Search results for “deerfield river”

Two products from Yeti every river rat should consider

Published in Boats, Gear reviews, Uncategorized

Our good friend Geoff Mueller who’s an author, editor and migratory gear geek is spending the summer living in Dutch John, Utah, perched in his camper above the A section of the Green River. He and his wife Kat who manages Western Rivers Flyfisher and Guide Service are as hardcore as it gets on the fishing and boating front and know a thing or two about gear, so I trust trust them implicitly. When they rave about gear, they know what’s what. Check out Geoff’s thoughts below on Yeti’s “tackle box upgrade” for his boat and their water cooler of choice when living in the desert on one of the most famous trout rivers in the U.S.

Lower Snake River dam removal is a golden key, if not a silver bullet

Published in Featured

Salmon return to the Columbia River in this 2104 photo of the fish viewing window at Bonneville Dam, the first of eight dams salmon and steelhead from the Snake River basin must pass on their way home to spawn. Removing the four dams on the lower Snake River would give these migratory fish a fighting

Infrastructure package could help the drought-stricken Colorado River Basin

Published in Advocacy, Conservation, Government Affairs

A massive package of legislation, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is currently working its way through Congress, having been passed by the Senate earlier this week. If enacted, this bill would make essential investments of remarkable size and scope to help the nation address the impacts of climate change, including some of the worst impacts of the

Leading Scientists Agree on Path Forward to Save Snake River Salmon

American Fisheries Society doubles down on the need to remove the dams to save critical wild populations of salmon and steelhead. Contacts:  Greg McReynolds, Intermountain West ACP Director, Trout Unlimited  Helen Neville, Senior Scientist, Trout Unlimited,  Zoe Bommarito, Mountain West Communications Director,  The American Fisheries Society (AFS) adopted a resolution urging policymakers

TU field crews busy in NY’s Moose River watershed and beyond

Published in Uncategorized

TU field staff in New York worked extensively in the South Branch of the Moose River, Otter Creek, and Black River watersheds in the summer of 2023.  Crew leader Jeremiah Stone, alongside field technicians Andrew Deyo and Hunter Dellow, have been collecting comprehensive data around aquatic passage and potential barriers to trout movement within each

A Step Forward For The Ailing Delaware River, Fishery Still At Risk From Drought

A Step Forward For The Ailing Delaware River, Fishery Still At Risk From Drought A Step Forward For The Ailing Delaware River, Fishery Still At Risk From Drought Trout Unlimited applauds DRBC action, calls for scientific review of flows for Upper Delaware tailwaters Contact: Nat Gillespie Catskills Coordinator TU (607) 498-5960 4/5/2002 — Hancock, N.Y

Trout Unlimited Joins in Historic Pact on Future Operation of Bear River Dams

Trout Unlimited Joins in Historic Pact on Future Operation of Bear River Dams Trout Unlimited Joins in Historic Pact on Future Operation of Bear River Dams Signing ceremony Wed. at 10 a.m. at Gov. Kempthornes office in Boise Contact: Scott Yates Western Native Trout Programs Director: TU 208.552.0891; Cell: 208.520.3467 8/27/2002 — Idaho Falls, Idaho


1/04/2005 For immediate release For more information: Drew Peternell 303-440-2937 CONTROVERSIAL PROPOSED GUNNISON RIVER HYDOELECTRIC PROJECT LOSES ITS WATER RIGHTS TU: AB Lateral Project would have damaged two watersheds in western Colorado Boulder, CO A proposed hydroelectric power project which could have taken more than 1,000 cfs of water from the Gunnison River has relinquished

TU Study Shows Snake River Spring Chinook Will Be Extinct In 18 Years

7/9/1999 TU Study Shows Snake River Spring Chinook Will Be Extinct In 18 Years TU Study Shows Snake River Spring Chinook Will Be Extinct In 18 Years Landmark Research Predicts Runs Extinct By 2017 Contact: 7/9/1999 — — Portland, Oregon — July 9, 1999 — Wild Snake River spring and summer chinook salmon could be

Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber Endorses Breaching of Lower Snake River Dams

2/18/2000 Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber Endorses Breaching of Lower Snake River Dams Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber Endorses Breaching of Lower Snake River Dams Trout Unlimited Strongly, Loudly Applauds the Governor Contact: 2/18/2000 — — Contact: Jeff Curtis, TU Western Conservation Director: 503-827-5700; cell. 503-351-2592; Alan Moore, TU Western Communications Coordinator: 503-827-5700; (PORTLAND, ORE.,

TU Applauds American Fisheries Society for Sound Conclusions on Snake River Salmon

11/30/2000 TU Applauds American Fisheries Society for Sound Conclusions on Snake River Salmon TU Applauds American Fisheries Society for Sound Conclusions on Snake River Salmon Contact: 11/30/2000 — — Contact: Jeff Curtis, Western Conservation Director, Trout Unlimited: (503) 827-5700; (503) 351-2492 Alan Moore, Western Communications Coordinator, Trout Unlimited: (503) 827-5700 “As a large and diverse

Administration Appears Poised to Issue Death Sentence to Wild Snake River Salmon

7/18/2000 Administration Appears Poised to Issue Death Sentence to Wild Snake River Salmon Administration Appears Poised to Issue Death Sentence to Wild Snake River Salmon Contact: 7/18/2000 — — Contact: Jeff Curtis, Western Conservation Director, Trout Unlimited: (503) 827-5700; (503) 351-2492 (cell) Alan Moore, Western Communications Coordinator Trout Unlimited: (503) 827-5700; (503) 319-2210 (cell) Maggie

Trout Unlimited offers tips in the wake of flooding on Idaho's Big Wood River

CONTACT:Keri York/ Big Wood River Project Manager, Trout / 208-928-7656 Recent flooding has left its share of impacts on the Big Wood River valley but local experts are advising residents to use natural options such as root wads, and vegetation to stabilize stream banks and assist with flood recovery. While flooding can be a

Support JHTU and the Snake River Headwaters Through Old Bill’s Fun Run

Published in Uncategorized

Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited is honored to once again be participating in Old Bill’s Fun Run. Thanks to this community’s incredible support of our coldwater fisheries, after launching the Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative just over a year ago – an ambitious effort to build upon TU’s strong foundation in the Jackson Hole area

Trout Unlimited Announces Annual Musconetcong River Clean-Up on April 19

04/09/2008 Trout Unlimited Announces Annual Musconetcong River Clean-Up on April 19 April 9, 2008 Contact: Brian Cowden 201-230-3383 TU Musconetcong Project Coordinator Erin Mooney 703-284-9408 TU Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Announces Annual Musconetcong River Clean-Up on April 19River is Site of TU’s Newest Home Rivers Initiative HACKETTSTOWN, NJ–Trout Unlimited, in coordination with

Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idaho’s Big Lost River

11/17/2008 Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idahos Big Lost River Nov. 17, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kim Goodman Trotter, director, Idaho Water Project, (208) 552-0891 or ktrotter@tu.orgOr Bart Gamett, (208) 588-2224, or Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idahos Big Lost RiverIdaho Water Project clears habitat hurdle: Whitefish cant jump Idaho Falls, Idaho A