Search results for “deerfield river”

Into the desert

Editor’s note: The TU Costa 5 Rivers Program sent a handful of college students to the Columbia River basin to fish and study the challenges facing the drainage. Leaving the coniferous forests of Mt. Rainier, the Odyssey crew traveled to the semi-arid desert region of eastern Oregon where we set out to fish the Owyhee

Copper-Salmon Wilderness Act passes House

03/25/2009 Copper-Salmon Wilderness Act passes House March 25, 2009 Contact: Mike Beagle, (541) 538-8655 Jim Rogers, (541) 332-2555 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Copper-Salmon Wilderness Act passes HouseSportsmen celebrate as Elk River headwaters gain permanent protection WASHINGTON, D.C.The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, the bill that

Report on Dam Removal Charts Course for Future Removal Efforts

4/16/2003 Report on Dam Removal Charts Course for Future Removal Efforts Report on Dam Removal Charts Course for Future Removal Efforts Contact: Laura Hewitt Trout Unlimited (608) 250-3534 4/16/2003 — — River Alliance of Wisconsin and Trout Unlimited announce the release of the report Restoring the Flow: Improving Selective Small Dam Removal Understanding and Practice

Big things are happening for trout in New Jersey

Published in Uncategorized

By Cole Baldino To the average angler, New Jersey may not seem like a top fishing destination, but if you live in the Nor theast, it should be. A plethora of coldwater streams drain from the New Jersey Highlands and into the Delaware River, and Trout Unlimited is working to make the fishing even better

Anglers stop Alaska dam before it starts

Published in Uncategorized

Eric Booton with a nice early season rainbow trout from the Kenai River watershed. By Austin Williams I had barely stripped the line off my reel to make my first cast when I could feel my phone vibrating from the front pocket of my waders. Rats. Normally, I’d have let the call go, or not

South Coast TU awarded 2018 Vamos a Pescar Grant

Published in Uncategorized

The LA River is the setting for South Coast TU’s community outreach and instruction under a new grant from the Vamos a Pescar Education Fund. TU’s South Coast Chapter, based in Orange County, California, has been awarded a $20,000 grant from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to provide instruction, equipment, and support for

Upper Delaware Flows to Plummet to Ecological Disaster Levels

12/5/2001 Upper Delaware Flows to Plummet to Ecological Disaster Levels Upper Delaware Flows to Plummet to Ecological Disaster Levels Low Flows Threaten Fish Kills Contact: Nat Gillespie (607) 498-5960 12/5/2001 — HANCOCK, N.Y.– — A drought emergency has been declared for the New York City reservoirs in the Upper Delaware basin. The drought emergency threatens

Pioneer Valley

Located in western Massachusetts covering the counties of Hampshire and Hamden. Local rivers and steams are in the lower Connecticut River Watershed, including the Westfield, Swift, and Ware Rivers.

Honoring a legacy through wild and scenic designation

Published in Featured

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