Search results for “deerfield river”

Naxiyam Wana and the Uniter

Published in Dam Removal

A stream roiling dark with Chinook salmon in central Idaho’s wilderness high country. A throb, a pulse of life into a pristine river, the abundance of the ocean arriving in the flesh of thousands of salmon in a wild mountain river hundreds of miles inland. This was. This was life itself, for the land, for the water, for the people.

Naxiyam Wana and the Uniter

Published in TROUT Magazine, Snake River dams

Wheeler wants the fish back. The Nez Perce people want the fish back. So does the Yakima nation, the Nisqually, the Sauk-Suiattle, the Nooksack. All united to one cause—bring the Snake River salmon back for once and for all. Bring the dams down.

Give Idaho’s wild steelhead a chance

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood The first time you snorkel a stream, the size of the bugs are disarming. Stoneflies tumbling down the stream look like aquatic dragons bent on taking off a limb. It is an optical illusion, of course. We were way up in the South Fork of the Salmon Riv er drainage. Hiking in

Clearwater closed to steelhead anglers

For immediate release  Sept. 20, 2019  Contact:  Eric Crawford  Trout Unlimited  (208) 596-5866,  Shauna Stephenson  Trout Unlimited  (307) 757-7861,  Clearwater closed to steelhead anglers: Time to address dwindling salmon and steelhead populations  With dismal fish returns, Idaho places stringent restrictions on steelhead seasons  (Sept. 20, 2019) BOISE, Idaho – The Idaho Fish and Game Commission announced today that they would be

California public lands bills pass out of key House committee

Published in Conservation, Government Affairs, TROUT Magazine

Today, the House Natural Resources Committee passed three bills that would better conserve habitat and sporting opportunities in some of California’s most productive coldwater fisheries and upland hunting zones. Trout Unlimited has worked for the past five years to help develop these measures and provided written testimony to the committee in support of today’s markup.

TU in California: 2016 Highlights

Published in Uncategorized

By Brian Johnson It’s been a busy and amazingly productive year for Trout Unlimited in California. With the help of our 10,000 California members and our dozens of agency and project partners, we reached major milestones on many of ou r highest priority initiatives. All of these highlight TU’s successful formula for protecting and restoring

Native Odyssey: Brett Winchel

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program is sending five college students on a native trout odyssey across America this summer. Meet Brett Winchel, one of the five lucky participants. I moved to Knoxville roughly four years ago to begin my journey to a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at the University

What the Animas can learn from the Arkansas

Published in Conservation, Fishing, TROUT Magazine

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.22.6″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.22.6″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.22.6″][et_pb_image src=”” _builder_version=”3.22.6″][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.22.6″][et_pb_column type=”2_5″ _builder_version=”3.22.6″][et_pb_image src=”” _builder_version=”3.22.6″][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”3_5″ _builder_version=”3.22.6″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.22.6″] Let’s take a minute to daydream. Close your eyes and envision beautiful mountain scenery and cold, clean water drifting through the valley floor, bugs flitting through the clear, blue sky, and the possibility of sighting wildlife around every bend.

StreamTech Boats stands with TU on Lower Snake proposal

Published in Dam Removal

“I think we have a responsibility to wild fish and to wild rivers,” Link said. “In the 1800’s, the Snake River produced runs of two million fish – over half of the spring/summer Chinook salmon and summer steelhead came from this one basin. Even today, if you look at the entire Columbia River Basin, the Snake River has by far the greatest potential for recovering wild salmon and steelhead in the entire watershed.”

Copper on the Fly

We are a rainbow trout lodge located in the Bristol Bay watershed of southwest Alaska. Located on the famous Copper River, we fish mostly our home river with the ability to do fly outs to other rivers.

Video spotlight: I am a Fly Fisherman

Published in Video spotlight

Put yourself in the shoes of Rich Schwend, a hard-rock miner from Billings, Mont., but also a rabid fly fisher. “Being a miner in a fly fishing community isn’t easy,” he says. He gets that, in today’s fly fishing world, protecting our trout resources often means that anglers are at odds with the mining industry.

Video spotlight: Three runs

Published in Video spotlight

Russia’s Ponoi River might be the last, best place on earth to catch wild Atlantic salmon on the fly in appreciable numbers. And the river’s fish are incredibly resilient, largely due to the fact that their habitat is largely intact. The river is home to three runs of salmon (hence the title of the video

Healing Waters Lodge

About us Orvis Endorsed fly fishing lodge and a guide service, in southwest Montana near the town of Twin Bridges, in the beautiful Ruby valley. Our lodge has 9 clean and comfortable guest rooms with a Lodge capacity of 18 guests, door-to-door fly fishing guide service, and all meals created fresh by our chefs. We

Community efforts make impact on Michigan’s Nash Creek

Published in Uncategorized

By Jamie Vaughan Students in the Sparta, Mich., community have been crusading to protect Nash Creek for years, planting trees, restoring prairies, and installing rain gardens and other native plant gardens to reduce polluted stormwater runoff on Sparta Schools’ property. Last year, they took their work into the community and took on the large project

Forest Service honors TU’s Darek Staab with Rise to the Future award

Published in Uncategorized

Darek Staab (far right) with volunteers, Whychus Creek project, Oregon. Darek Staab, Project Manager for Trout Unlimited’s Upper Deschutes Restoration Program, was recently honored by the U.S. Forest Service with a “Rise to the Future” award in the Partnerships category. The regional Forest Service award recognizes “outstanding contributions towards fisheries and water resource conservation in

Rancho Canada Acquisition and Water Dedication Project

Land acquisition, conversion to regional park land, dedication of irrigation water to the Carmel River The Carmel River on California’s central coast is a native steelhead stronghold, but dams and a steady increase in diversions and pumping have contributed to a drastic decline in adult steelhead returns. Recently, two of three dams on this river