Search results for “colorado river basin”

Washington water woes in Seattle Times

Published in Conservation, Fishing

Washington commonly institutes fishing restrictions to protect vulnerable fish populations, like they did for steelhead in Scotty Creek, but these restrictions, unfathomably, do not extend to a destructive form of recreational gold mining called suction dredge mining.

Voices from the River: Finding the fishing truck

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt Last spring, after a lengthy search, I found the perfect rig to haul my little camper up into the hills around home for weekend fishing get-aways. It was old. It guzzled gas, which encouraged shorter trips, and it didn’t leak or burn oil. It had good clearance, ran like a champ and

Voices from the River: Return to No Name Creek

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt In early summer, No Name Creek is Irish green. It boasts a flourish of grass and bright yellow balsam root. Wild iris and sticky geraniums add color to the mix, but mostly, it’s just impossibly emerald green. There’s a spot on a little plateau that overlooks the creek, where native Snake River

Removing Dams Has Many Benefits, New Report Says

12/13/1999 Removing Dams Has Many Benefits, New Report Says Removing Dams Has Many Benefits, New Report Says More than 465 Dams Already Taken Down Nationwide Contact: 12/13/1999 — — Restored Rivers Result in Fish and Wildlife Habitat, Financial Savings, Improved Public Safety, and Revitalized Communities Removing dams is often the most effective way to restore

Maine's Kennebec Valley Chapter Receives Highest Award for Edwards Dam Efforts

8/25/1999 Maine’s Kennebec Valley Chapter Receives Highest Award for Edwards Dam Efforts Maine’s Kennebec Valley Chapter Receives Highest Award for Edwards Dam Efforts Contact: 8/25/1999 — — The Kennebec Valley (Maine) Trout Unlimited (TU) chapter led by Palmyra, ME President- Bruce Bowman and boasting over 250 local members drew high praise and recognition from the

Seeing red on Clean Water Rule

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Find out if your stream is at risk By Randy Scholfield Take a look at this map—the red lines show so-called “intermittent and ephemeral ” streams, the small seasonal streams that typically don’t flow year round. All of this red is what’s at stake in the EPA’s current review of the Clean Water Rule. Our

Monumental Myths: Part 1

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Editors note: This is the first in a three part series looking at the myths perpetuated in the national discussion about national monuments and the Antiquities Act. By Corey Fisher The issue of national monuments and the Antiquities Act tends to elicit passionate responses, both for and against. It also spurs misconceptions. On December 4,

Speaking up for monuments

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Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, on the Oregon-California border. American sportsmen have long been advocates for strong habitat conservation policies and designations on public lands. This stems from the fundamental principle that every seasoned outdoorsperson understands: good fishing and hunting opportunity requires productive habitat—and for habitat to remain productive it must be kept largely undeveloped. This advocacy

Voices from the River: Precious time

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt I’ve never been much of a public speaker. It’s just not my thing. But when my sister-in-law asked me to speak at my brother’s funeral … well, you don’t say ‘no’ to that. In truth, I sobbed my way through the eulogy—Brice was my little brother, and while I could handle the

Voices from the River: Old Blue

Published in Voices from the river

by Chris Hunt It was bright blue when I first crawled into it as a 12-year-old kid. Its paper-thin nylon hardly seemed sturdy enough to stop a breath of wind, let alone protect its occupants from whatever it was that wandered the woods at night. That wispy little barrier, though, provided real emotional security for

Holiday Gifts for River Rats

Published in Boats, Fishing, Gear reviews

This guide to last-minute gift ideas was compiled by TU’s resident filmmaker and boat driver Josh Duplechian and our at-large photographer/oarsman Tim Romano. While it’s short on fishing gear, it’s long on accessories that make any boat lover happy.

Native Odyssey: Wyoming

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Public Land: Bridger-Teton National Forest Driving south from Yellowstone National Park in Western Wyoming, visitors drive through the awe-inspiring Bridger-Teton National Forest. The mighty snow-capped Tetons provide a scenic backdrop to the pine stands, open fields and meadows that make up the landscape. Defined by pristine watersheds and an abundance of wildlife, the Bridger-Teton National

Everything you wanted to know: Coastal cutthroat trout

Published in Fishing

Coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) Species summary and status: The coastal cutthroat trout (CCT) is located in watersheds from California to Prince William Sound in Alaska. However, several populations in western Oregon are thought to be at moderate risk of extinction, because of ocean conditions and habitat-related problems.  Coastals have dark green backs with olive

Guardians of the Gila Wilderness

Published in Conservation

These men have worked on habitat restoration in countless areas around the Land of Enchantment over the course of their careers. And among their larger friend group of former colleagues – with which they continue to hunt, fish and travel to this day – their incredible campfire stories of adventure, danger and friendship continue to unite them in their respective retirements.

Congress Fulfills Trout Unlimited?s Holiday Wish List

12/11/2006 Congress Fulfills Trout Unlimited?s Holiday Wish List Dec. 11, 2006 Contact: Kathleen Frangione, (703) 284-9427 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Congress Fulfills Trout Unlimiteds Holiday Wish List Last-Minute Votes Lead to Public Land Protections and Funding for Cleanup of Abandoned Mines ARLINGTON, Va. In the waning hours of the 109th Congress, budget negotiations helped deliver a

National monuments in the crosshairs

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Native redband trout from upper Jenny Creek, Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, Oregon. This monument, and others with quality sporting opportunities, are targeted for downsizing or reduction in resource protections by the Trump administration. Photo: Kaden Swart Theodore Roosevelt might be resting a little uneasily in his grave. Roosevelt, America’s greatest sportsman-conservationist, used his presidency to promote