Unfishing Season

Abstaining from fishing doesn’t just happen. There must be a reason.
Abstaining from fishing doesn’t just happen. There must be a reason.
One nice thing about the change in the weather is that we were beginning to see a lot of golden aspen trees. It is almost as though they give off their own light. Even well after sunset, you walk under an aspen tree stand and see the trail light up.
Climate change is not waiting for us in some distant day. It’s here, now. For trout and salmon, the problem is clear enough at the most basic level. Trout and salmon rely on cold, clean water in a world that is rapidly warming. Persistent drought, massive wildfires, catastrophic flooding—our newsfeeds are filled with threats to
Congratulations to the winners of the TU 2022 Spring Sweepstakes!
On the Fort Apache reservation, preserving native trout and a tribe’s identity. In the Western Apache worldview, humans share the earth with birds, elk, fish, insects, plants. Water, air, rocks—all are alive. All are part of the community of life here. The land is also full of stories. If you know the stories, say Apache
“New Mexicans have been here on this land for more than 400 years,” Mitchell said. “You can’t come in with a ‘trout guy’ perspective. These are age old relationships that we have to foster and work together with to build trust.”
A Q&A with TU’s western energy director Tasha Sorensen on the continued need to update oil and gas rulemaking procedures
It was quite the juxtaposition, honestly. Not exactly what I had in mind for my first fishing trip to Argentina, but then, the whole experience had been somewhat surprising. There I was, casually sitting in the back seat of a Toyota Hilux next to a waifish equestrian from Pennsylvania, a tumbler of iced Irish whiskey
AT TROUT UNLIMITED, we fix rivers and streams. We bring people together. We make waters and communities more resilient to the effects of climate change. We believe the most complex and seemingly insurmountable challenges can be solved when people come together and get to work. We know this from experience. We were founded by anglers who
Two bills will move through the Washington legislature this session with the goal of updating the state’s laws protecting its fish and waterways from impacts of suction dredge mining. Though you may see comments from a select few upholding the activity, the science is incredibly clear on negative impacts it causes to our already-stressed fish populations.
Writing blog posts for TU’s website: Congratulations on your decision to craft a blog post for TU’s website. Good blog posts are conversational, lively and explanatory without being too heavy. While there are no general length requirements, they should be quite short—shoot for 300 to 500 words. Longer-form items can be posted, but they require
What is proposed, what it means for Trout Unlimited, and how you can engage. UPDATE: Comment period is now closed. Scroll to bottom of this post to view comment letters from TU Councils and National office. What’s happening? The U.S. Forest Service has undertaken an initiative to update its regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy
Named for the work of a Jesuit priest, this panhandle river is true holy water About a century ago, rumor has it that renowned author Zane Grey would pay his friends to get up before dawn and go stand in the prized steelhead runs of Oregon’s Rogue River. They wouldn’t fish, mind you, although they
Every now and then, I like to explore and find new water, even in parts of the world I’m very familiar with. Earlier this week, I spent some time in the fringe country of Yellowstone National Park, along the Idaho-Montana border. It’s ranch and cabin country here—there’s a lot of private land that borders public
It was a cold, rainy day in April in the southern suburbs of Denver. I looked out my bedroom window, anxiously hoping the spring squall would go away. I’ll never forget my mother coming downstairs with the bad news. I was dressed and ready to go. Fishing shirt. Blue jeans. Old sneakers. I had a
Nature deprivation is a real thing, and I’m witnessing the impacts of both being exposed to the wild and willingly foregoing exposure in both of my kids
3/10/2004 Testimony of TU President Charles Gauvin to Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund Testimony of TU President Charles Gauvin to Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund Contact: Steve Moyer Vice President, Government Affairs Trout Unlimited 703.284.9406 3/10/2004 — Washington —
A literature Review led by Trout Unlimited shows over 80 percent of global, peer-reviewed research on the topic has found an adverse effect on wild salmonid populations in freshwater and marine environments.
Kamil Miłkowski photo via Pixabay. Editor’s note: With more and more people heading to the outdoors in pursuit of safe and healthy recreation, reports of bad behavior are becoming more common. From abandoned campfires to litter, we’re seeing impacts on public lands that stem largely from ignorance rather than malice. We asked several long-time Trout
Mining companies want to look for uranium near the Grand Canyon: But hunters and anglers think the risks outweigh the benefits. After billions of dollars already required for cleanup of radioactive pollution from past uranium mines, now is not the time to put our water and land resources at risk. Thank Your Elected Leaders: “Thank