Search results for “colorado river basin”

Voices from the River: It all flows downstream

Published in Voices from the river

An angler walks along the Escalante River in southern Utah looking for native Colorado River cutthroat. Cliff Wirick photo. By Clint Wirick The red rock country of southern Utah is not often considered trout habitat for good reason. Many waters in the southern reaches of the second driest state of our country are too turbid

Forest Service honors TU’s Darek Staab with Rise to the Future award

Published in Uncategorized

Darek Staab (far right) with volunteers, Whychus Creek project, Oregon. Darek Staab, Project Manager for Trout Unlimited’s Upper Deschutes Restoration Program, was recently honored by the U.S. Forest Service with a “Rise to the Future” award in the Partnerships category. The regional Forest Service award recognizes “outstanding contributions towards fisheries and water resource conservation in

One step closer to restoring the Klamath River

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Thursday, May 9, delivered more good news on the Klamath River restoration front. PacifiCorp, the utility that owns the four old hydropower dams slated for removal under the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA), announced it has entered into a site access agreement with Kiewit Infrastructure West Company “to allow the firm to conduct initial surveying

TU commends passage of spending bill

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March 23, 2018 For immediate release Contact Shauna Stephenson / Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861, Trout Unlimited commends passage of spending bill Bill will fund important conservation priorities across the country WASHINGTON D.C. – A spending bill that will fund important conservation priorities such as the Land and Water Conservation Fund, funding for restoration of

A watershed moment for the Klamath

Published in Dam Removal

Trout Unlimited and our Klamath partners have worked for more than two decades to get to this point in restoring the Klamath River and the fisheries, economies and cultures that depend on it.

Voices from the River: A boy and his dog

Published in Voices from the river

By Dave Ammons Keith was my favorite and most loyal fishing buddy, mostly because he never judged. He paid no mind to a bad mend, a snag on the back cast, or a unnatural drift. He just loved observing quietly from the water’s edge. Keith recently drove with me to Colorado, riding in the back

Alpine Archery and Fly stands with TU on Lower Snake proposal

Published in TU Business

Their business exists to serve the local folks who love to hunt and fish here and the people who come from all over the world to experience the Grande Ronde country. They’re hunters and anglers themselves, and they’re concerned about the future of fish in their home water. Like John says, “Time has taught us that we can either have wild fish in the Grand Ronde or we can have dams on the Lower Snake. We can’t have both.”

Gila trout: All you need to know

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Gila Trout: (Oncorynchus gilae gilae)  Species Summary and Status: The Gila trout is one of the rarest trout species in the United States. The historical distribution of the Gila trout originally included nearly 620 miles of small stream habitat within two separate population centers: one in the upper Gila River basin in western New Mexico, and

PG&E Confirms Plan to Begin Full Removal of Eel River Dams

Trout Unlimited, Round Valley Indian Tribe, California Trout laud PG&E’s action, pledge support for proposed path to two-basin solution For Immediate Release November 17, 2023 ContactCharlie Schneider, California Trout – (707) 217-0409Matt Clifford, Trout Unlimited – (406) 370-9431President Lewis “Bill” Whipple, Round Valley Indian Tribes – (707)354-2395 North Coast, Calif. – Today,

Voices from the River: Losing Patrick F. McManus

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt Years ago, after being abruptly transplanted from the high-mountain meadows of Colorado to the hot, sticky pine forest of East Texas, I found solace in the loss of my Rocky Mountain roots in the writings of men like Bob Saile, Ed Dentry and Charlie Meyers. And I found the spirit to laugh

Scott Fly Rod Co. joins effort to protect Colorado's Alpine Triangle

Contact: Ty Churchwell, (970) 259-5116 Jim Bartschi, (970) 249-3180 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Scott Fly Rod Co. joins effort to protect Colorado’s Alpine Triangle Montrose, Colo.-based rod manufacturer endorses TU’s efforts to keep the Triangle intact for all who use it today MONTROSE, Colo.Scott Fly Rod Co. of Montrose, Colo., has endorsed Trout Unlimited’s efforts to

National Park Service strives to create home for native cutthroat

Published in Conservation, TROUT Magazine

What a thrilling prospect to catch native fish in a spectacular wilderness setting like in the picture above. That is what anglers’ dreams are made of. Years of hard work, planning and enduring partnerships strove towards this goal, but it’s still not quite a realized dream.   In 2005, Fred Bunch, chief of resource management at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, hatched a plan

Steelheaders should stand up for small streams

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By John McMillan When we steelhead anglers think of steelhead water, we think of big, muscular rivers like the Skagit, Umpqua and Eel. We don’t usually think of small streams we can step across or even streams that go dry in the summer. We should. Those s mall streams — even ones that intermittently go

How do you measure the impact of dams on fish populations?

“The combined impact of these factors shows us the four lower Snake River dams and the reservoirs behind them take a heavy toll on Snake River salmon and steelhead.” Of these known impacts, only some can be quantified. Those in support of maintaining the dams often cite statistics regarding the high percentage of juvenile fish

TU: Hastings Bill Stifles Innovation, Collaboration on Dam Operations

Contact:Kate Miller, (503) 827-5700 x16, kmiller@tu.orgRob Masonis, (206) 491-9016, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU: Hastings Bill Stifles Innovation, Collaboration on Dam Operations Background: On August 1, 2012 representative Doe Hastings (R-WA-4) introduced HR 6247 the “Saving Our Dams and New Hydropower Development and Jobs Act of 2012.” This bill aims to promote hydropower production by