Search results for “colorado river basin”

Flood prone Lake Superior communities receive major NOAA investment 

Published in Healing our ecosystem

A coalition of partners in the Lake Superior basin have been awarded $1.45 million by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to increase climate resilience in communities hit hard by catastrophic, repetitive flooding.  Earlier this month, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced that the Department of Commerce and NOAA have recommended the funding of

Winter in Leadville … get used to it

Published in Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Voices from the river

Years ago, while working in the upper Arkansas River Valley as a small-town newspaper reporter and editor, I shared layout space with a number of other local newspapers. Our papers were owned by a small chain based in Salida, and every week, editors from Buena Vista, Fairplay and Leadville would descend upon the offices in

Give Idaho’s wild steelhead a chance

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood The first time you snorkel a stream, the size of the bugs are disarming. Stoneflies tumbling down the stream look like aquatic dragons bent on taking off a limb. It is an optical illusion, of course. We were way up in the South Fork of the Salmon Riv er drainage. Hiking in

Guess this river, win a prize

Published in Uncategorized

Many great comments were submitted for last month’s Guess the River contest but there can only be one winner. This time around it’s Justin Garant with the guess of the Green River in northern Utah. Justin, reach out to me at and I’ll have something in the mail for your correct answer. alt=”” title=””

Sportsmen's groups release action plan for Lees Ferry trout fishery

News for Immediate Release August 26, 2015 Contact: Kristyn Brady, 617-501-6352, Randy Scholfield, 720-375-3961, 50 Arizona Groups and Businesses Share Recommendations for Lees Ferry Trout Fishery Sportsmen, conservationists, and fishing guides suggest ways to enhance conditions for rainbow trout and native fish downstream FLAGSTAFF To address concerns over an unstable rainbow trout population

Proposed Bush Budget Ups The Ante For Nw Salmon, Yet Still Falls Well Short

Proposed Bush Budget Ups The Ante For Nw Salmon, Yet Still Falls Well Short Proposed Bush Budget Ups The Ante For Nw Salmon, Yet Still Falls Well Short Recovery funding just over half of that requested by agency in charge of implementing federal salmon plan Contact: Jeff Curtis Western Conservation Director TU 503-827-5700 x. 11

Native Odyssey: California

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program sent a handful of student-anglers on a road trip across America in search of native trout. On the team’s final stop, they visited California. Sequoia National Forest Located in south-ce ntral California, Sequioa National Forest encompasses slightly less than 2,000 square miles. It is named, as is

Snake Week – People on the Street Q+A’s

Published in Snake River dams

Hardly a day goes by that our team doesn’t get asked “Why don’t they build fish ladders?” (they have!) or “Aren’t salmon doing great?” (they are not.) This week, we’re answering them on Instagram.

Working with nature

America has such a well-earned reputation for innovating our way out of problems that we sometimes miss the obvious natural solution. In a series of open houses this summer in Great Basin communities, the Trump administration revealed a plan to reduce wildfire risk by constructing 11,000 acres of fuel breaks across public lands in parts

Trout Unlimited Sends Letter to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Countering Allard's Bypass Flows Claims

4/12/2001 Trout Unlimited Sends Letter to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Countering Allard’s Bypass Flows Claims Trout Unlimited Sends Letter to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Countering Allard’s Bypass Flows Claims Contact: 4/12/2001 — — Charles Gauvin, President of the national conservation organization Trout Unlimited, sent a letter to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture today

Associated Press Article: Good, Bad Science Debated in Fish Hearing

2/9/2000 Associated Press Article: Good, Bad Science Debated in Fish Hearing Associated Press Article: Good, Bad Science Debated in Fish Hearing Contact: 2/9/2000 — — The science used in federal studies of proposals to breach four Snake River dams to save salmon from extinction was either flawed or right on the mark, fishermen, conservationists, farmers

Greater Little Mountain: Doing it the right way

Published in Conservation, TROUT Magazine

A young pronghorn fawn attempts to avoid detection within the Greater Little Mountain Area in southwest Wyoming. Josh Duplechian/Trout Unlimited By Brett Prettyman “The Little Mountain area is considered by many to be the crown jewel for wildlife and recreation.” Former Wyoming Governor David Freudenthal Special places only stay that way if they are protected.

Native Odyssey: Jacob Lacy

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program is sending five college students on a native trout odyssey across America this summer. Meet Jacob Lacy one of the five lucky participants. As a Colorado native I knew I’d end up finding something to take me outside and up to the mountains. With biking, hiking, and

Acid mine waste and trout don’t mix

Published in Conservation, Science

The North Star Mine in Silverton, Colo. Mining plays an important part to Colorado’s history. Many mountain towns were founded upon mining and some still rely on it as an economic driver. But it also left a legacy of damage and destruction to many headwater streams and rivers around the state. Trout Unlimited’s mine reclamation program balances maintaining the

Hiking the CDT: Fire and wildlife

Published in Youth, Featured, Featured, Travel

It was not a bad place to be looking for wildlife. There were deer, elk, and moose everywhere. Our best elk sighting was on the second to last day, when we came over a pass. Down in the valley we saw a group of about 50 elk, two bulls were fighting, their antlers clacking when they crashed together. From that exact spot at the top of the pass, we also saw a bull moose kneeling beside a lake, and four mountain goats along a ridge above him.