Search results for “colorado river basin”

Native: PA’s Shades Creek is tight, fragile and fulfilling

Published in Uncategorized

By David Kinney None of us had laid eyes on the stream before, and as it turned out, we were just a bit over-equipped for the task at hand. We had four- and five-weight rods, chest waders, and a thousand flies, among them the blue-winged olives and Isonychia we’d been told to expect. One of

Big protection for small streams

Published in From the President

Happily, this week, U.S. District Judge Rosemary Márquez found Trout Unlimited’s arguments compelling and declared that the 2020 rule was illegal and “would cause serious environmental harm.”

Mike Clark: Bamboo Master

Published in Uncategorized

Mike Clark has been building bamboo fly rods for 40 years. By Randy Scholfield When he started making split-cane bamboo rods 40 years ago, Mike Clark had no idea he could make a living from his hobby. “I built them to satisfy my fishing interests,” he says. Then, one day, a man wandered into his

Large-Scale Restoration Project for Native Fish Underway on Tincup Creek

Monday, August 19, 2019 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Lee Mabey, Forest Fisheries Biologist, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, 208-557-5784, JACKSON, Wyoming –Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Caribou-Targhee National Forest (CTNF) announced today the Tincup Creek Stream Restoration Project’s third year of construction is underway. The project is a large-scale,

Science leads to credible conservation

Published in Science, Featured

In a nutshell, science provides a credible thread through our intentions, actions and outcomes. Layer onto credibility a bit of inspiration, education and efficiency, and we have the ingredients for a TU Science vision statement.

Is catch-and-release angling all it’s cracked up to be?

Published in Trout Talk, Featured
Releasing a brown trout into a river.

Releasing a nice brown trout back into the river. Kirk Deeter photo. Is catch-and-release angling overrated? It is if the only thing that matters is numbers of fish caught…  In 1936, the late, great Lee Wulff said, “game fish are too valuable to be caught only once,” and the “catch-and-release” movement was born.  I’m a

When I go gear

Published in Voices from the river, Fishing, TROUT Magazine

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] TU’s Corey Fisher with a beast from one of Oregon’s fabled steelhead waters, the Umpqua. His casting rod sat in its holder mounted to the side of the boat. At the end of 35 feet of 12-pound monofilament, his metallic pink Mag-Lip plug wiggled back and forth near

The fishing derby

I was around 8 or 9 when I last participated in a fishing derby. Whenever we had a big runoff and the city let the Santa Fe River run, Game and Fish would make some pools with sandbags and dump in a few loads of stockers. The river was just a block away from my house,

Trout Unlimited: On the Rise Debuts on Sportsman Channel

For Immediate Release Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary (703) 284-9408Michelle Scheuermann, Director of Communications, Sportsman Channel (262) 432-9100 ext. 111 Trout Unlimited: On the Rise Debuts on Sportsman Channel New season of popular fly-fishing show begins airing March 30. Arlington, Va.—Great trout fishing almost always has a great conservation story behind it, and

Voices from the River: Bullish on hope

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt The sun filtered through the smoky haze, casting a tarnished glow over the high-country meadow in remote central Idaho. The state’s tallest peaks climbed through the murk, showing up more as silhouettes rather than snow-tipped crags in the near distance. Ma ny miles away, both human-caused and naturally ignited wildfires consumed timber

Voices from the River: Fishing dogs

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt The low grumble in Phoebe’s throat grew into a steady growl, and her floppy ears perked up. She stared across the Little Greys River Canyon in the fading twilight, clearly interested in something across the river. “Hush,” I said instinctively, nursing a gin and tonic and staring into the flames that were

Voices from the River: Opener

Published in Voices from the river

The Steelhead Whisperer cradles the object of his affection on his home water during the recent steelhead season opener. By Sam Davidson It was with some trepidation that I paid my respects to a stream with a heavy reputation on the recent opening day of steelhead season. I should have had no worries, as I

Voices from the River: A man for all seasons

Published in Voices from the river

Dean Finnerty, man for all seasons. By Sam Davidson Many people working for TU did not start in trout and salmon conservation. Among the former corporate lawyers, loggers, resource age ncy staff, newspaper reporters, and outdoor educators now employed by TU, Dean Finnerty joins a select few who previously worked in law enforcement. Dean grew

TU praises EPA?s efforts on abandoned mines

5/10/2006 TU praises EPA?s efforts on abandoned mines May 10, 2006 Contact: Contact: Chris Wood,, (571) 274-0601 Rob Roberts,, (406) 543-1192 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU praises EPAs efforts on abandoned mines Agencys policies could lead to more on-the-ground restoration projects WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited (TU) today praised the Environmental Protection Agency for its

Study: Changing climate could cut Western trout habitat in half

Contact: Seth Wenger, Staff Scientist, (208) 340-7046, swenger@tu.orgChris Wood, President and CEO, (571) 274-0601, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Study: Changing climate could cut Western trout habitat in halfNative cutthroat trout could see 58 percent decline in suitable habitat BOISE, Idaho A new study shows a changing climate could reduce suitable trout habitat in the western