Search results for “deerfield river”

Outdoor businesses call on Congress to pass “Good Samaritan” bill for abandoned mine cleanups

Legislation necessary to remove liability hurdles preventing organizations and state agencies from cleaning up draining abandoned mines     Contacts:   David Kinney, Associate Vice President for Communications — Ty Churchwell, Mining Coordinator – ARLINGTON, Va.—Today, a coalition of 59 fishing, hunting and outdoor recreation businesses urged Congress to pass the bipartisan Good Samaritan Remediation

Our digital conservation future

Published in Youth, Headwaters

Having finished the online NYT crossword over morning coffee, retweeting some delicious burns on climate deniers, checking Facebook and Instagram, liking a picture of a steelhead, and prioritizing work emails before a day of zoom calls, he/she remarked, “Kids these days are hopelessly addicted to their devices,” as though the Peleton screen was an actual

Video spotlight: Fly fishing the Bolivian Amazon

Published in Video spotlight

The things we do in order to cast to fish. We’ve all likely layered up in fleece and Gortex and wandered off to a snowy, ice-rimmed river to cast to trout. Others of us have put thousands of miles on our cars or trucks just to get to one special spot. Still others have jetted

NY Stream Assessment & Restoration Efforts

WILLOWEMOC WATERSHED SURVEY – JUNE 2023 Trout Unlimited’s Northeast Coldwater Habitat team has designed and implemented an impressive catalog of strategic improvement projects across the state of New York, while actively gaining new information to prioritize future initiatives. Within watersheds of all sizes, we continue to find unique challenges that require intentional approaches for climate

Scientists warn of climate threats to Southwest native trout

Apache trout FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 1, 2015 Contact: Randy Scholfield,, 720-375-3961 Jack Williams,, 541-261-3960 Scientists warn of climate threats to Southwest native trout Trout Unlimited launches SWNatives campaign to save Americas most imperiled trout (Phoenix)Scientists from conservation groups such as Trout Unlimited and federal and state wildlife agencies gathered in Phoenix last

Connected by Water

Published in Uncategorized

By Rene Henery We are entering a new time. Old feuds and litigations are slowly giving way to collaboration. Increasingly, we are recognizing the need to manage California’s rivers and aquifers to meet the connected needs of our cities, farms, wilderness and wildlife. With this convergence comes the necessity of diverse interests working together. IMG_4808.JPG

Trout Unlimited Testimony for Elko Congressional Hearing

11/12/1999 Trout Unlimited Testimony for Elko Congressional Hearing Trout Unlimited Testimony for Elko Congressional Hearing Contact: 11/12/1999 — — Matthew Holford Nevada Chairman, Trout Unlimited Testimony prepared for November 13, 1999 Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health United States House of Representatives Elko, Nevada Matthew Holford Nevada Chairman, Trout Unlimited P.O. Box 5882 Elko, NV

Janae’s Journey – Becoming a youth conservation leader

Published in Uncategorized

Colorado River cutthroat like this one in Red Creek will benefit from a project a teenager from Wyoming will oversee for her local Trout Unlimited Chapter. JANAE’S JOURNEY Editors Note: This is the first in a series of blogs being written by a high school student from Green River, Wyoming, who took on the role

Collaborative project over 10 years in the making will remove final impediment to native fish migration in Spread Creek 

Contacts: C.J. Adams, Grand Teton National Park, 307.739.3431,; Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307.699.1022,; Mary Cernicek, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307.739.5564,; Mark Gocke, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, 307.249.5811, For Immediate ReleaseNovember 12, 2021 Collaborative project over 10 years in the making will remove final impediment to native fish migration in Spread Creek 

Catching the window

Published in Priority Waters

I’d recently relocated to southwest Montana and in doing so, the Yellowstone became my home river. It was daunting to get to know but I felt that I couldn’t go wrong in terms of where I started; it was all going to be good.

Rivers and roads: Connecting people … and fish

Published in Uncategorized

By Laura MacFarland A majority of Wisconsin’s 115 fish species, including trout, need to move throughout a watershed seasonally or at varying stages in their lifecycle to feed, find cooler water, avoid predators, and reach spawning habitat. Rivers, long and linear in nature, are vulnerable to habitat fragmentation thanks in part to our immense network

Recovering the natural wealth of our rivers

Published in Fishing, Conservation, TROUT Magazine

A healthy brook trout stream in West Virginia. Editor’s note: This is part one of a two part series on brook trout restoration in West Virginia, and well, everywhere else. About six weeks ago, while helping the Department of Natural Resources to stock trout in a stream, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice said, “We dump

Bringing back jobs and healthy rivers

Published in Conservation

Let’s get a win for clean water and healthy trout and salmon populations This month in Congress, we have a remarkable opportunity that doesn’t come along very often—a chance to advance a handful of issues that Trout Unlimited has worked on for more than a decade. Passing these priorities would put Americans back to work

San Luis Valley Water Settlement A Rare Success

3/22/2000 San Luis Valley Water Settlement A Rare Success San Luis Valley Water Settlement A Rare Success Trout Unlimited Plots Strategy for Upcoming San Juan Water Negotiations Contact: 3/22/2000 — — Contact: David Nickum, Exec. Dir. Colorado TU (303) 440-2937; March 20, 2000. Boulder, CO . . . While the U.S. Forest Service and

Haskell Slough Project is Model of Pacific Salmon Recovery Efforts

9/13/2000 Haskell Slough Project is Model of Pacific Salmon Recovery Efforts Haskell Slough Project is Model of Pacific Salmon Recovery Efforts Contact: 9/13/2000 — — Contact: Bill Robinson, Executive Director, Washington Council of Trout Unlimited: (360) 754-213 Alan Moore, Western Communications Coordinator, Trout Unlimited: (503) 827-5700 Scott Yates, Western Legal and Policy Coordinator, Trout Unlimited: