Search results for “colorado river basin”
Handlng fish is no longer required to prove they exist in a river system. Joshua Duplechian/Trout Unlimited By Helen Neville Documenting the presence of a particular species of fish usually requires physical contact with it, via electrofishing, netting, or even angling. We know the fish is there because we saw it and handled it. But
By Taylor Ridderbusch For the third consecutive year, the Trump Administration’s budget proposal looks to cut critical programs that protect and restore coldwater resources and that form the foundation of multi-billion dollar commercial and recreational fishing economies. The proposal would significantly cut funding to the EPA and other agencies, essentially eliminating programs such as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), Section
Native trout in our country face a daunting variety of threats, including climate change, drought, invasive species and degraded habitat. Across the country, Trout Unlimited staff are working on the ground to give them a fighting chance—and those efforts were recognized recently when several TU projects received prestigious Bring Back the Natives grants, a partnership
By Chris Wood “I-185 and I-186 have qualified for the ballot.” With that inauspicious tweet, Montana’s Secretary of State Corey Stapleton confirmed two state-wide ballot initiatives this November in Montana. One is of huge import to people who care about clean water, trout, and trout fishing in Montana. I-186 would require Montana to deny permits
Herman Garcia (L) of CHEER and Matt Clifford, California Water Attorney for Trout Unlimited, at an off-stream storage project site along Little Arthur Creek. In 2006, the Pajaro River on California’s central coast came out of obscurity to make national headline—for the wrong reason: it was named the most endangered river in America. Historically, the
For immediate release Sept. 20, 2019 Contact: Eric Crawford Trout Unlimited (208) 596-5866, Shauna Stephenson Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861, Clearwater closed to steelhead anglers: Time to address dwindling salmon and steelhead populations With dismal fish returns, Idaho places stringent restrictions on steelhead seasons (Sept. 20, 2019) BOISE, Idaho – The Idaho Fish and Game Commission announced today that they would be
Dec. 4, 2014 Contact: Chris Wood, (571) 274-0601 Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Public lands measures attached to defense bill ensure habitat protection, sporting opportunity Locally driven efforts to protect Hermosa Creek, Columbine-Hondo, Pine Forest Range, Valles Caldera near finish line WASHINGTON, D.C.In a major bipartisan breakthrough, the House voted today to approve
Some of the best fishing and hunting opportunities in the United States are found in our national monuments. National monuments — sites and landscapes with unique historic, cultural, scientific, geologic and ecological values — can be created either by Congress or by the President through the Antiquities Act of 1906. Hunters and anglers, outdoor recreation
By Taylor Ridderbusch Trout Unlimited is pleased to see that the Omnibus Appropriations Bill has included full funding, at $300 million, for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The GLRI has proven to be one of the best tools for sparking investment into coldwater fisheries throughout the Great Lakes Basin. TU applauds the work of the
Washington, D.C., is a long way from Dillingham, Alaska, but that’s where Triston Chaney spent his 19th birthday. Triston was among a group of commercial fishermen, lodge owners and outfitters who came back to the nation’s capital to discourage the EPA from permitting the proposed Pebble Mine in southwest Alaska. Over birthday cake at our
By Kirk Deeter I go through cycles when it comes to fly selection. I once spent an entire summer fishing only five patterns, just to test the theory that presentation matters more than the fly pattern itself. I didn’t draw any conclusions, but I caught plenty of trout. For the record, those patterns were: Olive
Heidi Lewis, far left, took her friends Heather Hodson, Jen Ripple and Geri Meyer (left to right) on a Utah Cutthroat Slam adventure this summer. Brian Harris photo. By Heidi Lewis When Heather Hodson calls I know things are about to get good. I don’t see her often, but when I do it typically means
Editors note: This piece originally appeared in the opinion section of the Spokesman-Review. It is often difficult, if not impossible, to restore wild places to their former ecological and aesthetic glory once human development has altered them. But in some cases, the vitality of wild places can be recovered. The Elwha River on Washington state’s
6/30/1999 Trout Unlimited: A Leader in Dam Removal Trout Unlimited: A Leader in Dam Removal Contact: 6/30/1999 — — TROUT UNLIMITED AND DAMS: Founded in 1959 in Grayling, Michigan, Trout Unlimited is America’s leading coldwater fisheries conservation organization. TU’s 100,000 members in nearly 500 chapters nationwide are dedicated to the conservation, protection, and restoration of
The North Platte River in Wyoming is often called legendary, the proverbial “Land of the Giants”. It’s cliché to say that any river is legendary, but this one really might be. The North Platte is one of only two major rivers in Wyoming that run south to north. Its freestone stretches start in Colorado and
Fort Lewis College is located in Durango, Colorado. This club has a diverse group of 34 members… We were able to get an inside look at their club and how they promote fly fishing and conservation in southwest Colorado.
Bill Templin and wild trout, SF Kings River. By Sam Davidson Almost twenty years ago, a man who had carried on a long term love affair with what must be one of the most underappreciated trout streams in the Sierra Nevada decided he was in a generous mood, and would form a group to share
The best “secret spot” story I can share involves a place (I still can’t say where, other than somewhere in southwestern Colorado) a good friend (D.)
Pat Oglesby Several years ago, my friend Pat Oglesby, a long-time TU volunteer and a leader within the Grand Valley Anglers chapter of Trout Unlimited in Grand Junction, asked me to come and speak to the chapter’s ann ual banquet that takes place in conjunction with its annual fly tying expo. I’d known Pat and
By Corey Fisher What can you do in a roadless area? Just about anything. What is a roadless area? Roadless areas, or Inventoried Roadless Areas, are generally those undeveloped portions of National Forests 5,000 acres or larger that are not designated as Wilderness, but that meet to minimum criteria for for consideration under the Wilderness