Search results for “colorado river basin”
Trout Unlimited Applauds Introduction of Roadless Area Protection Bill Trout Unlimited Applauds Introduction of Roadless Area Protection Bill Contact: Steve Moyer Vice President for Conservation TU (703) 284-9506 6/5/2002 — Arlington, VA — Trout Unlimited is applauding the introduction of bipartisan legislation that would protect approximately 58.5 million acres of unfragmented National Forests from new
Leveraging federal dollars and partnership muscle to unblock legendary wild fisheries on the OP
2021 Action on climate changing moving ahead in Washington by Chase S. Whiting, 02/10/2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Federal judge reinstates Clean Water Act safeguards for headwater streams and wetlands Contacts: Chris Wood, president and CEO, Trout Unlimited, 571-274-0601 Steve Moyer, vice president for Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—In a decision that restores critical Clean Water Act protections for small headwater streams and wetlands across the country, a federal judge
Conservation and Fishing Groups Ask Energy Bill Conferees to Reject Hydro Measures Conservation and Fishing Groups Ask Energy Bill Conferees to Reject Hydro Measures Contact: Steve Malloch Counsel TU (703) 284-9415 7/15/2002 — Arlington, VA — The nations leading conservation and fishing organizations have asked Congressional conference committee members working on the federal energy bill
People often refer to rivers of the Northwest as some of the last truly “wild” places in the Lower 48. The Clearwater River in Idaho is one of those places.
“Supporting the research and projects that TU is doing was an easy choice,” Tim Panek said. “Knowing the travels and travails of these wild fish and protecting their habitat will not only enhance fishery, but more importantly, enhance Rock Creek for all the inhabitants and visitors to the valley including our family and friends.”
Reorganized policy, communications teams promise to amplify TU’s impact Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.—Longtime congressional staffer Lindsay Slater—who was instrumental in protecting wilderness areas in the Northwest and building momentum for a comprehensive plan to remove the lower four Snake River dams, rebuild the region’s infrastructure, and recover imperiled Pacific salmon and steelhead—is joining Trout Unlimited as
ALLegany RedHouse Fishing youth _ALL_ (24a) copy[1].jpg Media Teleconference: New Trout Unlimited report features public fishing and hunting areas in East at risk from shale gas development Dec. 17, 2014 Contact: Mark Taylor,, 540-353-3556 MEDIA ADVISORY: Trout Unlimited releasing full 10 Special Places report Report focuses on protecting iconic public fishing and hunting areas
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 25, 2022 Media Contacts Brian Johnson, Trout Unlimited —; (415) 385-0796 Curtis Knight, California Trout —; (530) 926-3755 Mark Rockwell, Fly Fishers International —; (530) 559-5759 Klamath River: Federal Environmental Review Confirms Prior Analyses that Dam Removal Benefits Far Outweigh Risks Washington, DC—Today the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Squaw Creek restoration area, Truckee River watershed. Recently Trout Unlimited’s California Program received major grant awards for eight projects that improve fish passage or dry season streamflows in steelhead, Coho, and trout streams around the state. The Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP), administered by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife), and the California Wildlife
Snake River steelhead, an Endangered Species Act listed species, will benefit from a collaboration of groups in Idaho that once worked against each other. Trout Unlimited photo. By Kira Finkler Looking around the West, it is easy to find watersheds where people are fighting over too little water. In Idaho, a group of partners decided
Sometimes you get what you ask for. Sometimes you get much more, but my experience pursuing Lahontans served me a reminder that things worth having are always worth earning.
Editor’s note: TU sent a handful of college students to the Pacific Northwest for this year’s TU Costa 5 Rivers Odyssey to study and fish in the Columbia River basin. On the road to Cougar Dam in Blue River, Ore., there is a dirt road in Willamette National Forest that leads you to a squiggly hand-drawn “Road
Costa 5 Rivers Ambassador Summit realizes values of fly fishing
As I sit here in Idaho Falls watching two feet of snow melt into a slushy pond at the foot of my driveway, my buddy Kirk Deeter is likely stringing up a 5-weight with members of one of my favorite TU chapters in the country and preparing to chase some fat, tailwater trout. In Texas.
Brooke Harris briefly holds a Yellowstone cutthroat for a picture after she caught is as part of her efforts to complete the Utah Cutthroat Slam. Brian Harris photo. By Brian Harris I recently opened my home mailbox and was pleased to find the beautiful medallion and certificate recognizing my fourth completion of the Utah Cutthroat
Abandoned mines are a problem – a big problem. Today, there are some 500,000 abandoned mines across America. Many of these chronically leak heavy metals and other toxic residues into streams and groundwater. In the western U.S., 33,000 abandoned mine sites have degraded the environment, including popular trout streams such as the Animas River in
How hydropower relicensing clears a path for migratory trout and salmon
This is a special week for steelhead anglers, and others who care about the magnificent sea-run form of rainbow trout in its native range of the Pacific Northwest. On Friday at 5 p.m. PST, Wild Steelheaders United will launch “Rising from the Ashes,” a new film on the resurgence of summer steelhead in Washington’s Elwha