Search results for “colorado river basin”
3/30/2006 TU announces expansion of its abandoned mine cleanup efforts across the West March 30, 2006 Contact: Chris Wood, TU Vice President for Conservation, (571) 274-0601 Ted Fitzgerald, TU American Fork Canyon Project Manager, (801) 465-9949 Chris Hunt, PLI Communications Director, (208) 552-0891 x 714 TU announces expansion of its abandoned mine cleanup efforts across
By Rich Redman Quarry Dam was an old concrete/timber crib dam located on the West Branch of the Ausable River, approximately four miles east of Lake Placid, N.Y. The dam’s history is lost in the mists of time, but it was probably built to help loggers move logs down the river in the annual log
How TU staffers in Utah are taking their local landscapes back to the times of mountain men
Krumweide point-of-diversion, Salt Creek, Rogue River watershed, Oregon. Photo Brian Barr/RRWC By Chrysten Lambert Southern Oregon is an angler’s paradise. Here, we are blessed with multiple species of game fish—native redband trout, steelhead and salmon primary among them. As in many other parts of the West, many of these species—particularly those that require cold water
10/13/2000 $2 Million in Whirling Disease Research Signed Into Law $2 Million in Whirling Disease Research Signed Into Law TU Praises Montana Congressional Delegation Contact: 10/13/2000 — — Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Conservation Programs, Trout Unlimited, (703) 284-9406 October 13, 2000. Arlington, VA . . . Two million dollars in crucial whirling disease
Editor’s Note: Five students from the TU Costa 5 Rivers Outreach Program have embarked on a once-in a-lifetime journey in pursuit of 18 native trout species, all on public lands. With support from the U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, Fishpond and Post Fly Box, these students will tell the stories of our
Oh brother… the Snake River has apparently R-U-N-N-O-F-F. Well, most of us won’t complain if we have to play the waiting game one way or another. Guess the date that the river clears enough to fish with a dry fly, and you win… a cutthroat trout! Some folks are saying Aug. 1 is the reasonable
Sign up for TROUT Weekly, Trout Unlimited’s national newsletter, and receive the best storytelling on the people making our rivers and streams cleaner and our trout and salmon fisheries stronger—now and for future generations. Most every Friday, we take you into the field, from California and Colorado to Michigan and Pennsylvania, introduce you to people
Check out Flylords next week, where it will be all trout all week
Science tells us that the best way to recover Snake River salmon and steelhead is to restore and reconnect inland habitat
Using a combination of videos, contactless equipment drop-off programs, mentor groups, and new methods for administering the program, STREAM Girls continues, safely.
Patience is perhaps the most elusive virtue—instant gratification, especially these days, is easier to attain. And it’s no different for fly fishers. Finding a good stretch of water to fish isn’t all that hard, but approaching it correctly, and giving yourself the best opportunity to catch not just one fish, but several fish, can prove
Goals In 2013 TU partnered with a landowner to remove a 500-foot section of concrete rip-rap on a popular recreational stretch of the Gunnison River. The armored bank was causing channel incision, and depositing sediment in undesirable locations downstream. Lack of vegetative cover and in-channel refuge increased trout susceptibility to low flows and increased water
ou new to this game there are certain sections of certain rivers, during certain times that you are legally not allowed to float without a permit. Rivers like the Yampa, Green, Salmon, Snake, Colorado, Smith, and the list goes on…
The choice is now between those of us willing to work together to do big things, and those who refuse even to try.
7/24/2000 Hands-On, Volunteer Conservation Program Celebrates 25 Years of Rescuing Rivers Hands-On, Volunteer Conservation Program Celebrates 25 Years of Rescuing Rivers Trout Unlimited’s 2000 Embrace-A-Stream Grants Fund 47 Stream Recovery Projects Contact: 7/24/2000 — — Washington, D.C.. Trout Unlimited, the nation’s leading coldwater conservation organization, today announced recipients of the 2000 Embrace-A-Stream (EAS) grants, distributing
6/18/2001 Conservation Groups File Suit to Save Yuba River Salmon and Steelhead Conservation Groups File Suit to Save Yuba River Salmon and Steelhead State Water Resources Control Board leaves no option but the courts in efforts Contact: 6/18/2001 — — Monday, June 18, 2001 ALBANY, CALIF. The nations largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization today joined
4/01/2005 NEWS RELEASE Embargoed until: 1:00 p.m. CST, April 1, 2005 For more information: “Duke” Welter 715-579-7538 Laura Hewitt 608-250-3534 Steve Kinsella 651-647-1545 TROUT UNLIMITED CALLS FOR RESTORATION OF THE MIDWEST’S DRIFTLESS AREA Minneapolis, MN – A wide scale restoration of the streams and rivers of the Midwest’s Driftless Area will bring enormous environmental and
Why you don’t want to wade onto icy river edges during the thaw.
The thin, cool air and the end of high mountain wildflower season were calling my name.