landmark conservation legislation that includes full and permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund and dedicated funding for the maintenance backlog on public lands passed the House today, making its next stop the President’s

House Natural Resources Committee Advances Bill to Save LWCF

September 13, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Corey Fisher / (406) 546-2979 House Natural Resources Committee Advances Bill to Save LWCF Land and Water Conservation Fund expires September 30 WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources approved a compromise that would permanently authorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), ensure equity

LWCF: House Natural Resources Committee Advances Bill to Save LWCF

Published in Conservation, Government Affairs

September 13, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Corey Fisher / (406) 546-2979 House Natural Resources Committee Advances Bill to Save LWCFLand and Water Conservation Fund expires September 30 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources approved a compromise that would permanently authorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), ensure equity

TU buying water right on Rogue River tributary

Published in Western Water and Habitat Program

An historic mill, and its former owner, are playing a key role in a collaborative effort to save native fish in an important Rogue River tributary. This campaign reached a milestone recently with a formal agreement to sell the mill’s historic water right to Trout Unlimited, with two years to raise the funding.

Best beer … for the fish?

Published in Uncategorized

We had a pretty lively social media discussion on favorite fishing beers recently—most folks took it in the spirit for which it was intended. But how about what beers are actually best for the fish? Trout Unlimited is fortunate to partner with several breweries across the country—businesses that give a share of their profits to

Fish northwest Montana with Wild Montana Anglers

Published in Community, TU Business

Martin City, Mont. Can you point to it on a map? Yeah, when Mark Fuller’s Wild Montana Anglers first joined as a TU Business member, I couldn’t either. It’s north of Kalispell and east of Columbia Falls, on the west slope of the Rockies. And it’s a wonderful place for the fly angler. Mark Fuller

It’s World Water Day. What does that mean to you?

Published in Uncategorized, Advocacy

On World Water Day, we ask ourselves not just what water means to us, but “What we can do to make it better, cleaner and more available in our communities and environment?” Learn more about the impacts of abandoned mine pollution on communities across the United States. And then check out this video to learn

Driftless Area Restoration Effort NLC Workgroup

The Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort (TUDARE) was started by Trout Unlimited volunteers to expand capacity for stream restoration projects in the unglaciated region of the Upper Mississippi River Basin in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois. TUDARE works to bring together partners from nonprofit conservation groups, community groups, schools, federal, state, and other agencies

TU helping with Boardman Dam removal in Michigan

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited has been acting as a sub-contractor to provide construction oversight of the Boardman Dam Removal river restoration project in Traverse City, Mich., an effort that will continue through early 2018. The Boardman Dam, originally constructed in 1894 as a hydropower generation dam, had no fish passage capabilities. The project is one of three