Search results for “colorado river basin”

Why is the Snake River Basin the right place to make this kind of investment?

The Snake River has, by far, the greatest potential for wild fish recovery of any watershed in the Columbia Basin.    Historically it produced about 40 percent of the spring/summer Chinook salmon and 55 percent of the summer steelhead in the Columbia system. Annual run estimates prior to the 1850s exceed two-million fish for all

Federal funding package will fund conservation priorities

Published in Conservation, Advocacy, Government Affairs

By Rob Catalanotto, Laura Ziemer and Steve Moyer   After weeks of negotiations, the US Senate and House recently approved a massive appropriations bill to fund the government through fiscal year 2020. The deal averted a government shutdown, which was set to take effect on December 20 had Congress had not taken decisive action.    TU field staff


1/04/2005 For immediate release For more information: Drew Peternell 303-440-2937 CONTROVERSIAL PROPOSED GUNNISON RIVER HYDOELECTRIC PROJECT LOSES ITS WATER RIGHTS TU: AB Lateral Project would have damaged two watersheds in western Colorado Boulder, CO A proposed hydroelectric power project which could have taken more than 1,000 cfs of water from the Gunnison River has relinquished

Congress steps up to approve Delaware River Basin Conservation Act

Published in Import

By Mark Taylor   In the early morning hours Saturday, Congress stepped up to protect one of America’s most historic watersheds.   The Delaware River Basin Conservation Act, first introduced in 2010 and long a priority for Trout Unlimited and our partners in the region, finally cleared both the House and Senate as a provision

Fish movement and life history

Tracking how and when fish move to different habitats, and the different biological strategies they use, lets us learn about their basic ecology and understand how to sustain and restore what they need to thrive. It also helps verify the success of our restoration work when we confirm that fish are accessing and using restored

Bringing the salmon home

Published in Dam Removal

On the border of Oregon and California, the largest dam removal ever attempted, anywhere on the planet, is underway on the Klamath River.

Climate change research

Trout and salmon living in coldwater habitats are naturally vulnerable to a warming climate and related impacts such as increased wildfires and floods. Trout Unlimited scientists have studied how climate changes may influence native salmonid distributions, which trout and salmon populations are most vulnerable, and how we can help them adapt to a warmer and

‘Hunters and Anglers for CORE’ Cheer Reintroduction of Colorado Public Lands Legislation

Widely popular CORE Act would open miles of public fishing access and protect big game habitat Washington, DC (February 2, 2021)—Several of the nation’s leading sporting conservation groups are proclaiming their support for the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy (CORE) Act introduced in both chambers of Congress today by Sens. Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper

Upper Colorado River among America's Most Endangered Rivers

Contact: David Moryc, American Rivers, (202) 347-7550 Ken Neubecker, (970) 376-1918, Colorado Trout Unlimited, Randy Scholfield, Colorado Trout Unlimited, (303) 440-2937 x108 Upper Colorado River among America’s Most Endangered Rivers Water diversions threaten prized trout fisheries and sustainable water supply Washington New water diversion projects could sap the life from the Upper Colorado, threatening prized

Voices from the River: Cutthroat Country

Published in Voices from the river

A Bear River cutthroat landed at Bear Lake in Utah. Courtesy Paul Thompson/Utah DWR. By Brett Prettyman As a kid my boundaries were marked by street names. Pinehill Drive. Arrowhead Lane. Vine Street. State Street. The borders eventually expanded to counties, forests, states and countries. While driving over a mountain pass recently I realized at

RepYourWater stands with TU on Lower Snake

Published in Dam Removal

“For us, this was a no brainer. For my entire lifetime, we’ve been trying to have both dams and fish. We’ve spent billions of dollars trying to do that. It hasn’t worked and it won’t work. These fish need free-flowing rivers to survive. Hatcheries are no substitute. We need to remove the lower four.”

Fishpond stands with TU on Lower Snake proposal

Published in Dam Removal

We have an unparalleled opportunity here. If the dams were removed, about 46 percent of the historic spawning and rearing habitat for spring and summer Chinook Salmon and summer steelhead is still accessible. Mile-for-mile, the Snake River basin contains the coldest, most undisturbed stream habitats in the Lower 48. If we are going to make major investments in wild fish recovery in the Columbia Basin, the Snake is the place to put our money.

Water management

The Western Water and Habitat Program is Trout Unlimited’s largest conservation effort. The program, which evolved from water policy and habitat restoration roots over the past 20 years, now offers some of the largest geographic conservation coverage by a non-profit organization in the West. It combines law, policy, and on-the-ground restoration projects with benefits to