Search results for “colorado river basin”

Lessons from Warren and Scott

Published in Conservation, From the President, TROUT Magazine
Warren Colyer and Scott Yates.

Trout Unlimited members, and many of our staff, love to fish. Perhaps none more than Scott Yates and Warren Colyer, both of whom co-lead our largest staff cohort, the Western Water and Habitat program. One of my favorite memories at TU was fishing on Wyoming’s Gros Ventre River at dusk. I was working the far

PacifiCorp Offers Little for Klamath Salmon

2/24/2004 PacifiCorp Offers Little for Klamath Salmon PacifiCorp Offers Little for Klamath Salmon Contact: Chuck Bonham California Counsel Trout Unlimited 510.528.4164 2/24/2004 — Portland, Ore. — On Tuesday, PacifiCorp submitted an application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for a new license for its Klamath River hydro project that proposes no significant measures to

TU supports Kildee bills to protect Great Lakes from commercial aquaculture

CONTACTS:Taylor Ridderbusch/ TU Great Lakes Organizer, 715-313-0001 Bryan Burroughs/ Michigan TU Executive Director,, 517-599-523 (Feb. 9) FENTON, Mich. Trout Unlimited applauds Michigan Congressman Dan Kildee, D-Flint, for introducing legislation that will protect the Great Lakes and designated Wild and Scenic rivers from the harmful impact of commercial aquaculture operations. The Ban Aquaculture in

Snake River salmon: Let’s give credit where credit is due

Published in Conservation, Featured, Science

Last week Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) turned up the volume on the issue of recovering Snake River salmon and steelhead.   Not that the issue wasn’t front and center for him before. He has been battling to find ways to bring back Idaho’s dwindling salmon and steelhead populations for years.  But now that a long-anticipated Draft Environmental Impact Statement has outlined a “business as usual” approach – indeed, the preferred alternative does

Energy development throughout the West could impact fall hunting and fishing

8/30/2007 Energy development throughout the West could impact fall hunting and fishing Aug. 30, 2007 Contact: Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited, (208) 406-9106 Katie McKalip, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, (406) 240-9262 Todd Malmsbury, Resource Media, (720) 564-0500 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Energy development throughout the West could impact fall hunting and fishing As hunting season begins and


Published in Gear reviews, Fishing

Until now, no phone or tablet app was particularly useful in locating trout streams and finding public access to them.  Enter “TroutRoutes,” an app that maps trout streams in Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Nebraska and North Dakota.  Montana, Wyoming and Michigan are on the way.   The app claims that there are over 4,000 streams shown

Voices from the River: Jim Rogers, Elk River protector

Published in Voices from the river

By Kyle Smith Jim Rogers first came to Elk River over 50 years ago as a forester and was tasked with logging off the watershed for its heralded Port Orford Cedar. Following a short time in the Elk basin, it quickly became clear to Jim that the river was special and that his true purpose

Jeremy Brooks memorial internship applications due Feb. 1

Published in Community, Featured

If you know a young person who is interested in the outdoors, fishing and/or conservation as a possible career path, and you think they might want a really cool summer job where they will get their boots wet, have them learn more about the Jeremy Brooks Memorial Internship from Trout Unlimited here.   The Jeremy Brooks Memorial Internship is

Remote sensing will revolutionize trout conservation

Published in Science, Conservation

Remote sensing is being used to measure improvement in Lahontan cutthroat trout habitat in Nevada. By Dan Dauwalter, Kurt Fesenmyer and Helen Neville Have you ever assisted your local DNR biologist with a painstaking habitat survey on your favorite trout stream where you tediously measured the stream channel, substrates, wood, undercut banks, and so on?

Celebrating Fish Habitat Partnerships: Spotlight on the Mat-Su

Published in Conservation

Across the country, regional collaborations called “fish habitat partnerships” bring sometimes non-traditional partners together like sport and commercial fishing or business and government stakeholders to ensure vibrant fish habitat and communities. The idea sounds simple enough, but don’t underestimate their big effect.  Together, the players fund and conduct science, restoration, protection, and education projects that are changing communities for the better.   In Alaska, Trout Unlimited

The rise of the Phoenix

Published in Uncategorized

Editors note: Every Friday, our science junkies over at Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative give us an inside look at what’s happening in the world of steelhead science. During the Holidays, we’re running the best of those Science Friday piec es on the TU blog. If you’ve ever spent any time thinking about the sheer

Spotlight on Rio Grande del Norte

Published in Uncategorized

Note: this is part of a series of blogs detailing the Antiquities Act and national monuments that matter to hunters and anglers. Come back and visit in the coming days to learn more about your public lands and how national monuments conserve our hunting and fishing heritage. By Greg McReynolds The Red River crashes into

Delaware River flow deal on the horizon

Published in Uncategorized

Photo courtesy of FUDR By David Kinney A new long-term deal is in sight on the Upper Delaware, and its drafters say it would address concerns about the effects of erratic flows and high temperatures on the river’s wild trout fishery. The broad outlines of the 10-year agreement were announced this week at a meeting

Governor Inslee signs critical funding for Snake and Columbia Basins

Contacts: OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON – Today, Governor Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 5187 and House Bill 1125, the 2023-2025 state transportation and operating budgets. These bills will fund studies required in the process to remove the lower four Snake River dams. The studies will plan to transition the energy, transportation, and irrigation services currently provided by