Search results for “colorado river basin”

Hot Weather in Western States Threatens Trout Survival

7/23/08 Hot Weather in Western States Threatens Trout Survival FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jessica Lass, 310/434-2317 or 202/468-6718 (cell) Hot Weather in Western States Threatens Trout SurvivalShrinking cold-water habitat jeopardizes billion dollar recreational fishing industry Helena, MT (July 23, 2008) Rivers and streams across the West are getting hotter and drier, making it increasingly difficult

Video spotlight: Creeking

Published in Video spotlight

Of all the types of fly fishing, from the flats of the tropics to the steelhead and salmon rivers of the coastal north, my favorite is what I’ve always called “blue lining.” I love small mountain streams on public lands—places where anyone can visit with a fly rod and, often, not see another angler for

Video spotlight: The importance of proper positioning

Published in Video spotlight

Years ago, while fishing the Rio Grande in southern Colorado with Kirk Deeter, I was casting to a rising trout but getting foiled by contrary currents in the river. Drag kept, well, dragging me down. Kirk, a guide and now the editor of TROUT Magazine, gave me the simplest—yet most important—piece of advice I’ve ever

Sportsmen key to cleaning up abandoned mines

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited began organizing sportsmen and women in a coordinated manner in 2001–largely in response to my observation when I worked at the Forest Service that the voice of hunters and anglers was largely missing from the development of the Roadless Area Conservation Rule—an initiative that protected nearly 60 million acres of some of the

Five takeaways on Snake River salmon and steelhead

Published in Uncategorized, Advocacy, Conservation

After decades of lawsuits, recovering Snake River salmon and steelhead is inching closer to reality. This week a series of meetings kick off in Washington to gather public input on the impacts of dam removal on the Lower Snake. In preparation, Rob Masonis, vice president for Western Conservation at Trout Unlimited, and Helen Neville, senior

Into the desert

Editor’s note: The TU Costa 5 Rivers Program sent a handful of college students to the Columbia River basin to fish and study the challenges facing the drainage. Leaving the coniferous forests of Mt. Rainier, the Odyssey crew traveled to the semi-arid desert region of eastern Oregon where we set out to fish the Owyhee

Conserving freshwater biodiversity in California

Published in Conservation

A native Chinook salmon from California’s Central Valley. Conservation of freshwater biodiversity faces major challenges. The fragmented nature of freshwater habitats often results in species populations being highly vulnerable to extirpation. Moreover, areas managed for resource conservation typically reflect jurisdictional or landscape boundaries that have little meaning for aquatic species. Now, a team of scientists

House Natural Resources Committee advances fish habitat bill

Published in Government Affairs, Uncategorized

What Happened? On Wednesday, Sept. 25, the House Natural Resources Committee advanced the National Fish Habitat Conservation Through Partnerships Act (H.R. 1747). The bipartisan and widely-supported bill, if enacted, will codify and formally recognize the existing National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP). NFHP was created in 2006 by state fisheries agencies and other stakeholders to improve

Teach the kids to row their own watercraft

Published in Boats, Featured

We all want our kids to learn the river from their own perspective and to safely make mistakes and corrections while the consequences are low. The best way to do that for us was to let them paddle their own watercraft

Photo Gallery: First Float

Published in Boats

Over the Memorial Day weekend, my family and three others took a wonderfully run whitewater class from River Rescue Dynamics (@riverrescuedynamics) in Grand Junction, Colo., then had the privilege of spending three days in Ruby and Horsethief canyons in far western Colorado and Utah. This was a “let the kids (all nine of them) run

Living Waters Fly Fishing

About us Living Waters Fly Fishing is a Texas-based fly shop dedicated to conservation and education. The business started in 2006 solely as a fly fishing guide service, but in June of 2008, Living Waters Fly Fishing opened the doors of Round Rock’s first and only fly shop. The business is operated by guide and

Voices from the River: Solstice

Published in Voices from the river

By Scott Willoughby I’ve never really been what the gang over on Santa Claus Lane might describe as “Christmas-y.” But I’ve always thought I’d make a decent pagan. Never having formally studied paganism, I’m not entirely sure why, although I do enjoy hanging out in the woods quite a bit, especially over a good Yule

New TU Report Demonstrates Vital Link between Oregon's Roadless Lands and Native Fish, Wildlife

6/22/2004 New TU Report Demonstrates Vital Link between Oregon’s Roadless Lands and Native Fish, Wildlife New TU Report Demonstrates Vital Link between Oregon’s Roadless Lands and Native Fish, Wildlife Bulk of states remaining healthy salmon, steelhead & trout depend on headwaters and tributaries found within federal roadless lands, which also support its longstanding fishing, hunting