Search results for “deerfield river”

Women’s Free Flyfishing Day this Saturday at the Snake River Sporting Club

Published in Uncategorized

Lady Anglers! Join JHTU and many partnering organizations this Saturday, August 4th at WorldCast Angler’s free instructional and informative fly fishing day at the Snake River Sporting Club. From 11 am to 4pm choose from Fly Casting, Knot Tying and Rod Rigging, Fly selection/Entomology and Drift Boat/Raft set up and trailer tips from instructors and

Wilson Creek supporters gather to celebrate wild and scenic NC river

Published in Community, Conservation

By Mark Taylor EDGEMONT, N.C. — The Wilson Creek area of Caldwell County continues to grow in popularity as more people discover the area’s rugged beauty and recreational offerings. On Nov. 3, several hundred people gathered at the Wilson Creek Visitor Center throughout the day to celebrate the area on the occasion of the 50th

Wilson Creek supporters gather to celebrate wild and scenic NC river

Published in Community, Conservation

By Mark Taylor EDGEMONT, N.C. — The Wilson Creek area of Caldwell County continues to grow in popularity as more people discover the area’s rugged beauty and recreational offerings. On Nov. 3, several hundred people gathered at the Wilson Creek Visitor Center throughout the day to celebrate the area on the occasion of the 50th

Lawmakers Urge Action to Protect the Chetco River for Second Time This Year

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited applauds Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, and Representatives Peter DeFazio and Jared Huffman for their leadership and commitment to protecting Oregon’s fisheries and public lands from activities that could harm salmon, trout, and steelhead populations and world famous angling opportunities. Last week, these lawmakers sent a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke

TU receives tree planting grant in Michigan’s Rogue River watershed

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited has received funding from the U.S. Forest Service, through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, to plant nearly 17,000 trees along coldwater streams in Michigan. The project, “Reducing Runoff in the Rogue River Watershed,” aims to address stormwater runoff that pollutes, erodes, and warms the important western Michigan trout fishery by planting trees at

Brown Bag: Bringing Back salmon and steelhead on the lower Snake River

Published in Conservation, Fishing, Science, steelhead

Join us January 6 for a brown bag discussion about bringing back fishable and resilient populations of salmon and steelhead to the lower Snake River.  Presenters:  Rob Masonis, vice president western conservation, Trout Unlimited  Helen Neville, senior scientist, Trout Unlimited  When: Jan. 6, 12 pm PST Register in advance: Email for call in info For

“There’s no low-hanging fruit left” for Snake River salmon and steelhead

Published in Uncategorized

Stakeholders gathered for the last of three meetings in the Tri Cities Monday night to discuss recovery of Snake River salmon and steelhead. The meetings were part of the Washington Lower Snake River Stakeholder Process. Rob Masonis, vice president for western conservation at Trout Unlimited and one of the panelists told the crowd of nearly

Snake River salmon: Let’s give credit where credit is due

Published in Conservation, Featured, Science

Last week Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) turned up the volume on the issue of recovering Snake River salmon and steelhead.   Not that the issue wasn’t front and center for him before. He has been battling to find ways to bring back Idaho’s dwindling salmon and steelhead populations for years.  But now that a long-anticipated Draft Environmental Impact Statement has outlined a “business as usual” approach – indeed, the preferred alternative does

Why is the Snake River Basin the right place to make this kind of investment?

The Snake River has, by far, the greatest potential for wild fish recovery of any watershed in the Columbia Basin.    Historically it produced about 40 percent of the spring/summer Chinook salmon and 55 percent of the summer steelhead in the Columbia system. Annual run estimates prior to the 1850s exceed two-million fish for all

What impacts do dams have on Snake River salmon and steelhead?

The four lower Snake River dams and the reservoirs they create harm fish in numerous ways.  The dams kill juvenile fish as they pass each structure on their migration to the Pacific. The dams inundate 140 miles of spawning and rearing habitat, and create slow moving reservoirs that are devoid of food, become lethally hot

Diverse partners work to solve Provo River low flow issues

Facebook among contributors to help secure enough water to support fish and recreation in one of the state’s most popular rivers                                                                                                                June 30, 2020 Contacts:  Jordan Nielson, Trout Unlimited, – 801-850-1221 Michael Mills, Central Utah Water Conservancy District, – 801-226-7132 Mike Slater, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, – 801-367-5941 Melanie Roe, Facebook, Mark Holden, Utah Reclamation Mitigation and