Search results for “deerfield river”

Voices from the River: A slam good time

Published in Travel, Voices from the river

Heidi Lewis, far left, took her friends Heather Hodson, Jen Ripple and Geri Meyer (left to right) on a Utah Cutthroat Slam adventure this summer. Brian Harris photo. By Heidi Lewis When Heather Hodson calls I know things are about to get good. I don’t see her often, but when I do it typically means

Dams and DIDSON: restoring California’s Eel River

Published in Conservation

The salmon and steelhead fisheries of California’s Eel River were once bountiful — and could be again. California’s Eel River—the state’s third largest watershed—is legendary among anglers for its wild steelhead and salmon fisheries. Bu t like so many coastal watersheds north of San Francisco, the Eel has been hard hit over the past century

Voices from the River: A freezer full of rats

Published in Voices from the river

By Shauna Stephenson Before Lolo there was Olly the redtail hawk. And before Olly, FedEx brought me a box of rats, frozen, labeled and neatly arranged in Ziplock baggies, ready to be stacked alongside the Otter Pops and frozen peas. “If you’re going to be a falconer, you’re going to have to be ok with

Voices from the River: When the earth moves

Published in Voices from the river

Damage from the Nov. 30, 7.0 magnitude earthquake on the highway exit ramp nearest to the Trout Unlimited office in Anchorage. By Jenny Weis I found myself still tip-toeing around my house Saturday morning as I cleaned broken glass and straightened bookshelves, over 24 hours after the 7.0 earthquake that rattled Anchorage last Friday. I

Trying to keep a river from dying in Colorado

Published in Conservation

A brown trout caught during an electroshocking fish survey on the Big Cimarron River in Colorado. Trout Unlimited photo. By Cary Denison The Big Cimarron River shouldn’t go dry. This may seem like an obvious declaration about any trout stream. But the truth is, here in Colorado’s Gunnison Basin, and many other places in the

Voices from the River: The art of the hamster toss

Published in Voices from the river

By Shauna Stephenson If I’m in the presence of other humans – which, working from home, I rarely am – and we’ve been drinking (which, with two young children, is always a tempting way to solve one’s problems but as most moms can attest, that glass of wine isn’t nearly as nice when someone is

Voices from the River: Now I begin

Published in Voices from the river

The California coastal stream where the author tried to begin again. By Sam Davidson The photos didn’t do justice to the fish. I had been waiting patiently for word from the Steelhead Whisperer, who had spent most of the day on his favorite winter water on the central California coast. But for hours all I

Upper James River Home Rivers Initiative

Goals The Upper James River watershed drains more than 3,000 square miles of western Virginia encompassing 10 counties and hundreds of tributary streams — the lifeblood of the James River. The majority of these mountain streams and high valley creeks historically sustained abundant populations of native brook trout and provided a steady source of clean

Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative

In April 2016, Trout Unlimited – along with a diverse group of community, landowner, and agency partners – launched an ambitious new initiative to restore and protect the headwaters and fishery of the upper Snake River in Wyoming. The Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative will leverage the capacity of the active Jackson Hole TU

Voices from the River: The forgotten fishing trip

Published in Voices from the river, Travel

Terry Prettyman enjoys lunch while sitting by the Logan River on a beautiful fall day in Logan Canyon. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited By Brett Prettyman It was a fishing trip I will never forget. My dad, on the other hand, had forgotten we caught fish by the time we got home. I won’t forget for many

Methow River: Chewuch Instream Flow Project

The goal of Trout Unlimited’s Chewuch River Permanent Instream Flow Project is to reduce the effects of irrigation withdrawals on late summer through winter low-flows in the lower eight miles of the Chewuch River.

One step closer to restoring the Klamath River

Published in Uncategorized

Thursday, May 9, delivered more good news on the Klamath River restoration front. PacifiCorp, the utility that owns the four old hydropower dams slated for removal under the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA), announced it has entered into a site access agreement with Kiewit Infrastructure West Company “to allow the firm to conduct initial surveying

A summer in the much-loved Battenkill River watershed

Published in Conservation, Science
A biologist measures stream depth on a tributary of the Battenkill River.

By Jacob A. Fetterman  When I decided to change my major toward the end of my freshman year at Lock Haven University, I had no idea about the journey to follow. I was looking for a career that would allow me to positively impact the natural world I grew up admiring.   Five-and-a-half years later, it is safe to say that I am well

Alaska’s Eklutna River, just add water

Published in Conservation

As an angler, this is where the problem sinks in. It’s a visible focal point for the issue at hand. On one side, a massive freshwater lake, on the other, a salmon stream that once supported all 5 species of Pacific Salmon sits bone dry.

Delaware River Fly Tri bike rules

The McDade Recreational Trail meanders through the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area for 31 miles starting at Hileah and ending at Milford Beach near the town of Milford. Participants will have the opportunity to traverse roughly 6.7 miles of this trail, beginning adjacent to Toms Creek and finishing at the Eshback Boat Launch. Click HERE for the complete bike course. The course is mostly flat and the trail surface is a mix of

Delaware River Fly Tri paddle course

The Delaware River is the longest undammed river east of the Mississippi. Beginning below the Pepacton and Cannonsville Reservoirs on the East and West Branches, it flows south unimpeded for more than 300 miles to the Delaware Bay. Along its route to the ocean it also provides drinking water for more than 15 million people and is home to migrating American

Five takeaways on Snake River salmon and steelhead

Published in Uncategorized, Advocacy, Conservation

After decades of lawsuits, recovering Snake River salmon and steelhead is inching closer to reality. This week a series of meetings kick off in Washington to gather public input on the impacts of dam removal on the Lower Snake. In preparation, Rob Masonis, vice president for Western Conservation at Trout Unlimited, and Helen Neville, senior

More progress on Klamath River dam removal

Published in Conservation, Fishing, TROUT Magazine

The impacts of dams on anadromous (sea-run) fish are well documented. But today, many dams have outlived their usefulness, or become unprofitable or unsafe. Removing such dams is now a proven way to recover salmon and steelhead populations. Trout Unlimited has supported the removal or retrofitting of dams on a number of high-profile salmon and