Search results for “colorado river basin”

Hiking the CDT: Characters on the trail

Published in Youth, Community, Featured, Travel

Crash and Kiltsman stayed with us for the first day out of town. The year before they had done the Appalachian Trail and they kept telling us it was harder than this trail. Not so much in terms of length but in terms of elevation gain and loss. Kiltsman got his name for the Scottish kilt he wears, no matter the weather.

The Book Cliffs in Utah provide solace and critical habitat

Published in American Places, Public Lands

Editor’s note: TROUT Magazine Online will publish frequent essays on “American Places,” lands and waters that make the nation unique. These essays will be crafted by Trout Unlimited staffers, contributing writers and volunteers. These places are near and dear to many and worthy of sharing in hopes of creating more advocates for the treasures so

Supreme Court Delivers a Muddy Decision on Clean Water Act Jurisdiction

6/19/2006 Supreme Court Delivers a Muddy Decision on Clean Water Act Jurisdiction June 19, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Melinda Kassen, 303-579-5453 or Steve Moyer, 703-284-9406 Supreme Court Delivers a Muddy Decision on Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Arlington, Va. – Today the U.S. Supreme Court rendered a confusing decision that may expose thousands of miles

30 Great Places: Browns Canyon

Published in Uncategorized

Region: Southern RockiesActivities: Fishing; Hunting; RaftingSpecies: Brown, rainbow and cutthroat trout; bighorn sheep; elk; mule deer Where: Browns Canyon National Monument rests in south central Colorado, between the communities of Buena Vista and Salida in Chaffee County. Its 21,586 acres encompass rugged lands along the upper Arkansas River; here, spectacular granite walls rise from the

Roadless areas provide special fishing destinations

Published in Conservation

By Christine Peterson Fly fishing keeps Heidi Lewis’ life in order. And fly fishing for her depends on roadless areas. The Wisconsin native moved to Utah more than 20 years ago for the outdoor recreation that has kept her there. She and her husband own a business now – an architecture steel company – and

Take a virtual field trip with Trout Unlimited

Published in Youth

“Our field trips were mainly designed for our local students, with a mix of locations and lessons for students between 2nd and 5th grade. In this challenging time, we know all of us can appreciate some beautiful scenery around our Central Oregon streams and rivers, and the soothing sights and sounds that come from experiences in nature.”

Suction Dredge Mining Reform in Washington State

TU is working hard to address a serious problem impacting Washington’s watersheds and threatening the health of our native fish populations: unregulated suction dredge mining and other forms of motorized mineral prospecting. Most recently, TU helped to introduce HB 1261and SB 6149 which would bring Washington in compliance with Clean Water Act rules and would ban suction dredge

Giving a voice to Montana rivers

Published in Uncategorized

By Joe Newman There is a little run about 200 meters or so upstream of the confluence of Sheep Creek and the Smith River at Camp Baker, where the water rushes over a rock garden creating a melodic “glug glug glug.” This past summer I would stand on river left, jus t below those rocks,

Voices from the River: Keeping the Faith

Published in Voices from the river

Nick Halle, TU’s volunteer operations coordinator, kept at it even after falling in over his head and was rewarded with this nice buck steelhead from Ohio’s Conneaut Creek during a recent TU staff steelhead outing. By Mark Taylor “I’ve lost all faith.” The admission came from Keith Curley as we stood in the snow on

Scientists Shed Light On Snake River Salmon's 'Silent Killer'

Scientists Shed Light On Snake River Salmon’s ‘Silent Killer’ Scientists Shed Light On Snake River Salmons Silent Killer Contact: Jeff Curtis Western Conservation Director Trout Unlimited 503.827.5700 x. 11 4/2/2002 — Portland, Ore. — A study published recently by state and federal agency, university and private scientists concludes that juvenile Snake River salmon and steelhead

The Way Forward for the Eel River

Published in Dam Removal

PG&E’s decommissioning plan for the Potter Valley Project on California’s Eel River would remove all in-river facilities and make it the longest free-flowing river in the state

TU President Chris Wood testifies on Good Samaritan legislation

Published in Uncategorized

Abandoned mine drainage impacts a small stream near homes in Pennsylvania. By Mark Taylor In Pennsylvania’s lower Kettle Creek watershed, an area scarred by abandoned mine drainage, water quality is improving. For example, Trout Unlimited and partners have worked to reclaim about 160 acres of abandoned mine land and installed nine passive treatment systems in

What species is the ‘fish of your lifetime?’

Published in Trout Talk

Trout should be, without reservation, the “fish of my lifetime.” Hell, I’ve spent the better part of two decades working for an organization dedicated to protecting and restoring trout and their habitat. It’s a no-brainer, right?