Search results for “deerfield river”

TU and AI

Published in Science

This could empower our entire community of fishers to not only have fun learning more about their fish, but it will also add data to help with science needs like estimating fish population abundance, measuring growth and movement and tracking use of different habitat types.

Land Conservancy Fund

Trout Unlimited’s Land Conservancy Fund is a matching grant program designed to provide chapters and councils with grants to help with land protection projects, including conservation easements and land trust or agency acquisition and/or ownership of properties that are a priority for native and wild trout and salmon populations. The program is administered by the

TU honors 2018 class of conservation award winners

Published in Uncategorized

Recognizing Trout Unlimited’s amazing chapters, volunteers and partners is one of the most important parts of our organization’s annual meeting. This year in Redding, California, two chapters, five volunteers and four partners were singled out for their contributions to Trout Unlimited efforts across the nation. TU’s national conservation awards have been a part of our

Big year for New England culvert team

Published in Uncategorized

By Colin Lawson The New England Culvert Program had a very successful 2016 field season completing over 10 restoration projects across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Our team of three full-time and eight seasonal staff reconnected more than 17 miles of u pstream brook trout habitat, assessed over 1,800 road stream crossings for AOP and