Search results for “colorado river basin”

When one door closes another opens

Published in Conservation, Climate Change, Science, Women

A lot of college internships have been cancelled this year because of the global pandemic. Bryce Larson, a senior at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, found herself in that boat but determined to explore her options. Her tenacity paid off by landing a Trout Unlimited summer internship working on a risk assessment for native Bonneville

It's a new and better day for fisheries conservation on the farm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 27, 2014 Contact: Russ Schnitzer: (970) 309-0285 (West) Jeff Hastings: (608) 606-4158 (Midwest) Gary Berti: (304) 704-2731 (East) Steve Moyer: (703) 284-9406 (National) Its a new and better day for fisheries conservation on the farm WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited saluted USDA Secretary Vilsacks announcement in Michigan today that the Natural Resources Conservation

Trout Unlimited praises new Natural Resouces Investment Center

Trout Unlimited Statement Dec. 15, 2015 Contact: Scott Yates, director, TU Western Water and Habitat program,, (307) 349-0753 Randy Scholfield, TU director of Communications, Southwest region,, 720-375-3961 Trout Unlimited praises new Natural Resources Investment Center (Washington, D.C.) — Interior Department Secretary Sally Jewell unveiled today, at the White House Roundtable for Water Innovation,

Collaboration eases conflict in the Upper Colorado River drainage

Published in From the field, Featured

Editor’s note: Water in the West is at a defining moment with severe drought and climate change upending decades of management practices and creating the need to find common ground so all users can benefit. Read or listen to learn more about how conflict can lead to collaboration in the second installment of our Western Water 101

Colorado River restoration project awarded $8 million grant

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dec. 21, 2016 Contact: Drew Peternell, (303) 204-3057, Matt Rice, (803) 422-5244, Paul Bruchez, (907) 531-2008, Colorado River restoration project secures $8 million grant NRCS award a huge boost for ambitious project to restore threatened river (Kremmling)The U.S. Department of Agricultures Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) today announced $7.75

Commission moves to formalize fracking prohibition in Delaware River basin

Published in Uncategorized

By Keith Curley The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has begun a rulemaking process to protect one of our most valuable fisheries from the impacts of hydraulic fracturing, formalizing a de facto moratorium in place since 2010. Across the country, Trout Unlimited advocates for responsible energy development, which involves protecting the highest quality habitats and

Voices from the River: Fisherman’s Nightmare

Published in Voices from the river

By Scott Willoughby They call it Fisherman’s Nightmare. And as scare tactics go, it’s as accurate as it is effective. Floating into the chaotic jumble of rocks and water that serves as sentinel to the Colorado River’s daunting Gore Canyon, it’s easy to imag ine how the rapids earned their name. Dropping precipitously from the

Voices from the River: ‘Bucket-fillers’ needed in Colorado

Published in Voices from the river

By Scott Willoughby Snow season has arrived in Colorado. For better or worse, this year it coincides with election season. It is, of course, for the better. Despite the grumblings of a few fair-weather fishermen uninterested in facing the cold, hard reality of an early winter, the sooner we can reestablish our snowpack on the

TU, BLM announce five-year, $8.9 million agreement for Western watershed restoration  

Agreement will support process-based restoration in Colorado River, California-Great Basin, and Columbia Pacific Northwest watersheds  Contacts:   Arlington, Va.—The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced a five-year, $8.9 million agreement to reconnect and restore arid Western watersheds, including the Colorado River, California-Great Basin, and Columbia Pacific Northwest river systems. TU will

TU hails new, better day for fisheries conservation on the farm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 14, 2015 Contact: Scott Yates, (Upper Columbia, Gunnison River Basins), (307) 349-0753 Warren Colyer, (Bear, Blackfoot River Basins), (435) 881-2149 Randy Scholfield (TU communications), (720) 375-3961 Steve Moyer (National), (703) 284-9406 Trout Unlimited hails new, better day for fisheries conservation on the farm NRCS-funded projects deliver benefits for fish, farm and

Bureau of Reclamation Funds Trout Unlimited Projects Across the West 

Infrastructure funding for water quality and reclamation projects will also benefit trout and salmon    Contact: Sara Porterfield, Western Water Policy Advisor, Trout Unlimited, Drew YoungeDyke, National Communications Director, Trout Unlimited,     ARLINGTON, Va.—The Department of the Interior this week announced over $51 million in watershed and river restoration projects through the Bureau

Native Odyssey: Rocky Mountain National Park

Published in Uncategorized

Public Land: Rocky Mountain National Park. Established Jan. 26, 1915, Rocky Mountain National Park was the 10th recognized national park in the United States. It is the best place in the Lower 48 for visitors to experience alpine landscapes and tundra. Driving in from Denver (just two hours away) allows for visitors to see numerous

Colorado River Connectivity Channel Clears Final Federal Hurdle

Partners applaud decision allowing $30M river reconnection project to proceed FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 9, 2022 Contacts: Mely Whiting, Colorado Water Project Legal Counsel, 720-470-4758 Jeff Stahla, Public Information Officer, Northern Water, 970-622-2331 Ed Moyer, County Manager, Grand County, 970-531-7799 John Andrews, P.E., State Conservation Engineer, NRCS, 720-544-2834 DENVER, Colo.—The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Hunters and Anglers Push for New National Monument in Colorado

The Dolores River offers world-class hunting and fishing opportunities but faces threats from industrial-scale mining, habitat fragmentation, climate change, and unmanaged recreation. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts:           Today, Trout Unlimited and Backcountry Hunters & Anglers launched Sportsmen for the Dolores, representing anglers and hunters across Colorado. The purpose of this coalition is to conserve fish and

Everything you wanted to know: Colorado River cutthroat trout

Published in Travel

Colorado River cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus)​ Species status and summary: The Colorado River cutthroat trout (CRCT) historically occupied most cool water habitats of the Colorado River watersheds in Colorado, southern Wyoming, eastern Utah, extreme northwestern New Mexico and northeastern Arizona. Currently, however, Colorado River cutthroat trout occupy approximately 16 percent of their historic range, primarily

Bugs Unlimited

Published in Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Voices from the river

As TU founder Art Neumann famously stated, “Take care of the fish and the fishing will take care of itself.”  But we’re predominantly fly fishing, after all. So what about the bugs? Who’s looking after them?  As it turns out — on the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam, anyway — the U.S. Geological Survey is doing just that. It may mark the dawn

Collaboration and compromise restore trout almost lost in Colorado

Published in Travel

By pack mule and on foot, the Forest Service and Colorado Parks and Wildlife members went in to save the previously thought-to-be extinct lineage. Less than 100 individual trout were removed and taken to the Durango fish hatchery for safekeeping and possible brood stock development.