Search results for “colorado river basin”

Summer versus winter steelhead

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Editors note: Every Friday, our science junkies over at Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative give us an inside look at what’s happening in the world of steelhead science. During the Holidays, we’re running the best of those Science Friday pieces on the TU blog. If you’ve ever spent any time thinking about the sheer game

What kind of trout is this?

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The trick to knowing what you’re going to catch before you catch it, is knowing what lives in the river. Of course. Some people, however, have dialed it in a bit more. For example, they know the rainbows like the riffles in certain places on the Colorado River, whereas the browns hug the banks and

Kirk Deeter hosts Amazon fly-fishing adventure

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It takes a lot to get me fired up about a fishing trip… Well, actually, that’s a lie. I still feel like a little boy every time I go fishing. And after I finish writing this, I’m going fishing in the creek by my house, and I’m pretty fired up about that. That said, there

Trout Unlimited applauds new Eel River agreement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 13, 2025 Contact: Matt Clifford, California Director / (406) 370-9431                 Brian Johnson, Senior Policy Advisor, Western Water and Climate                    / (415) 385-0796 Trout Unlimited applauds new agreement for the Eel River Agreement clears path to reconnecting California’s third largest watershed – and a legendary salmon and steelhead river SACRAMENTO–Today, the

C2 Cattle Ranch steps up to save salmon, steelhead in Oregon’s Salt Creek

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Krumweide point-of-diversion, Salt Creek, Rogue River watershed, Oregon. Photo Brian Barr/RRWC By Chrysten Lambert Southern Oregon is an angler’s paradise. Here, we are blessed with multiple species of game fish—native redband trout, steelhead and salmon primary among them. As in many other parts of the West, many of these species—particularly those that require cold water

A boat trailer’s curse

Published in Boats, Featured

Some things aren’t meant to last a lifetime. It was a good run of nearly six years, but I think it’s time to part ways with an old friend.

I’m not a superstitious person but this raft trailer is cursed. I’m sure of it which is why I’ve chosen to cut it loose on the open market.

Five flies for April

Published in Video spotlight, Fly tying

The guys at Trouts Fly Shop in Denver hit the Colorado River recently, and they did some serious damage to the river’s lively browns and rainbows using baetis imitations. Baetis, often imitated in the dun form by the venerable Blue-winged Olive, are great springtime flies, and among the first mayflies to emerge and hatch when


Adopt-a-trout is an opportunity for students to participate in hands-on, real-life fisheries science. The program begins with a field day of fish tagging and related curriculum on-site with local students.  Trout receive telemetry tags and are “adopted” by local students.  The adopted trout’s movement is then monitored throughout the school year. Adopt-a-Trout is unique in the way that

Conservation Groups File Suit to Save Yuba River Salmon and Steelhead

6/18/2001 Conservation Groups File Suit to Save Yuba River Salmon and Steelhead Conservation Groups File Suit to Save Yuba River Salmon and Steelhead State Water Resources Control Board leaves no option but the courts in efforts Contact: 6/18/2001 — — Monday, June 18, 2001 ALBANY, CALIF. The nations largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization today joined

Voices from the river: Derek’s water

Published in Voices from the river

Upper Klamath Lake and one of the many fine spring creeks in this area. By Sam Davidson My first fishing experience on a true spring creek was in the upper Klamath River basin in southern Oregon. I knew little ab out such waters in those days. I took a detour while on a long road

Learning to row

Published in Uncategorized, Boats

There’s no better time to start

Growing up as a midwestern kid from the suburbs I didn’t know much about the outdoors. Being from Ohio we didn’t camp a lot. Rivers were a bit foreign to our family of six. Don’t get me wrong, we fished, swam and rode bikes until the streetlights came on but there’s nothing in that equation that prepared me for navigating moving water.


4/01/2005 NEWS RELEASE Embargoed until: 1:00 p.m. CST, April 1, 2005 For more information: “Duke” Welter 715-579-7538 Laura Hewitt 608-250-3534 Steve Kinsella 651-647-1545 TROUT UNLIMITED CALLS FOR RESTORATION OF THE MIDWEST’S DRIFTLESS AREA Minneapolis, MN – A wide scale restoration of the streams and rivers of the Midwest’s Driftless Area will bring enormous environmental and

Trout Unlimited Applauds Introduction Of Pacific Salmon Recovery Act

12/13/2001 Trout Unlimited Applauds Introduction Of Pacific Salmon Recovery Act Trout Unlimited Applauds Introduction Of Pacific Salmon Recovery Act Contact: Jeff Curtis, TU Western Conservation Director: 503.827.5700 x.11 12/13/2001 — PORTLAND, ORE. — Officials with Trout Unlimited, the nations leading trout and salmon conservation organization, today applauded the introduction by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) of